Reviews from

Born a ...

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4 total reviews 
Comment from Andrea Kepple
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good use of the challenge for this competition. Your poem is simple and straight to the point leading from the beginning to the end. Best of luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 30-May-2023

Comment from Monica Chaddick
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really liked your poem, and your author's notes are spot on, as far as I am concerned. If a child indicates that they want a change, work with them to make them as comfortable as possible until that time when they are truly old enough to make this decision. We don't allow them to drink or smoke because it can alter their insides, so why allow them to alter ANYTHING until they are old enough? Best of luck to you.

 Comment Written 30-May-2023

reply by the author on 30-May-2023
    Some 15 years ago it was against the law .. those that wanted to transition had to wait till they were at least 18 which made sense.

    Then those in power changed the law and now schools have to deal with boys that want to be in the girls toilets and change rooms.

    All this is disrupting in schools and very stressful for girl students etc.

    Our leaders are making decisions that just don?t make sense. They have thrown logic out of the window.

    Parents now are allowed to leave blank the sex of their newborn baby on their birth certificate

    Leaving it up to the child to fill it in in due time.

    That?s absurd.. can you imagine the confusing that will create to institutions, like kindergartens, schools, universities.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Comment from JT traveller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I totally agree with your sentiments. Who can possibly have the higher functions required to determine their fate at such a young age. I thank you for bringing this message to the mainstream. J

 Comment Written 28-May-2023

reply by the author on 28-May-2023
    Also , all this transgender stuff is causing disruption at school. Boys that are on puberty blockers or hormones that want to use toilets and change rooms assigned to girls. I would feel uncomfortable as a female.

    Now even our grammar is being altered. The non binary want to be referred to as : they, them , theirs instead of he , she , her, his etc

    And want about parents that now choose to not assign a sex on their child s birth certificate.

    They say the child will when they have decided who they are.

    Can you imagine the confusion this is causing in kindergartens, schools.

    Have you seen Matt Walsh s film :

    What is a woman?

    It?s a really eye opener on what all the disruption this transgender stuff is causing .. our society is falling apart and the culprit is the government that gave therapists the authority to treat even kids under 10 puberty blockers and hormone treatment.

    Thanks for reviewing my entry.

    Keep safe!

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Amazing transformations here and it is hard to know if someone is transgender these days and I see nothing wrong with this as we should live our life just the way we want to live it as long as no harm comes to anyone else, a poignant and unusual write, I love the pictures here, so amazing, good luck with the contest, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 28-May-2023

reply by the author on 28-May-2023
    Unfortunately, it is causing problems for others.

    Seeing the government permits therapists to prescribe puberty blockers now even to kids, this is causing much stress at school because these boys want to have access to female toilets and changing rooms..I can understand girls feeling uncomfortable with that.

    This whole transgender issue should be kept out of the school and transition should be allowed to begin only after the age of 18 when they are mature.

    Also, I don't agree that we must change grammar rules to suit the non-binary( those that don't want to be identified either as male or female).
    So we have to refer to him or her as :

    they, them, their use in the singular form.

    And how about parents that now don't put any gender on their child's birth certificate leaving it up to the child when it's bigger to fill in the space.?

    Can you imagine the confusion this is creating at kinder gardens, schools etc.

    Thank you for reading and sharing your opinion !

    PS: The film "What is a Woman" by Matt Walsh is an eye-opener to where our society is heading with all this transgender stuff.