Reviews from

Grasping the Elusive Dream

Viewing comments for Chapter 25 " After the Fire"
The Followup to Chasing the Elusive Dream

23 total reviews 
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think, for some unknown (to me) reason, I'm reading a few of these chapters out of order. Fortunately, it isn't hard to fill in the gaps and piece it together.
Nicely written.

 Comment Written 08-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2023
    Yes, the fire was before the others you read. I didn't put them by chapter into my book because it is harder to find them in portfolio. Itstead of showing the name of the story, it shows the name of the book. I'm adding them to the book by chapter after they are no longer active. Thanks for another review.
Comment from Navada
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Goodness me. What a series of calamities. Poor Connie - she must have been wondering what she had done to deserve all this. Thank God she had a close loving family around her to pull her through.

 Comment Written 08-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2023
    Thank you for the nice review. I think Connie realized she had made some bad decisions, like tossing a smoldering towel into her closet, starting a car with no one in it but her, and her attitude of jealousy made her friends turn against her. We tried to show her a lot of love and understanding. She has some thing to learn but she has turned out well and is a joy to be around.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I imagine your daughter clung to you because she was afraid you wouldn't love her anymore. But a new wardrobe did it, huh? Wouldn't it be nice if all problems were fixed that easily?

Where you say "our car and the neighbors" would be clearer if you showed possession of the car - "neighbors'"; otherwise, it sounds like your neighbors were damaged, lol!

How does a year turn into 17? It happens, and in the blink of an eye.

Another entertaining chapter, Beth. One might think this was fiction as so very much happened to your family over the years.


 Comment Written 07-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2023
    Thank you, Pam. I did everything I could think of to help her know we had stopped loving her. I would have probably reacted the same way if I'd done something like that as a chlld. I fixed the line so it would be the neighbor's car rather than the neighbor Connie plowed into.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could understand why Connie felt guilty. My guess is she worried her family might get rid of her and that's why she changed to being clingy.
A surprise pregnancy would at least take your mind off the two disasters!
I don't know how you could keep your sanity though With your house burning down.

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you for the review. All my pregnancies were all surprises. Connie was the last surprise ten years behind the others. If I'd gotten pregnant again, he might have done himself in. He was so relieved when I was finally through menopause.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always enjoy reading this trip down memory lane. I'm glad you include us as you travel. That time period definitely tested your faith, but God remained faithful.

we encountered over the next three months (the following three months)

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you Barbara, I appreciate the review and comments. Yes, without God, I don't know how we would have handled any of it.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad you're finally back to writing the story that I'm sure will be read many times over, maybe by your children, but definitely by grand and great grand children in the future. Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you Ric. I was dreading getting back to finishing the New Orleans years because then I have to deal with getting it in print. My kids kept bugging me to get back to writing about their lives.
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh Beth, you are back with your family story. I'm so glad.
Now, what has happened here is horrendous. Your house burned almost down, and then the incident with the car. If it wasn't so terrible it's almost laughable. Thank goodness no-one got hurt.
I remember when the Challenger exploded. I saw it on TV myself. I had just flown into New York from Denmark. The first thing I did was to turn on the TV. I wanted to see the send off. It was shocking.
As I've always said, Beth, you've never had a dull moment.
You write this so very well. Ulla xx

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you Ulla. I appreciate your review and comments. Keep laughing. I had rather have people laugh at what I write than feel bad for me. I find it all amusing now that it is in the past.
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my, Beth. That was certainly the week from hell! How many things can go wrong in such a short period of time? Hopefully this meant you wouldn't experience any others for a long time.

This was a well written piece that gave just the right amount of background and detail to very graphically portray an unusually sad and unfortunate period in your life. - Jim

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you Jim. I appreciate the review and comments. It was a very frustating time, but now I find it refreshing to know we were able to handle it all and come through unscathed, but maybe a little wiser. I enjoy remembering it all.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Beth! I must have missed the last chapter. I'll have to go back and find it.
What a terrible time for you and your family! You went through than a family should, and then Connie deciding to try and drive after everything else!!!
Losing a mother-in-Law as well, wow!

Good thing you decided to write this book, you've had a lot of experiences to share!

Take care,

 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you Rhonda, The last is still active and should be easy to find. It think you'll enjoy it. I don't know why FanStory didn't alert people I reposted it. Thanks for the review and comments on this one.
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, what a horrifying experience, Beth you had to live through and deal with.
I couldn't even begin to imagine.

You kept me intrigued in your story with just a good amount of detail and other small story bits happening at the same time.

Looking forward to more...


 Comment Written 06-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 06-Dec-2023
    Thank you, John. I appreciate your reviews and comments.