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2 total reviews 
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Elon is on pointe with the comment, humanity risks to die out because people don't make enough offspring is true. Ukraine: 0.8% natural decrease annually; 28% total population decrease by 2050, Russia: -0.6%; -22%, Belarus: -0.6%; -12%, Bulgaria: -0.5%; -34%, Latvia: -0.5%; -23%, Lithuania: -0.4%; -15%, Hungary: -0.3%; -11%, Romania: -0.2%; -29%, Estonia: -0.2%; -23%, Moldova: -0.2%; -21%, Croatia: -0.2%; -14%, Germany: -0.2%; -9%, Czech Republic: -0.1%; -8%, Japan: 0%; -21%, Poland: 0%; -17% but the USA in its abnormal way solved the problem with open borders.
Slovakia: 0%; -12%
Austria: 0%; 8% increase
Italy: 0%; -5%
Slovenia: 0%; -5%
Greece: 0%; -4%


 Comment Written 10-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2022
    Italians don?t have babies anymore ( me included) but I?m not so sure it would be so bad if we as a species died out.

    Earth was once a vibrant place but all we can do is exploit, abuse, pollute, trash our home planet.

    Leaders are focused on power and wealth.

    WW3 is around the corner.

    I?m glad I had a relatively peaceful youth, adulthood. We had our dark moments( AIDS, Chernobyl) a toxic cloud passed over North Italy too) but what we are now living is an ongoing nightmare

    I?m tired of these never ending viruses. Covid and its many variants monkey pox and now this new virus once again from China: Langya. ( LayV)

    And in the meantime the superpowers just continue their tug of war turning Ukraine into their battle field.

    Why can?t we get our act
reply by Tom Horonzy on 11-Aug-2022
    WW3 would be insane. No winners. What do governments need with more land when then cannot manage what they have.
reply by the author on 12-Aug-2022
    Ukraine is in a strategic position, it does not have the luxury to take sides.

    In 1962 when Russia tried to install missile in Cubs , America said no for obvious reason and Russia backed off.

    Russia had no intentions to invade Ukraine until said country didn?t start saying it wanted to become a EU and NATO member. Zelensky?s is just America s puppet and close friends to the rich oligarchs.

    America in 2014 invested $8 billion dollars in Ukraine in the hope one day to lure the country towards the West.

    Months before the beginning of the war, Putin warned America again that Ukraine had to rest neutral but America did not back off ( like Russia did in 1962 to avoid a war)

    Russia of course does not want NATO missile at its doorstep so when America continued to back Ukraine?s entering the EU snd NATO, Putin invaded.

    I condemn Putin?s actions but America is at fault. It stirred up this shit pot on purpose. Ukraine for its strategic importance should be left neutral.

    America wants to weaken Russia s military and economy , that s why America has approved $ 40 billion dollars in arms and help in Ukraine. I can think of a better use for that money but such an amount will help prolong the war for years.

    America s tug of war with Russia has turned Ukraine in their battle field.

    And the sanctions are killing Europe s economy more than Russia s

    8 million Ukrainians have fled to Europe .

    You may find these links of interest.
Comment from Fleedleflump
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The world is drastically overpopulated, so what he probably means is, there aren't enough people like him for his liking, which is a more worrying thought! Great job in such a tiny format.


 Comment Written 09-Aug-2022

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2022
    I admired Elon Musk for quite awhile but in the last couple of years, I don t find some of his many projects so appealing anymore.

    In Europe the population is dwindling but in Africa, India , China etc are certainly overpopulated, there is much poverty and famine.

    While America , Ukraine and Russia are at war, spending millions on arms , children everyday are dying of famine.

    How matters stand now, If we would , as a species, died out , I don t think it would a tragedy.

    Have you heard of the new virus in China :Langya ( LayV) ?

    And the nightmare continues.

    PS I added a link in the note s section where Elon Musk explains his reasons why people need to have more babies.

    Today people are struggling to pay the bills , to find a job, having babies is not a priority.. it?s easy for him , he can afford to have stacks.