Reviews from

The Misadventures of Bob

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "Operation Blessing"
and his friends

5 total reviews 
Comment from Hesed Abraham
This work has reached the exceptional level

Very funny. I havent been feeling well so no energy to write a proper review. But this made me laugh. Are you a comedy writer in real life, if not could be a nice side gig for you. You have a talent for it

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2022
    Hesed, how are you doing? Sorry I got so far behind on replying to reviews. Are you doing better now? Did you get COVID? Thank you and no, sadly I am not a paid comedy writer, although that would be nice. I actually pay for the privilege here. Hope you are feeling better and hope to see some more of your great writing soon.
reply by Hesed Abraham on 05-Mar-2022
    Nice to hear from you H. I took a hiatus from fanstory due to illnesses and other common travails this life brings which takes up a lot of my time. I look forward to writing more when life settles down a bit. Thank you for your encouragement. As far as comedy writing, I say start with gigs and you never know where it will go. I will be cheering you on
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very clever story - you pushed at many of the rules but cleverly did not cross the line. It was definitely original and creative, and thoughtfully constructed. Hoping you do well.

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much Wendy! The more outrageous the rules get, the crazier my entires get. This family may be making a reappearance in the future, lol.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We live in a mixed-up world and your writing prompt entry just proved it.

The Does had two daughters, with beautiful Indian names: Shimale and Vijayla

and two sons named after famous kings:
Harold and Richard. (There's no reason for the space here. Move the lines closer together. 'and' should be right after 'Vijayla')

The next day the kids drove their parents to the hospital. (The following day, has to deal with the definition of the words)

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2022
    Yeah this was my response to the same sex relationship ban I got her to add to the contest terms, haha. Thank you for the useful edits. I adapted the one of the end, and you were definitely right. The space in between the names is just there to be as annoying as possible by drawing attention to them, and experiment with how that sort of format feels to read. I actually added in another space just to make it more obvious. This has worked in the past as a triggering mechanism to get new restrictions added to the contests, e.g. Marxism. I won't know til the next contest if it worked. But when it does, it verifies that a certain person who has blocked me is still secretly reading my entries : )
Comment from giraffmang
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi there,

fuck me pink!

That is exactly how to subvert some of the most foul, ridiculous and stupid rules I've ever read. Love it. This should get into the booth as, in my opinion, it doesn't actually break any rules. It may push the a bit but there you go.


 Comment Written 01-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 06-Feb-2022
    Thank you very much G for this awesome review! It has been a busy week or two so I am only just getting back to folks. I proudly take credit for being the cause of some of these crazy rules (Martin Luther King Jr. and Kamala Harris's dad in particular have been banned from the family contests, leaving the site cleaner with whiter names), and I bet DragonSkulls is responsible for a bunch too. LOL. Writing for these contests is a lot of fun. This entry did make it into the booth, and four out of six entries were subversive this time, so, #winning. The next contest is less restrictive, so maybe I can bring back some of my POC actors, lol.
reply by giraffmang on 06-Feb-2022
    Keep it going. Love it
Comment from the13thpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Harambe for President a terrific Tuesday to you. I hope this finds you well. I liked your family fiction story entry, it was quite interesting and entertaining. A fitting Family fiction story for the the times we are living in. Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 01-Feb-2022

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2022
    Dear 13thpoet, thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed it! This was a fun one to write, in response to the contest ban on same sex couples. LOL.