Reviews from

Scissor Me This

Conversation in a salon

7 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh please spare me from my stylist who seems to think it is part of her job description to talk my ears off while she is trimming around them!

This one made me smile...


 Comment Written 13-Feb-2023

reply by the author on 13-Feb-2023
    Thanks for the review. I'm glad it got a smile.
reply by karenina on 13-Feb-2023
    You're welcome!
Comment from Sarah Tummey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This stuck out to me because I loved the twist at the end! Brilliant.

It felt like more than a two-verse poem though, with that last rhyming couplet at the end, but I did really enjoy it.

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2023
    Thanks for the review and feedback. I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A fun and funny poem that made me smile. Great artwork and presentation. I laughed out loud at the last line. I love my stylist and she will love this.
Well done.

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2023
    Thanks for your review, and for the good idea. I think I will send it to my stylist, too.
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, Mystery Writer!
Spot on!
What a creative offering! Those poor hairstylists!
Actually, the stylists are only supposed to be "shearing on you!" :)
My appointment is scheduled for tomorrow! I promise I'll behave!

Best wishes!

 Comment Written 11-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 11-Jan-2023
    Thanks for the review. Your stylist is lucky to have you.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I understand the art of the tonsorial parlor which is like the barkeep at the inn pouring gin or another toxic waste to burn away salted thoughts until the dawn awakens one with a stormy headache. Why did they partake?

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2023
    If only we knew. Thanks for the review.
Comment from Karyn2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ooh I like this one! It's witty and packs such a punch! Excellent rhyming and rhythm and I like the use of stanzas to designate the statement and response. How often have I sat in a salon and sometimes after a busy week all I want is quiet and no awkward chitchat. Catch me in relaxed holiday mode and I'm sure I chat the poor hairdresser's ear off!
Next please write one about a dentist appointment where the dentist asks all the questions while I'm stuck replying "ahhh, ess,agh, mmhm" !!! LOL

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2023
    Thanks for the review. My husband refuses to speak to any dental personnel with a pen in their hand unless he is on his feet, so you may be seeing that rant in rhyme sometime.
reply by Karyn2 on 09-Jan-2023
    Message me for sure and I?ll read it!! :) Best wishes!
Comment from Michele Harber
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very funny poem, and one that hits home with me because my stylist likes to express her political views, which are the polar opposites of my own.

I like that you present this as a conversation with opposing viewpoints.

Your poem has a very enjoyable bouncy rhythm, with excellent rhymes, and I love your sense of humor! Good luck in the contest. I expect you'll do well.

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2023

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2023
    Thank you so much for your generous review.
reply by Michele Harber on 09-Jan-2023
    You're very welcome. I really enjoyed this!