Comment from
When I read this, I was tempted to pull up the definition of art on webster's online dictionary then I thought better of it. :-) This was a well written poem and it had a good flow to it. I like the idea you used to create it. Well done- Sam
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Comment Written 24-Feb-2009
reply by the author on 24-Feb-2009
You cracked me up, Sam! The dictionaries, encyclopedias and the art world are still arguing what is and isn't art. :-)) Thanks for your very kind review. With regards, Sue
Comment from
joan marie
Having studied Art History I learned that art was not created for art's sake but as a tribute or to mark an event. This statement is so appropo and a terrific read. joan marie
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Comment Written 24-Feb-2009
reply by the author on 24-Feb-2009
Yes, from the beginning of man, tribute seems to be necessary. And man uses art to "leave our mark" in so many forms. Thanks so much for sharing that. Am glad you enjoyed it. Sue :-)
reply by joan marie on 24-Feb-2009
You're welcome. It was one of my favorite classes. jm