Area 51 Interview
5-7-5 contest entry5 total reviews
Comment from Michelle D. Carr
This is so funny and the photo is great. Pet food? What an imagination. Do you write for comics also? Gets my vote. More jokes please. I think these short poems are great for one liners.
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2023
This is so funny and the photo is great. Pet food? What an imagination. Do you write for comics also? Gets my vote. More jokes please. I think these short poems are great for one liners.
Comment Written 10-Jul-2023
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2023
Thank you for the great review, Michelle. I really appreciate the generous stars and support. I write a lot of silly stuff on here. Some folks don't care for my sense of humor but there's a few who do. Lol. Have yourself a great day and thank you again.
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Oh, now THERE'S a calming, reassuring thought!! I've noticed, though, that since the introduction of cell phone cameras, alien spacecraft sightings are way fewer now! Good luck in the contest. LOVE the picture...well, you know, in that "I'm Glad It's Them And Not Me" kind of way...
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Oh, now THERE'S a calming, reassuring thought!! I've noticed, though, that since the introduction of cell phone cameras, alien spacecraft sightings are way fewer now! Good luck in the contest. LOVE the picture...well, you know, in that "I'm Glad It's Them And Not Me" kind of way...
Comment Written 10-Jul-2023
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Yeah, I said that too, now that we have phones that can record in an instant, why aren't we getting some close up pictures of UFOs rather than just lights in the sky that are miles away. Thank you for the great review and good luck wishes, Rachelle. I'm glad you liked this silliess.
Comment from Terry Broxson
LOL, Yep makes as much sense as anything else. This would make a great episode of The Twilight Zone. You don't even have to flush out the details of the story, just give them the concept. Good job, Mystery writer. Terry.
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
LOL, Yep makes as much sense as anything else. This would make a great episode of The Twilight Zone. You don't even have to flush out the details of the story, just give them the concept. Good job, Mystery writer. Terry.
Comment Written 10-Jul-2023
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Lol. That would be great. Who knows, mabe a full length movie deal. Haha. Thank you for the great review and stars, Terry. I'm glad you liked this silliness.
got my vote because it was funny
Comment from Barry Penfold
Ha Ha. Like this. It is terribly difficult to make something out of this type of competition but you have done a good job. Love the image. All the best in the competition.
Barry Penfold.
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Ha Ha. Like this. It is terribly difficult to make something out of this type of competition but you have done a good job. Love the image. All the best in the competition.
Barry Penfold.
Comment Written 10-Jul-2023
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Thank you for the great review, Barry. I really appreciate the generous stars. I'm glad you liked this silly piece.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
You made me smile here and we never know when the aliens will land from a more advanced planet than ours and use us as food as we have used animals in such a way, a poignant and scary thought, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
You made me smile here and we never know when the aliens will land from a more advanced planet than ours and use us as food as we have used animals in such a way, a poignant and scary thought, love Dolly x
Comment Written 10-Jul-2023
reply by the author on 10-Jul-2023
Thank you for the great review and generous stars, Dolly. I'm glad you liked this silly piece.