Poems to Publish
Viewing comments for Chapter 22 "Remembering Mom"Spiritual
49 total reviews
Comment from patcelaw
This is a wonderful poem that you have written in memory of your mother. A mother, like you had is truly to be treasured and cherished. I know you miss her greatly, but I know that she left you a wonderful legacy which you can use the rest of your life and you can leave a legacy for your own children. Patricia.
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
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This is a wonderful poem that you have written in memory of your mother. A mother, like you had is truly to be treasured and cherished. I know you miss her greatly, but I know that she left you a wonderful legacy which you can use the rest of your life and you can leave a legacy for your own children. Patricia.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
Patricia, you are always such a gracious and lovely reviewer and friend. Thank you for your kind words. Love, Debi
Thank you for your lovely comment about my reviewing. I appreciate it very much. I try to be kind with everyone when it comes to reviewing because I know why they do not like getting reviews that are harsh.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
My mother died when I was ten years old, she was 47 years old. We were very close. I was heart broken for a long time.
Your poem reminds me of her. It's a beautiful poem, well done.
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
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My mother died when I was ten years old, she was 47 years old. We were very close. I was heart broken for a long time.
Your poem reminds me of her. It's a beautiful poem, well done.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2023
MariVal, you are always such a gracious and lovely reviewer and friend. Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry that you lost your mom so young. I thought it was bad that mine was 59. We were both blessed to have such a close relationship with them. Thanks again. Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
Oh, Debi. Given the recent results of your tests I can't help but think your dear and loving mom ~ who died much too soon ~ is up in heaven angelically guiding the skilled hands of your doctors and medical specialists!
Of course! She fought for you at birth, tiny wee thing that you were -- and she's certainly imbued you with a love for a skill at poetry and a HUGE heart...
How heartwarming that your very best birthday poem of all is written for your beloved mom!
(My mom died at 60 ~ I felt like an orphan at 33 and I miss her to this day!
Six stars +++++++++++
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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Oh, Debi. Given the recent results of your tests I can't help but think your dear and loving mom ~ who died much too soon ~ is up in heaven angelically guiding the skilled hands of your doctors and medical specialists!
Of course! She fought for you at birth, tiny wee thing that you were -- and she's certainly imbued you with a love for a skill at poetry and a HUGE heart...
How heartwarming that your very best birthday poem of all is written for your beloved mom!
(My mom died at 60 ~ I felt like an orphan at 33 and I miss her to this day!
Six stars +++++++++++
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Thank you so very much for the lovely comments for my mom?s birthday poem. Wow, your mom was the same age as mine when she died. Actually she was just a few months from being sixty. She was 59. I felt the same way you did. It was the hardest thing I ever did was watch her die, as I am sure you feel the same way. Thank you too for the gracious gift of six stars. I appreciate you so very much.
What a blessing you are, and not just at Christmas, but everyday. Thank you for that, my very dear friend.
May your Christmas be as ful if love and joy as your heart!
Comment from LJbutterfly
This loving and heartfelt poem in tribute to the life and memory of your mom brought tears to my eyes as I thought of the sacrifices she must have made in order to raise eight children. Within your words, I could feel your love and admiration. Her spirit will never die. It lives in you.
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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This loving and heartfelt poem in tribute to the life and memory of your mom brought tears to my eyes as I thought of the sacrifices she must have made in order to raise eight children. Within your words, I could feel your love and admiration. Her spirit will never die. It lives in you.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Hi Lorraine, my awesome earth Angel. I have something to tell you that is partially what made me write this poem on my mom?s birthday. I was missing her as I was thinking of how hard she fought to keep me. And so far only the closest friends know this. Remember the treatments that I was doing after being at Mayo for almost a week early Fall? Well they were harsh, but last week they did all the tests at the hospital which was supposed to be an overnighter. They sent me home with not even doing the overnight one because what they could read early were all showing signs that the treatment protocol from Mayo was working.. They declared I was in remission. However it doesn?t change any damage the lupus has already done throughout the years, such as my stage four kidneys, and joints, bones etc, but has stopped the start of it going toward the heart and brain for now. I am so relieved and do have some new zest for life, yet they still control my screen time. I fixed them, I rediscovered paper and pen. LOL.
Thanks dear friend for the sweetest words ever. I truly needed it right now. You are awesome, but I guess I always knew that. Merry Christmas, with lotsa love, Debi
Dear Debi, I remember, well, the treatments you had after your Mayo stay. I recall you mentioning they were not working. My heart dropped. I took inspiration from your strength and stamina as you continued to write poetry. I am so, so, glad to here you are in remission. I know exactly what that means. My RA is in remission even though a new issue has developed.
My mom's birthday would have been yesterday, the 18th of December. Not being a poet, on November 28, I posted a story about her. I think that's why your mom poem had such an affect on me.
I'm glad God gave you an extra gift this holiday season. I hope you and your family have a joyful and Merry Christmas.
Yes, found out on my birthday, October 19th that they didn?t feel they were doing any good so they bumped them up big time.
They were so harsh those last six weeks or so, that I was sick half the time. So I was sure when I went in last week, they would tell me that they hadn?t worked. But I got a great gift from them and from God that day. Sounds like Teri did too. Teri has MS which is a sister disease to lupus. What a wonderful gift we received.
And wow, your RA is in remission too. I do know what a blessing that would have to be. i too have RA because it just goes with the lupus. However it didn?t go along with the remission, because it wasn?t one of the problems they were targeting.
But I am so very thankful for you, Praise the Lord for all of us. Thank you for sharing that with me. Also, about your mom?s birthday being the day after mine. Just think if we never shared anything, what all we would miss out on when we could be comforting each other. I will be over to look at your mom?s story yet tonight. I am out of sixes already, but I will be there anyway.
I have been so blessed since God put us in each others path. God bless you my wonderful sweet friend and Earth Angel.
Comment from Sarah Robin
What a lovely tribute to your mother! She had a great life teaching and tending eight children! Life was not easy for our folks. But, they were strong. I hope I have inherited some of my mother' strength. Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Sarah
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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What a lovely tribute to your mother! She had a great life teaching and tending eight children! Life was not easy for our folks. But, they were strong. I hope I have inherited some of my mother' strength. Thanks for sharing. Hugs. Sarah
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Sarah, thank you so very much for the lovely comments for my mom?s poem for her birthday. Also thank you for the gracious gift of six stars. It is so very appreciated. I feel the same as you do about the strength that we got from them. I am sure you feel the same way that I do when I say, I was certainly blessed at having a mom like her. Thanks again, my dear friend.
Comment from Pam (respa)
Thanks for sharing the photo, notes, and poem, Debi. I can relate to losing parents young. My mom was 73 and my dad was 77. Both had health problems so I am glad they didn't linger, but you are right about the dates coming around.
You wrote a very nice tribute to your mother, and I think she is smiling and saying "I did a pretty good job!" She is probably celebrating with the angels, too. She sounds like she was a loving mother who cared for her children.
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
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Thanks for sharing the photo, notes, and poem, Debi. I can relate to losing parents young. My mom was 73 and my dad was 77. Both had health problems so I am glad they didn't linger, but you are right about the dates coming around.
You wrote a very nice tribute to your mother, and I think she is smiling and saying "I did a pretty good job!" She is probably celebrating with the angels, too. She sounds like she was a loving mother who cared for her children.
Comment Written 19-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2023
Hello, my sweet friend. Wow, thank you for the kindest words. You did lose yours young too. My mom was 59 but my dad was 82 I think.
What partially made me write this poem on my mom?s birthday was the fact I was missing her as I was thinking of how hard she fought to keep me. And it was especially meaningful because of how hard I am fighting to stay here too. And so far only the closest friends know this. Remember the treatments that I was doing after being at Mayo for almost a week early Fall? Well they were harsh, but last week they did all the tests at the hospital which was supposed to be an overnighter. They sent me home with not even doing the overnight one because what they could read early were all showing signs that the treatment protocol from Mayo was working.. They declared I was in remission. However it doesn?t change any damage the lupus has already done throughout the years, such as my stage four kidneys, and joints, bones etc, but has stopped the start of it going toward the heart and brain for now. I am so relieved and do have some new zest for life, yet they still control my screen time. I fixed them, I rediscovered paper and pen. LOL.
Thanks dear friend for the sweetest words ever. I truly needed it right now. You are awesome, but I guess I always knew that. Merry Christmas, with lotsa love, Debi
And sorry, I always give you an earful, but just because I feel so close to you, Bless you for being that kind of person.
You are very welcome for everything, Debi, and thank you for sharing everything. I am glad you got some good news. Don't apologize about saying what you want to. I taught classes of creative writing, and it was amazing what they would tell me. One day I told them I felt like Oprah! I think it had to do a lot with the fact that I listened and never judged them.
You are a cross between Mother Theresa and Oprah.
Lord thank you for giving me Pam?s friendship.
I'm not sure about Mother Theresa, those are big shoes to fill. I am thankful for your friendship, too, Debi.
Comment from l.raven
Hi Debi, she sounds like she was a
wonderful mother...you were truly blessed
beautiful you...I'm so sorry for your loss...
she sounds like she was a great poet...wrote
wonderful poetry...
I miss my mother as well...
and my father died 5 years ago on December 16th...
a week before his birthday...December 22nd...sigh...
I love your poem my wonderful friend...and your picture
is priceless...very well written you...much love to ya...
Linda xxoo
so good to see you sweet girl...I haven't been on to much
for awhile...physically...I haven't felt so good...but I am
doing better now...I came to my daughters in Florida for the holidays...
and will go back home after New Years...I miss you all...and love you...
much love ...Linda xxoo
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
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Hi Debi, she sounds like she was a
wonderful mother...you were truly blessed
beautiful you...I'm so sorry for your loss...
she sounds like she was a great poet...wrote
wonderful poetry...
I miss my mother as well...
and my father died 5 years ago on December 16th...
a week before his birthday...December 22nd...sigh...
I love your poem my wonderful friend...and your picture
is priceless...very well written you...much love to ya...
Linda xxoo
so good to see you sweet girl...I haven't been on to much
for awhile...physically...I haven't felt so good...but I am
doing better now...I came to my daughters in Florida for the holidays...
and will go back home after New Years...I miss you all...and love you...
much love ...Linda xxoo
Comment Written 18-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
Oh Linda, I have been missing you so much. I thank you so very much for the very sweet comments for my mom?s poem. I see it was hard for you to during the holidays, but now they are all celebrating Christmas with the real birthday boy. Our Lord, and Savior. Thank you too, sweet friend for the gracious gift of six stars. You are so sweet. Love you too, and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you, my dear friend, and have a very Merry Christmas! Lotsa Love, Deb
Hi Debi, and a Very Merry Christmas to you too...
I missed my dad for the first two Christmases...but then was grateful
he was with Our Lord...
I miss you too... 😥🤗🥰🙏💖
and your so very welcome...always...
Comment from Dawn Munro
Ah, Debi, once again you charm and provide enough sentiment to darn near draw a tear -- well done, my friend. Your mother sounds like she was one-of-a-kind.
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
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Ah, Debi, once again you charm and provide enough sentiment to darn near draw a tear -- well done, my friend. Your mother sounds like she was one-of-a-kind.
Comment Written 18-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
Dawn, I thank you so very much for the very sweet comments for my mom?s poem.
I appreciate your caring words. Thank you, my dear friend, and have a very Merry Christmas! Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
What a sweet and loving remembrance this is. Your mother's influence still lives in you, and I expect it showed in the kind of mother you were to your children and grandmother to your grandkids!
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
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What a sweet and loving remembrance this is. Your mother's influence still lives in you, and I expect it showed in the kind of mother you were to your children and grandmother to your grandkids!
Comment Written 18-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
Dear Verna, I thank you so very much for the very sweet comments for my mom?s poem.
I appreciate your caring words. Thank you, my dear friend, and have a very Merry Christmas! Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from evesayshi
In my opinion, a poem of love and gratitude for one held so dear and close, within warm and special memories that touched hearts so completely, remembered with forever appreciation...
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
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In my opinion, a poem of love and gratitude for one held so dear and close, within warm and special memories that touched hearts so completely, remembered with forever appreciation...
Comment Written 18-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 18-Dec-2023
Oh, is it really you?? It is so very wonderful to see you again. I saw the picture before I even saw the name and knew it had to be you. I just went and checked and you have been gone for a while, but so happy to see you again. You have been missed. I think of you often.
Thanks Eve for this lovely review and comments for my poem for my mom. I appreciate it so very much. Merry Christmas, and Happy belated birthday/ my grandson turned 16 and I did a birthday poem for a guy was a year older than you, actually you probably know him as it was Willie P Smith.
Good to see you again.
Hi Debi,
Yes, it's me, and I am so delighted to see and read you again. I missed you too, and am so happy to see a familiar and much appreciated face and writing! I thought of you often as well, especially your remarkable talent in rhyming life, people and everyday events! To me, that really is a unique and special gift!
And, you remembered my birthday - thank you so much, dear Lady! I don't even know yours at this time - please tell me.
Your grandson is at a really great age - the "bud of life" really - I hope he flourishes in every way!
That really is a Yes, I reached another milestone - 85 - wow!!! Now people can consider me old, not me yet, of course.
I am so gratified Willy and I are the same age - good to be in such great company!
Debi, I wish you and yours the most wonderful Christmas and New Year Holiday, and, very importantly, a New Year filled with peace, comfort and joy...