Reviews from

Selections For Book Project

Viewing comments for Chapter 41 "After Birth of a Nation"
possible selections for inclusion in book project

39 total reviews 
Comment from Meia (MESAYERS)
This work has reached the exceptional level

This speaks to me greatly and I am from the UK. I think what you have done here is BEYOND amazing and was brave and wildly intelligent. I got the satire too. You sir, are a true writer of intellect. kindest regards and well done Meia x

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

Comment from nordicgirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

I must say, this was worth the loooooong wait. You sound like you are ready to lead some marches like in the good old days. Trump should be shaking in his loafers. So much here I love. Purple mounds? He,he. Cute you naughty boy. Too much. More please. NG

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

Comment from ElegantButler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A wonderful satire, indeed. Stan Freberg would be proud. (If you don't know who he was look up "Take An Indian To Lunch"). I was laughing at the absurdity of the human condition (pride, egomania, racism) which you've so wonderfully pointed out. And thank you for NOT being politically correct. I've had enough of that, thank you.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

Comment from smileycloud
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

extremely powerful expressive piece of writing
I would probably have to read volumes of american history books to FULLY understand it
but I go know enough of war aftermaths and the horrors of what war does outside the realm of guns and bullets to appreciate the emotion which has gone into this poem
many movies with a whole lot of poetic license travel the world and we are given from them a "sort of" impression
the use of terms which might get people up in arms
represent the depth of the meaning of this poem and it is not any different
from the movies those same people watch which are scripted for this era and these matters
good luck in the contest
have a smiley day

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written free verse poem. Each nation has their own culture. If other nations cannot respect my nation's culture, then the don't belong in my country, they can go back to their own country and do what they want there.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

Comment from country ranch writer
This work has reached the exceptional level

You really put your self out on a limb with this one and hope your limb don't break. Some folks from the old world might be in protest of you using the n word so frequently.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    Hi, my friend. Hope you are well. It's a word I detest myself. BUT, it's a word that's been used and is used still in the ugliest of ways, so I thought it fit where I put it. I hope people want to stamp out the word and the folks who use it too. :))
    Wow. Thanks for all the stars. Yeah, I hope I'm not sawing on the wrong end too. LOL mike
reply by country ranch writer on 28-Aug-2017
    Hugs buddy me too hehe
reply by country ranch writer on 28-Aug-2017
    Taking things one step at a time money so tight here it squeaks twice before I can let it go but we're hanging in there. We're going into our eighth month on chemo in Sept.
reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    Wow. That's a long haul. Yeah, we're having to move and trying to stretch things too. Nothing to do but keep fighting. Prayers are with you always. :))
reply by country ranch writer on 28-Aug-2017
    Where you moving to?
reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    Nearby. Just a smaller place. Less people and we don't need as big a place. :))
reply by country ranch writer on 28-Aug-2017
    Wish you luck buddy Inhate moving!
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

Mav, what an amazing work of art to express these turbulent and divisive times. Trump is lifting the ban on military gear to local police forces and that sounds like a blunderbuss waiting to happen in the not too distant future.

Having said, this is a brilliant performance piece drawing together the Birth of a Nation with the divided nation America finds itself within.

Excellent allusion throughout, for example don't ask, don't tell, military ban, and the Whigs British political party transported to the brave new world of the US of A declaring its independence.

Your changing rhythms advance the poem's plot much like a battle march with voices joining the ranks from many sides. And yes the White Supremacists rise up with pride and honour like the American Revolution leader John Hancock also one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

This is a quality opus. It's current, authentic, and filled with the passion and pain through the ages of history. Your POV rings loud and clear with great strength and conviction.

Fantastic work! Very well done.


 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    I am just delighted, Ange, that you get this so clearly. It's way beyond my expectations by miles. I did want to record a rendition of this and may still if I can figure it out. LOL

    I'm prepared now for those who may not appreciate this as much. As long as a few understand where I'm coming from, I'm totally content. Sometimes we just have to spill what's on our mind, yes? Thanks so much, for the insightful read and the stars to light up my night. :))

Comment from giraffmang
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Michael,

The sheer scope of this piece is impressive in itself. The movement through the piece from founding fathers to more 'modern' concerns is startling and stark in its reality.

Sections of this come across very much like slam-poetry and are best vocalised. I could see the whole thing being delivered on a stage to great effect.

Super piece.

 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    Wow. I must say, I wasn't expecting much in the way of positives, so needless to say I'm delighted with your response. Yes, you understand my thinking totally. I was planning to record this and may still. I just haven't figured it out yes. I would like to see it performed and that is how I see it as well. Thanks a million. Now, they can rip me all they want and I won't care a bit. LOL mike
reply by giraffmang on 28-Aug-2017
    Nailed it, mate. Superb.
Comment from Mitchell Brontë
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael
This is such a wonderful read, capturing the image brilliantly, very sublime, almost charmed in its presentation, yet brutally harsh were it needed to be.
It's kind of surreal almost, very carry on up the kyber..type of thing (British film)and impressionistic.
The imagery painted just draws the reader in and takes us on a lovely satire ride through the corridors of American history.
Absolutely fantastic.

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 Comment Written 28-Aug-2017

reply by the author on 28-Aug-2017
    Mitchell, THANK YOU! I must say I was a bit terrified to post this. LOL I'm so pleased that at least one person understands where I'm coming from and gets this the way it is intended. Now, I can weather the storm which I imagine is till coming. Couldn't be happier. Thanks again. mike