Sad still
depression is debilitating7 total reviews
Comment from Teri7
This is a very well written, but sad poem you have penned my friend. You used very good descriptive words and very good imagery to go with your words. I am so glad to see you back on here! love and blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 05-May-2024
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This is a very well written, but sad poem you have penned my friend. You used very good descriptive words and very good imagery to go with your words. I am so glad to see you back on here! love and blessings, Teri
Comment Written 05-May-2024
reply by the author on 05-May-2024
Teri, how are you?
It is so good to hear from you and not only do I thank you for the shiny six stars but for welcoming me back. I think you and I joined around the same time.
This is a true story. My friend is in a nursing home as we speak. She has a lot of issues from COPD to congestive heart failure. I try to see her once a year or sometimes two. She lives far from me.
Again thank you ever so much.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Your poem is well written and delivers a message many, if not all of us, can relate to. Your poem is sincere and raw. You give us a window into a relationship that started as children and has endured time and circumstance. It's very insightful which is refreshing.
I love your hair!
I'm also glad you've returned to writing. Like you, it's a love I've recently returned to and glad I have.
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2023
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Your poem is well written and delivers a message many, if not all of us, can relate to. Your poem is sincere and raw. You give us a window into a relationship that started as children and has endured time and circumstance. It's very insightful which is refreshing.
I love your hair!
I'm also glad you've returned to writing. Like you, it's a love I've recently returned to and glad I have.
Comment Written 23-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2023
Rhonda, it?s good to see you. That pic is a few years old. During the transition stage.
It?s now completely grown out. I had it long, like yours for a while. Yours is very beautiful.
As of today, I cut it all off. Just to my chin.
I?m trying to return but it?s difficult. Not only am I very busy with many things, Fanstory has not been a great experience for me. But it is what it is and many people benefit from it and love it. I?m happy for them, for too many it feels a need in their lives whether it?s a camaraderie of love of writing and wanting to get better or it?s a community to grow relationships in a personal way on line- maybe both.
Anyway, thank you ever so much for stopping by to review my work.
I do plan on starting to review and reciprocate reviewers kindness and time.
Most of my work is based on true stories. Ramona, at this point is in a nursing home and in very poor health.
Rhonda, it?s good gearing from you and thank you so very much
Hi Jimi,
Thanks for the response!
My hair is still long, but not as shiny as in the photo, lol. I had that done because I was tired of coloring it. Now I?m letting it grow out. Still lots of gray, but not as uniform as that pic. I?m still happy with it, though.
I knew you had some issues with the site, and I think, in part due to some people we?ve lost. For several years I got on here very seldom, but made myself make new friends on here and force myself to write again. I?m glad I have, though I don?t post nearly as much as I once did.
Good to hear from you, too.
It?s beautiful. Your hair.
I supply or sell hair products to professional hairdressers and salons.
I?ve become well versed in grey hair. My hair has never been healthier.
Interesting that you were aware of issues. I?ve never expressed my feelings about this site publicly until now. At least I do not remember doing it.
I do know many read but did not participate in the political forum. I get it.
There was never room until now for a round table discussion where good faith arguments prevailed. But it was what it was.
Anyway, I know most on this site are good people and like you- I need to write. It isn?t exactly a need to share, but it?s cathartic.
Welcome back. I am going to strive very hard to continue.
Thank you.
I would love it if you would give me tips on products, or send me your website so I can order them.
I thought you told me once about your misgivings, nothing specific, or maybe I just read it in.
It?s okay. I am sure through some of my writings, you gathered some insights.
I?m not one to be a gad about. After all, it doesn?t feel too great when one is the recipient of hearsay. I avoid it at all cost unless someone opens the door and I feel I should defend myself.
Well enough said- Merry Christmas.
I am here to write more and yes, to even participate and support others? endeavors.
Again have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
Thank you, my friend! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Comment from kiwigirl2821
Hi Jimi
I'm not as old as your persona is, but you could be writing my story non the less. I'm not particularly sure loneliness is a bad thing though as it helps to clarify things going on in your mind when you are alone. People seem to judge you no matter whether they know you and it can be quite cruel at the best of times and debilitating at the worst. I know I personally went through a stage where I just wanted to "live" and figured out fairly quickly I was already living and the "live" part was hurting people I loved. I write whether I'm here or not as it is a way to work things out, but this one Jimi is an incredible piece of work!
Hope you are well. Merry Christmas. xo Deborah
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2023
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Hi Jimi
I'm not as old as your persona is, but you could be writing my story non the less. I'm not particularly sure loneliness is a bad thing though as it helps to clarify things going on in your mind when you are alone. People seem to judge you no matter whether they know you and it can be quite cruel at the best of times and debilitating at the worst. I know I personally went through a stage where I just wanted to "live" and figured out fairly quickly I was already living and the "live" part was hurting people I loved. I write whether I'm here or not as it is a way to work things out, but this one Jimi is an incredible piece of work!
Hope you are well. Merry Christmas. xo Deborah
Comment Written 20-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 23-Dec-2023
Deborah, once again a big big thank you!
I will be 71 very soon. My life has been good, though at times a great struggle.
I prefer positivity and have learned eons ago, toxic people suck the air out of the atmosphere. It?s much better to be in solitude than to be drained.
Then there are individuals who choose to always ge a victim.
Then there are individuals whose brains are just broken and try as the might, they cannot rise above the darkness. This saddens me. This is my friend.
I was raised below the poverty level and in a very disintegrated and abusive home,, she was raised by wealth and had everything but the one thing she needed most- the ability to make a choice to be happy and optimistic. However, her Dad was a overly zealous preacher which was oppressive.
Again thank you ever so much. I am very honored.
Take care Deborah and Merry Christmas to you and to yours!!!
Comment from Aussie
You are unique. There is no one on earth just like you. So much have you given to others. Don't be sad, be glad of all you have achieved and more to come. I'm 78 and still haven't shut the gate. Our spiritual selves grow stronger with age, we forget about the mirror because we walk with Grace. Happy Christmas from Australia and glad the prodigal daughter has returned to FS. Love, K. xx (You could teach poetry to us)
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
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You are unique. There is no one on earth just like you. So much have you given to others. Don't be sad, be glad of all you have achieved and more to come. I'm 78 and still haven't shut the gate. Our spiritual selves grow stronger with age, we forget about the mirror because we walk with Grace. Happy Christmas from Australia and glad the prodigal daughter has returned to FS. Love, K. xx (You could teach poetry to us)
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
How are you? I do think of you often. My life is just so exceptionally hectic, in a good way though.
There is not enough time in one day to get everything done. You are right though, I am not only a caregiver to my ex, but a part-time chauffeur and afternoon teacher to my wee grandkids and cheerleader for the others. I also work part-time and attend college classes- yes, at my age. I am an avid reader, and political activist for my community and help every so often at my grandkids elementary and the VA. I garden, bake, and refinish furniture. So something has to give, eh? But, I am not unique, for I know a lot of people our age prefer to stay very active and engaged.
I will check my email, but for now I must run another errand. I will respond again later. I am thrilled to see you are still creating your wonderful poetry. Thank you for the compliment, but I am just a wannabe poet or writer, not a pro by a long shot. I am humbled.
Comment from Father Flaps
Hi Jimi,
So Ramona was her name? "still sad", beneath it all. Such a shame to not be happy after all these years.
This line stuck out for me,
"Poverty painted my world"
and these verses,
"She always managed to abscond with
a trinket or even a dress
Tucked away in her little basket purse
she sported on Friday nights
Rushing me into the ladies' room,
she'd dress me in fashion
Such was her generosity
This parental rebellious act made her happy" ... I can picture the enthusiasm.
Wonderful song, "Eleanor Rigby", but so sad.
I tend to define my age by hearing of the passing of various musicians. I was thinking just the other day how Paul McCartney's or Ringo Starr's death might affect me. I grew up with them, pantomiming them in my neighbor's backyard where our audience was all the local teenaged girls.
(She grins sheepishly
"You like? Pulpriot!
My hairdresser's so cool" ) ... (I think it's Pulp Riot, but correct me if I'm wrong.)
"Weary eye-red and moist
Had she been crying? Perhaps" ... (I suggest,
Weary eyes -red and moist
Had she been crying? Perhaps)
You know you want to come back, Jimi. It would be good for you this winter. Many new writers in Fanstory. A lot of fine talent. You'd soon rise to the top.
Thanks for sharing your talent tonight.
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2023
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Hi Jimi,
So Ramona was her name? "still sad", beneath it all. Such a shame to not be happy after all these years.
This line stuck out for me,
"Poverty painted my world"
and these verses,
"She always managed to abscond with
a trinket or even a dress
Tucked away in her little basket purse
she sported on Friday nights
Rushing me into the ladies' room,
she'd dress me in fashion
Such was her generosity
This parental rebellious act made her happy" ... I can picture the enthusiasm.
Wonderful song, "Eleanor Rigby", but so sad.
I tend to define my age by hearing of the passing of various musicians. I was thinking just the other day how Paul McCartney's or Ringo Starr's death might affect me. I grew up with them, pantomiming them in my neighbor's backyard where our audience was all the local teenaged girls.
(She grins sheepishly
"You like? Pulpriot!
My hairdresser's so cool" ) ... (I think it's Pulp Riot, but correct me if I'm wrong.)
"Weary eye-red and moist
Had she been crying? Perhaps" ... (I suggest,
Weary eyes -red and moist
Had she been crying? Perhaps)
You know you want to come back, Jimi. It would be good for you this winter. Many new writers in Fanstory. A lot of fine talent. You'd soon rise to the top.
Thanks for sharing your talent tonight.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 22-Dec-2023
Again thank you.
This story is biographical. We?ve never lost touch.
As of now she?s in bad health mentally and physically. She resides in a state run nursing home in Texas. Truly not far from me, just over the border.
It blows my mind how progressively she has succumbed to aging. We do pay the price of our chosen lifestyle.
When I see her, I see me, or where I could or might have been if I had chosen a different path.
Do not get me wrong- I have come to grips with aging. So many stories to tell you.
About 30 years ago or more, I think I had just turned 40. My life was not easy. I was single handedly supporting and raising five kids. Each day was a challenge and much to my chagrin, I didn?t hide the intense fear and worry from my children. I wish I had been stronger. But that has nothing to do with the story.
There was an older gentleman who frequented the restaurant I worked in.
He was kind. He was so very intelligent and successful. If I recall he was either the CEO of Frito Lay or close to it.
He?d invite me and my children over to dinner most every week and we gladly accepted.
For some reason he was very drawn to me, but I was not to him.
Actually, I had no idea how old he was because he was in superior physical shape. Superior. I guessed around 50. But that was way too old for my taste!
Looking back, I think it was the grey beautiful head of hair that put me off. You see, I didn?t truly appreciate age and didn?t want to be labeled as a gold digger.
Even though I refused his advances, we became very good friends. We shared the same values and an intense love of learning.
After a while, he revealed that his age was 72 and though he professed to love me, he said he realized he could never become romantically involved with anyone his children's age.
However, his youthful middle aged appearance so impressed me, that he took me under his wing to become physically fit. This is when I began running and lifting weights.
His motto was a throwback to Clint Eastwood?s words- but a little different- Do not let the march of time wither your sails. Start now and at 72 you will not feel as aged as your peers. Trust me, I know.
He was right. I have been forever in devoted to a friend who not only helped my grow emotionally but encouraged me to not succumb to the ravages of time. I?m trying!
Which brings me back to Ramona- when I left her room, I felt intense sadness for her and where she is at this moment in our lives, but I, also, felt intense gratitude to have crossed paths with a gentleman that taught me the value of appreciating, working toward and holding on to a life that if we are truly fortunate enough to grow older, we are still living abundantly.
Hope this made sense.
Thank you once again.
Your ardent fan
Comment from patcelaw
This is very well written, and I enjoyed listening to it. I wish you the very best with all of your writing. May you have a very merry Christmas and a blessed and happy new year. God bless you and take care. Patricia.
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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This is very well written, and I enjoyed listening to it. I wish you the very best with all of your writing. May you have a very merry Christmas and a blessed and happy new year. God bless you and take care. Patricia.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Patricia, thank you very much for stopping by to read my work. I appreciate it very much.
Again thank you
You, also, have a very Merry Christmas.
Comment from Austin Yu
This is an extremely beautiful, yet sorrowful poem. The girl you were talking about was in constant agony, and anxiety from getting called on from the teacher, and other things that made her worry. However, she still had these beautiful things going for her, like being in a good neighborhood, etc. Look for the light in times of darkness.
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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This is an extremely beautiful, yet sorrowful poem. The girl you were talking about was in constant agony, and anxiety from getting called on from the teacher, and other things that made her worry. However, she still had these beautiful things going for her, like being in a good neighborhood, etc. Look for the light in times of darkness.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Austen Yu,
Again a big thank you. You must be reviewing a lot. I am grateful for your review.
I appreciate it when reviewers tell me what they saw or felt in my work. It?s important.
Again thank you
Of course!