Reviews from

June 1, 1973

50 Years Later!

42 total reviews 
Comment from Liz O'Neill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your opening paragraph will draw the reader in. How could anyone disregard this chapter with an opening like that? This is a powerful statement of reality: "Our class would be no longer," This could be a foreshadowing: "Our state's drinking law changed from 21 to 18 this day."
This is a great play on words & concepts: "Now here is where my memory starts to get a little foggy." Gallows humor: "Looking back, I remember the day well, or at least the "before and after" well." well told with a strong conclusion

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    Awe Liz, you are so kind and I appreciate your kind review and comments so much, my dear friend. If I had an award to give for the best reviewer in the whole world, I would give it to you. I appreciate all the times you must have gone in my portfolio and read and reviewed something. You are so special and I may not have that award, but I do have the next best thing to give you. You will be hearing from me soon.
reply by Liz O'Neill on 09-Jun-2023
    I am honored...thank you
Comment from jenintorre
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a great true story about your class of 1973. I really enjoyed reading it. It is incredibly well written.
I love the video. Thanks for that. Best wishes. Jen.

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2023
    Jen, I thank you with all my heart and I thought I had thanked you for this one, but I think what must have happened is that I got sidetracked and hit the next page button instead. Regardless, this is worth doing it again because your lovely words and six star rating both meant the world to me. Thank you so very much, my sweet friend.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As I wrote a moment ago ... nah! No more praise. It might go to your head,
and have you relive that day fifty years past, and I wouldn't want that on my hands. As always, yours truly. Tom H

 Comment Written 04-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 04-Jun-2023
    You are totally cracking me up today and I thank you because you know how I love to laugh. Thanks so much and it just seemed like too good of a memory not to share. Thanks so much for always kind comments!
Comment from Zoe Webb
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I live in Minnesota, and didn't know that about our history.

Very insightful, and sad, too. I did feel like the piece was a little presumptuous on how everyone felt about the last day of school. Some people really hate high school... I think that hasn't changed.

Flowed well and a good read. Thanks!

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    Hi Zoe, how cool that you live here too. Awesome . I know of a few others but it is always fun to meet someone new here that live here. Where are you from? Thank you and you are so sweet and I appreciate your kind review and comments so much, my dear friend.
reply by Zoe Webb on 08-Jun-2023
    I'm from Duluth. :)
reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    I love Duluth!
    I am from the Buffalo area.
    Its about on hour West of the Twin Cities.
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

50 years between two very bad decisions.
Good story form to share the history of these decisions. Many of our decisions will never be shared with our children. (Smile).

Well done Debi

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    Hi Janet, I am so far behind but should get better after eye surgery next week. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your kind review and comments.
reply by Janet Foor on 08-Jun-2023
    Good luck with your surgery.
Comment from Tpa
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You wrote about a vital topic and did it well. It can be related by all your readers that the young make vulnerable errors, which are sometimes regretted later in life. Your principle of choosing the right factor can't always be determined by age, but the maturity of the induvial. A thoughtful and invigorating piece of writing.

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    Hi Tpa, I am so far behind but should get better after eye surgery next week. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your kind review and comments.
Comment from Regina Elliott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear friend, It sure doesn't
seem like it's been 48-50
years since we graduated
high school. I graduated in
1975. Gee whiz, we graduated
such a while ago. Your story
is a nostalgic and heartfelt
write. I had a few brushes
with alcohol too. The
foolishness of youth, yet we
can still enjoy so many fond
memories. I lettered in
cross-country, and although I
have difficulty walking now,
I remember my young legs
carrying me through the
running trails with the ease
of a deer. You write so well,
dear Debi. Thank you for
taking me back to high school
all those years ago. Wish I
had a 6th star to give you.
A 6th star from Heaven to
you. All the best to you with
many blessings!

 Comment Written 03-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2023
    Thanks my dear Regina, I love when others can relate to stories and relationships that we share. You are awesome and it doesn't surprise me that we both went thru those times, but like I wrote in a poem once, if we don't ever see the dark, how can we appreciate the light. Thanks again Hon!!
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're right about the idiocy of changing the drinking law the day seniors graduated. I especially liked the bit about teachers seeming more life friends to the graduating class. You did a good job of recreating the excitement of that day. Also, we learn that you weren't goody two-shoes afterward and went along with the crowd in going to the bar and drinking, drinking, drinking! Good idea not to share with the grandkids.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 03-Jun-2023
    Shari, haha! Your right I was no goody two shoes! I haven't heard that saying in a long time. I And of course I went w the crowd cause I was 18. Lol.

    I thank you with all my heart for this lovely review and kind words for my 50 yr story. I appreciate you so very much, my dear friend.
Comment from DeboraDyess
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I didn't realize MN legalized pot for recreational use. TX governor says it won't happen here while he's in office. But we do medical marijuana, which he also said would happen. We'll see...
I never asked you how you want me to review your work. Do you want a 'hard review' with me acting like I do with an editing job? Or a 'soft review' where I just comment on things I like and don't like? Either is fine.
I love the article, by the way. What a way to learn! Yikes. I have a friend who, when she turned 18, the drinking law here was raised to 21. Then, the year she turned 21, it dropped back to 18. She didn't even go drinking. She was so irritated at the state legislature she just gave it up. lol
Glad you learned that hard lesson, Debi. Lots of folks don't.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2023
    Hey my sweet friend, Deb.Thank you so much for your kind review and comments, but I feel close enough to you now to be really honest. I don't do that unless I really care.

    I have lived a hard life health wise and much tragedy. I picked myself up, dusted myself off, took the kick me sign off my back and decided the rest of my life, however much time it is, will not be up someone's butt.

    Ooooh I know that sounds harsh, but I am here by the grace of God to share love and laughter and joy.I lam living my dream and have the best writers helping me and for the first tine I truly feel like I am accomplishing something that I am good at.

    As far as the Marijuana bill, I have been on med cannabis for 5 years since I weened off a harsh amount of opioids that my drs pushed on me. You would be shocked if you knew the dose. Now I weened myself off of almost 16 drugs a day that they thought I needed. I am still on one for lupus and one for my kidney disease.

    After I started fan story I realized that the three month supply (almost $1000.worth) was not going to be used, as I hated what it did to my mind. So it sits in the fridge. It has been legal for me to smoke it too, but I don't. So my point is, I need the surgeries, I am almost blind, in more pain than anyone can imagine and trying to stay cheerful, fun loving and happy.

    I think you and I are a lot alike, don't you? You seem so upbeat. I was at my eye surgeon today and the cataracts are so bad that it's funny I can make anything out on the keyboard and proof reading. I absolutely hate audio as it screw everything up. So wit all of that said Sweetie. I have to say it depends

    If it's an opinion and negative toward my story then I probably don't want to hear it. But if it is factual and it will help me better myself with what others should have told me or something Grammarly didn't pick up, then yes. But by hard review, I will be honest, there are some things I do because it is me and it isn't going to change. So no nit picking but facts to help yes.......For instance those dots. I have a reason for those cause they help me tell my story. Now I was honest w you. You can be honest w me but please use discretion today as I am missing the wake of the guy I wrote about cause they are afraid of relapse of the Covid.

    I will never lay that on you again. Since you have let me know some of your life I hoped you'd understand. I'm strong but somedays, y:know?

    And now I want to thank you for being so sweet about it. You're the best!
reply by DeboraDyess on 08-Jun-2023
    Hard lives seem to create artists of so many kinds. Writers, musicians, painters, or sculpture... It's like we're trying to define a world we don't really understand or feel a part of. Is that too dramatic? lol

    I will be kind. (What else would I be? Wait! Don't ask my kids! lol) I have worked as an editor for years and sometimes get too technical. That's why I check. I'll proceed with care and caution.

    I know what you mean about the audio! Yikes... But it serves me well since it's the only way I can pull this off. And still... Sometimes it gets in the way. I recently sent our sweet church secretary a message via Siri that had the f-bomb in it 3 times! My daughter caught it almost immediately (not immediately enough, obviously) and I called to apologize. The secretary was laughing when she answered the phone,k knowing I would NEVER say something like that. *whew!*

    I do think we're a lot alike. I wish you were closer to Wisconsin. I'd love to meet you in person. but it will happen, either here or in Heaven. :)
reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    OMGosh, then it really did happen to me too. I thought there had to be someone who was hearing me in audio and doing it to be funny. But Monday I was reviewing a story I have to do every week because I started it before the eyes even got this bad and it is still going. Anyway, I said the word Betty and it kept writing Patty, daddy, petty.... you get my point! I finally was fed up and said BETTY ten times in a row and it wrote everything but betty and then it said fuck you. I did not say it first. I have said things like dumb ass and shit head to it. But never FU. And it spelled the whole thing out. How did that happen. Do they have it programmed to do that if you get too angry with it? It was late at night but I was wide awake and I could not believe it. Weird huh?
reply by DeboraDyess on 08-Jun-2023
    Yup. Weird is right! I know a gal who says they read your mind and that's what you WANT to say but don't. lol. I DO NOT AGREE! (Most of the time....)
reply by the author on 08-Jun-2023
    Yeah, I agree with you that it seems a little far fetched that they can read your mind, but then again I still can't believe that mine said fu to me. Sadly I see so many prophesies coming true, right down to the chance soon of one world money. Talk about scary.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a compelling story of teenage experimentation and adventure. It is written in a conversational style that allows the reader to identify with the story. We've all had that final day of high school before graduation. It is an exhilarating feeling. I enjoyed reading your honest account of how you celebrated the day, and the effects of the law that prompted your festivities.

 Comment Written 02-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 02-Jun-2023
    Lorraine.I thank you for this awesome review and comments for my .
    story. Its always good when others can relate. You made my day '
    You are so appreciated my friend.