Reviews from

Remembering Yesterday

Viewing comments for Chapter 149 "Trouble Comes In Clusters"
A widow's journey into her relationship with her

18 total reviews 
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I remember reading this, but didn't review. Too stunned perhaps with the idea of someone have a porno addiction! I did handwriting analysis at one time. I wonder what will happen to that now? (I heard schools no longer teach cursive.) A good cliff hanger again.

 Comment Written 20-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2022
    Thank you for reviewing this. I think quite a few men have that addiction. My kids keep telling me about guys having that problem. My cousin says her husband has it, but he too old and she hates sex so I guess it is his entertainment. I hate printing, so I'm not giving up cursive, Soon no one will be able to read what i write.
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't imagine the person I'm used to reading throwing such a temper tantrum and wrecking the family car. But in truth, there are good and bad qualities in all of us. It's just how we learn to control them that matters. I never did. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2022
    Talk about a temper tantrum, you need to read Everyone Has a breaking Point. It is an older one I revived and I do throw a temper tantrum in that one. This one I was just worried and upset. My husband was the one throwing the temper fit.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are doing an interesting job of writing your family history, warts and all. None of us have a perfect life, but you have done a good job of trying to raise your kids as best as you can. I hope all of them have grown enough that no one still says their failures are all you fault.

 Comment Written 17-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2022
    Thank you Carol. You are right, warts and all. I'm not going to sugar-coat it because I want my kids to realized we weren't perfect. We were real people. Everyone changes over the years and the kid are realizing we did the best we could but we made mistakes and they will as well.
Comment from BLACKTITANIUM86
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, your notes do explain. And first of all, I am sorry
to hear about your loss. Nevertheless, you manage
to keep your composer, with a build up of hot creativity.
Keep Writing.

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 17-Feb-2022
    Thank you for this. This was from a bad period in my life. I think we all go though bad times occasionally.
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh goodness, what a car accident. The accident could have been much worse; it could have rolled down a hill and hit a child or someone's house. As they say, it could always be worse.

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 16-Feb-2022
    Thank you for reviewing this. You are right. It could have hit another car or a person. I should have thought of that instead of looking at it negatively.
Comment from Shirley McLain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I used to live in Greenwood MSand it was nice to see Meridian in print. My brain screamed I know that place.It does sound as if you had your hands full at times. You did a good job with your story. Have a blessed day. Shirley

 Comment Written 16-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 16-Feb-2022
    Thank you, Shirley. I grew up in central Mississippi. I lived in Jackson ten year and Brandon two. I went college in Clinton and know quite a bit about south Mississippi. I been through Greenwood. I live in Tennessee now. I appreciate the review.
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, That was a lot of trouble at once. Life in the fast lane they say. Can't wait to see what happened next. It sounds like our passing Holidays. Thanksgiving to New years was like that for us. So happy you weren't in the car when it was wrecked. Well done Beth. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 15-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 15-Feb-2022
    Thank you so much for the review and comments. Yes, this wasn't the best of time for me. If I'd been in the car, I could have hit the break. LOL
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You're so right that about trouble - sometimes when it rains, it pours.
I'm so sad to hear about the accusations from your oldest. I can see my kids doing that. And moms are easy targets because we will always love them. I remember your first car accident, hitting the tree. This was another one. If only you had cell phones then! You could have just texted Christi!
Sorry for being so slow to get to this. You might have already fixed these:
you make from the fungi you (made) since everything else is in past tense
she was tried of being used by everyone (tired)
had happened to our Infinity, (Inifiniti - car name)
We had no way of knowing it would [be? take?] over

 Comment Written 15-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 15-Feb-2022
    Thank you so for the review. Carol blamed us at the time while she was on the Co-dependent kick. Later she got past. She doesn't blame anyone any more. You know how people lash out in the heat of moment. I'd fixed everything but the name of the car. I'm glad you saw that.
Comment from Judy Lawless
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, my goodness, Beth, what a terrible time you were having, and you say the worst was yet to come? That's a little frightening. It sounds like nothing was going well already. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2022
    Thank you Judy, I'm having another cluster at the moment. I had one old chapter of my 149 chapter book in the disabled file. I wanted to permanently delete that chapter as I had written it over. When I hit delele permanently the whole book disappeared and it isn't saved. I'm crying.
reply by Judy Lawless on 14-Feb-2022
    Oh no! That sounds similar to what happened to Ulla. Tom restored it for her.
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2022
    I don't think he can because when I hit delete permanently. I contacted Tom and they aren't getting back to me.
reply by Judy Lawless on 14-Feb-2022
    Oh, that's too bad. Sometimes Tom takes time to reply so I wouldn't give up. Do you post directly to the site, without keeping a copy on your computer? I have mine in two files - drafts and those posted to FS. I also print them out.
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2022
    My word program doesn't work as it should so I erased most thing once I posted them. I assumed they be safe as long as I was paid up and I was gradually copying thing to a flash drive I've been used for the chapters has gone bad.
reply by Judy Lawless on 14-Feb-2022
    So sorry. Hugs.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I could say it sounds exciting, but for you at that time it certainly wouldn't have been exciting. And you certainly aren't responsible for your children's human entanglements my friend. The car incident was an accident and couldn't be helped really, it happens. Beautifully written, Beth, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 14-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 14-Feb-2022
    Thank you, Roy. It wasn't a good time in my life but that was 1995 and past history. I'm not still fretting about it. Some of the stages my children when through are history. My daughter feels she was wrong in blaming us for anything they did thin. They still had attitudes that changed over time.
reply by royowen on 14-Feb-2022
    It?s good to see that maturing adult in one?s child, good on her,