Reviews from

Floating Past The Rainbow

Our home flooded yesterday

33 total reviews 
Comment from EllenV
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a nightmare! We were having storms here in Texas at the same time. (We are visiting our daughters' family in Austin.) The young children were terrified of the lightning, thunder and pouring rain.

I am truly amazed at your positive attitude. But your rainbow blessing says it all. By the way, that was a very clever rainbow. I'm not sure how you did it.

Hope all goes well with the clean-up.

Enjoyed the read very much.

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.

    PS Thanks, Ellen. We did fine cleaning up, and then it flooded again. Third time was a charm! LOL
Comment from RenieReader
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Way to go, Jan. I'd hate to go through what you are in the Mid West. Not fun, but like the man said, your positive attitude makes all the difference. Good luck, sweetie, and thanks for sharing.


 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.
Comment from drivenbackward
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Whoa. Sorry that happened to you, Jan. Glad you have a great attitude about it. That's what it's all about, I think.

The 3.30 AM phone call --- 3:30 a.m.

mid west --- Isn't this one word?

my house because my son, Joel is returning from Australia in five days. --- What ended up happening with this situation?

"No-one was hurt or killed --- No one

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    Thanks, DB. I fixed the nits, I think. I sent you a PM about Joel. Really appreciate the review!
Comment from Sue-z-Q
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jan:
Wow! What an awful thing to have happen. How can you burn something like a wet mattress? I guess you'd have to dry it out first.

We didn't have the problems I was expecting with our septic system when it flooded here last year. I suppose you're on a septic, too, and sure hope you don't have that sort of trouble, either.

My heart goes out to you and my hopes that everything will dry out quickly for you, but with 100% humidity, it probably won't. I hope your food and some way to cook it is high and dry.

How are the animals faring? Not to be the bearer of more bad news, but more than just the rainbow was (is) screwed up on your site as I see it. 'Twere me, I'd bitch like the dickens to FanStory until it gets sorted out. I had to copy your text again and found it full of hard returns that won't let the word wrap feature do its job, but I don't know if you are using them or if it's a trick of Evil Eddy. FanStory ought to know.

Anyway; here's to better days.
Your friend & fan,

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.

    PS The animals all made it through the flooding just fine! :-)
Comment from penelope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I admire your positive attitude, Janilou. I think I'd be devastated if this happened to me but you've got your priorities right and your rainbow idea is fantastic. What an inspiration you are. To be able to transcend things like this shows your wonderful spirit. Well done, Penelope

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.
Comment from ledford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have a great attitude, and that is wonderful. I really liked the ending and seeing how you were able to see the positive in this situation (I probably would not have).

I found some SPAG you may want to look at:

"The 3.30 AM phone call woke us both [up] {,} and we were ready"

[It wasn't the White House calling but] the local" I would omit this [ ]

"the waters were rising fast {,} and they were calling all hands on deck"

"about five minutes drive out of town." I recommend "about a five minute drive..."

"especially after a heavy spring-thaw {,} so we"

"some flooding this year in our area." I recommend flipping this ... "some flooding in our area this year"

"Here in the mid west," I recommend "mid-west"

"[from a near-continuous display of lightning to a backdrop of heavy rain]." I would omit [ ]

"But my husband often jokes, "If our home ever floods all the way up here, we'll be in need of an ark." This seemed out-of-place.

"To our shock {,} the entire lower floor,"

"back {,} and it poured in through the cement and vinyl siding."

"really wanted to spring-clean my house because my son, Joel {,} is returning"

Take care!

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 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    I will for sure take a look at the commas needed. Not my strong-point! As for the White House reference, that is a joke, which several reviewers enjoyed. I don't side with anyone in the big political race but I did find the timing of the phone call too good to pass up!
    Thanks for the review!
Comment from Dave M
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This is an excellent memoir. Your rainbow came through superbly, displayed in all its splendor. And your son's safe return is worthy of a rainbow. I wish you could ship some of your heavy rain here. The drought is not as bad as it was last year, but we're still short.

I found one problem:

"I really wanted to spring-clean my house because my son, Joel is returning from
Australia in five days. Now, not only do I get to do so, I have lots of help from my husband
and my son, Sam!"

Don't know if you can do anything about this, but there are a lot of strange line breaks in this paragraph.

Dave M

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.

    PS I will take a look at that paragraph, Dave. Thanks for the heads-up!
Comment from bookishfabler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hope you are all dried up now. We don't live in a flood zone either, but we tacked on the flood insurance just in case. So, after reading this, I'm glad we did.

I really wanted to spring-clean my house because my son, Joel is returning from
Australia in five days. Now, not only do I get to do so, I have lots of help from my husband
and my son, Sam!
(editor, bring sentences together)

I was telling a local radio announcer over the phone, about the flooding of our home.

(no comma)

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thanks, Book. Dave M mentioned the spacing problem too, but when I look at it on my computer, it looks fine! Augghh! You gotta love that evil editor, Eddie!

Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You tell this tale very well and the political dig works fine, no apologies required!
I lOVE the rainbow closing. It is a witty and very creative way to deliver the main message and make it memorable.
I also like the ending line... that is just one of my rainbows.
I do not find anything that needs to change.
I found this to be a positive, inspiring and uplifting story. Thank you or sharing.

Warm regards,
rama devi

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    Thank you so much for the fine review! I am glad you enjoyed reading this. :-)
reply by rama devi on 27-Apr-2008
Comment from GerryMacNeil
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, dear Jan! This is masterfully done! The title, the photo, all the head matter, and the embedded quote about the ark are really a terrific "frame" for a powerful statement of gratitude and faith. The political dig was QUITE APPROPRIATE! (Grateful that you didn't resist--I wouldn't have been able to, either!) I know how ugly is the smell of a flooded house, and I admire your enthusiasm for cleaning the house for Joel, but most of all I am so glad to hear he is on his way home! My sons were away for two months when they were that age and I just about lost my mind with ugly thoughts! Prayers continuing! Gerry

 Comment Written 26-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    Gerry, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for the wonderful review. I am so thrilled about Joel coming home, a little nervous too, after ten months, but thrilled most of all! I will be posting a story about that "rainbow" next. :-) Many thanks and hugs,

    PS Yep, the smell is starting already! LOL
reply by GerryMacNeil on 26-Apr-2008
    That had already crossed my mind and my "watch for" list!! I am happy for you, dear Jan. I know the coming home will have its stressful moments, and I can tell you from personal experience that it may be months before you find out some things, but the wonderful news is that he will be home, WITH YOU! Much love, and continuing good thoughts, Gerry