Reviews from

The Return

Viewing comments for Chapter 21 "The Return Chapter 21"
Erotic Turmoil

34 total reviews 
Comment from l.raven
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Sandra, LOL...payback is fair play my amazing
friend...he got what he bad it didn't
kick him off on his way to the Gentlemen's Club...could
have shut him up...

now...and yes Margot missed him...much...she's in love with him...and of and that muse
of yours ð??µ ...left out the letter again...I count you put your heads together...and keep me informed sweet girl...

but the good thing is...if Richard dies...Gwen will have
her freedom...

I so love this chapter beautiful least Richard is out of the way...and they never fail to hold my attention you...

NOWWWWWWW we need to see Miles read the letter...

my thoughts and prayers are with you and your muse...and of course Graham...sending much love zooming your way...Linda xxoo...ð???ð??µð???ð???ð???ð??» to bed...sweet dreams beautiful to babysit tomorrow... ð?¥°

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    It's coming, Bessie won't let her forget completely.🤔 Hmm. Unless she has met up with a male ghost....😊
    I'm sure Gwendolyn will put on a good widow act for the neighbours, but be dancing a jig when she's on her own! 🤣

    Thank you so much, dear Linda, for another of your supercalifragilisticexpialidocious reviews and the sixth wonderful star. I'll be thinking of you today, singing lullabys to your little charge. Aww. Go careful, don't do anything to hurt that delicate body of yours!! Lots of love and hugs a mile wide. (I've got long arms!!!) xxxxxxxxxxx Sandra xxx
reply by l.raven on 23-May-2022
    I am still waiting to see how your going to
    separate Meg...and Margot...UNLESS...when Margot leaves Megs body...her memories/mind
    are forgotten...but how sad that would be...
    I would have to return my brides maid dress...hummmm....

    and you my amazing friend...are always so welcome...

    I am ok...neck hurts a bit...but I'll know when to call it...Donatta only has to drive the school bus 7 more days...and she will take over from there...and then I'll get back to going to my doctors...

    you an Graham take care...stay in good you to pieces...biggest hugs coming your way...xxoo
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
This work has reached the exceptional level

You did an excellent job with this chapter, Sandra. I enjoyed
reading it. Things seem to be falling into place leading toward
the end. Hmm, Makes me wonder what will happen with Meg/Margot
and of course Bessie. I believe she will turn out to be someone from
Meg's time and return with her to her time IF that happens, or . . .
Miles seemed like he knew nothing of the shenanigans going on
except that he wanted only for he and Meg to openly display their
love for each other publicly. He was so anxious for their marriage,
too. You did an excellent job as you showed the effect of Richard's
'spicy' meal. You made his reaction so believable from what I know
how poison works. The men in the bar didn't speak, but their faces
gave them away as to what they believed and probably would've
said. What Lord Brandon was pleased when 'he'd done what he'd
set out to do.' I believe that is a clue to what happened to Margot.
Hmm, wonder what Gwen will say or do when she hears the news,
though she already knows the outcome of the poison.
Looking forward to the next chapter, Jan

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    Thank you so much, Jan, for the wonderful review and lovely golden star! You always go that exta mile. There aren't too many chapters left to write, it's all coming to a head now. Now to see what Lord Brandon will do. He's not a happy chappie, but Gwendolyn will be, she defininately knows her husband won't be coming home! Thank you, my dear friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

Great chapter, Sandra! Loving Bessie on the sidelines! Nice contrast between the lovebirds and the death scene. You've drawn out the effects of the poison in a most effective way.

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    What a lovely review, thank you so much, Tony. I researched the way this poison would act, (I hope it's not picked up by the police!!!) In fact hemlock can take affect as quick as 30 minutes, but that wouldn't have given him chance to get to the club. It's worth knowing if you want to use it in another story, lol. Thank you for the golden star, my friend, I really appreciate it. Are you posting soon? Warm hugs, Sandra xxx
reply by tfawcus on 23-May-2022
    I won't be posting for a day or two as I haven't started the next chapter. A few ideas are buzzing around my head but they haven't reached my fingers yet.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ah, Richard figured out what happened to him just as he died! And I liked how he kept attributing his physical reaction to the poison to his own nervousness of reporting the birthday party. But it was his wife who told him about it so it's surprising that he said, "How my lady wife will take this news when I tell--"

I like the humor you put in with Bessie's comment about "nibbling" and the inevitable love-making that interrupted plans. Hopefully, they will alert Miles before his father takes the action that led to Meg's death.

I also liked the reference to what was and wasn't in the attic in the present time. That keeps the reader alert to the two timelines.

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    Yes, Gwendolyn did tell him, but he wanted to make it sound like he'd just found out on his way home. I might take that out if you didn't get that, others mightn't either. Thank you so much for another lovely review, my friend. I'm so pleased you are still enjoying the story. Not too many chapters left now. Warm hugs!! Sandra xx
reply by lyenochka on 23-May-2022
    No, don't take it out. Maybe use a verb like "he fibbed" so that it gives a wink to the reader who knows differently.
reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    That's a good idea, thanks, Helen!! You're such a lovely friend. xxx
reply by lyenochka on 23-May-2022
    As are you, dear Sandra! 💖💖
Comment from Elizabeth Emerald
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Catching up--finished #20 just now and am delighted to see herein the result of the special ingredient from the garden. Stunning closer. Karma's a bitch. Superb work.

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    Aww, thank you, Liz, I'm glad you enjoyed both chapters. This one was really long, but didn't know where to stop! Yep, good ol' karma!!!! Lol. Love and hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
Comment from John Ciarmello
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love, love... loved it!! Exciting and enthralling! There is so much happening now and so much to answer for. I love how you had Margot completely forget about the note, and I had to laugh when Bessie high-tailed it out of the bedroom. :) What of Lord Crawley's poisoning! Is he still breathing? For now, I guess. Great job, my friend, Sandra!

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 23-May-2022
    Thank you, John! No, Richard is dead, that was the loooong line at the end, no heartbeats! Lol. That's him out the way, which narrows the field in the 'who dunnit quiz' a lot. I'm often getting guesses from the reader as to who commited the murder. Thanks again, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
reply by John Ciarmello on 23-May-2022
    Ahh! I guess that would have indicated his demise ^--------------. I loved it.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh Gwendolyn what have you done? This is really interesting, the theories of going back in time to rearrange the future are interesting, but the are only theories, I think the true Master of time, can do whatever He wishes anyway, how I would love to time travel, sigh! Beautifully written Sandra, Roy

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 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 22-May-2022
    I'd love to go back in time, too, what fun that could be. Thank you so much, dear Roy, for another lovely review. I do appreciate them a lot. Warm hugs, my friend. :)) Sandra xx
reply by royowen on 22-May-2022
    Well done,
Comment from aryr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, another great continuation chapter, Sandra. Poor Richard, it seems he realized a little too late, that his wife, Gwendolyn was indeed a conniving little wimp. He definitely put too many eggs in his basket. Lord Brandon was worried about his son and that was his biggest worry right now. Very well done, greatly enjoyed. Blessings, smiles n hugs.

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 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 22-May-2022
    Thanks so much, Alie, for reading this chapter, I'm so pleaed you enjoyed this part. Warm hugs my friend. :)) Sandra xx
reply by aryr on 23-May-2022
    Most welcome, Sandra, blessings, smiles n hugs!
Comment from Pam (respa)
This work has reached the exceptional level

-You keep raising the bar on suspense, Sandra.
-A very good beginning with the emphasis on the letter,
and Margot's instructions to make sure Miles read it.
-But the relationship and feelings of the two caused that
to be forgotten for the time being, despite Bessie's reminders.
-I wonder if that will be remembered in time or forgotten.
-If Bessie has any say, it will be remembered, but it still could be too late.
-The scene with the dress was excellent, with detailed descriptions of it and the accessories that went with it. Margot made an interesting observation about how it looked in Meg's time as opposed to the years in the future.
-The last scene was also done well. Poor Richard wasn't feeling well. I thought it interesting that Lord Brandon called his remarks slanderous when they were the truth; of course, he wasn't aware of it, I presume.
You really gave him a blow with the "bulbous nose!"
-Now we know that as he was dying, Richard knew what had happened.
-And questions will be raised, especially if Miles doesn't read the letter.
-I am relying on Bessie here!!!!
-Great job, my friend.

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 22-May-2022
    Thank you for this really incredible review, Pam, and the golden stars!! I'm so pleased you enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it. No, Lord Brandon had no idea that Miles and Meg were still together, he'd ordered Miles not to see her any more. He's not used to being disobeyed. He's going to have a few more shocks soon!! Don't worry, Bessie will sort it!! Lol.
    Thank you, my dear friend, I really appreciate the time you take on my reviews. Love and hugs, Sandra xxx
reply by Pam (respa) on 22-May-2022
    You are very welcome and deserving of the stars and review, Sandra. Your writing brings it out in me; as you know, I have a lot to say! I forgot about L.Brandon not knowing. I have faith in Bessie; otherwise, I would be worried! Love and hugs back to you, dear friend.
Comment from Shirley McLain
This work has reached the exceptional level

Another one bites the dust. You did an excellent job with this chapter. I'm ready for more today, please. You displayed the father's anger well. Enjoy your Sunday. Shirley

 Comment Written 22-May-2022

reply by the author on 22-May-2022
    Aw, thank you, Shirley, for this lovely review and the golden star. I'm glad you liked the part with Richard and Lord Brandon. I enjoyed writing that part!! Thanks, my friend. Warm hugs, Sandra xxx