The game of daisies
Silly love26 total reviews
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Such a cute poem. Where did you find your image? The title of the poem or wording is on your picture (He loves me; He loves me not.) It would be fun to write a poem with this title, I'm going to try, too. You have given me inspiration.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Such a cute poem. Where did you find your image? The title of the poem or wording is on your picture (He loves me; He loves me not.) It would be fun to write a poem with this title, I'm going to try, too. You have given me inspiration.
Comment Written 18-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
The site gave the title of the poem, the image is from google images I typed daisy games and on the second page was the image. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing it.
Comment from Susan X Smith
This is very clever. It made me smile when I read it. The picture is adorable and complements the poem very well. The subject is one which everyone can relate to.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
This is very clever. It made me smile when I read it. The picture is adorable and complements the poem very well. The subject is one which everyone can relate to.
Comment Written 18-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Thank you so much for your kind review
Comment from Bill Schott
This love poem, The Game of Daisies, seems to follow the precise method of determining another's ability to love us. The rhyme and procedure seem to fall apart towards the end. Bad omen?
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
This love poem, The Game of Daisies, seems to follow the precise method of determining another's ability to love us. The rhyme and procedure seem to fall apart towards the end. Bad omen?
Comment Written 18-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Yes :)she chooses the hat. Thank you so much for your review.
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Cute artwork.
-I like this whimsical poem
with the "cat and the hat!"
-I like the verse about
the daisy and "curious cat."
-The conclusion is good, too.
-Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
-Cute artwork.
-I like this whimsical poem
with the "cat and the hat!"
-I like the verse about
the daisy and "curious cat."
-The conclusion is good, too.
-Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 18-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Thank you so much for your kind review.
You are very welcome.
Comment from kiwisteveh
Hi, welcome to FanStory.
I enjoyed your whimsical little poem based on the (mostly) childhood game of playing does/not while plucking daisy petals. I wonder how many daisies have been slaughtered in the name of love - or not!
I liked the Dr Seuss beginning and the splendid ending.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Hi, welcome to FanStory.
I enjoyed your whimsical little poem based on the (mostly) childhood game of playing does/not while plucking daisy petals. I wonder how many daisies have been slaughtered in the name of love - or not!
I liked the Dr Seuss beginning and the splendid ending.
Comment Written 17-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2019
Thank you so much. I'm honored of your warm welcome and flattered by the comparison of my humble beginning with Dr. Seuss🙃
Comment from Gail Denham
Sometimes folks would like the last petal to be positive. But I guess when there's a hat as a prize? He better not make fun of your fat. Anyway - cute poem - I liked it.
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2019
Sometimes folks would like the last petal to be positive. But I guess when there's a hat as a prize? He better not make fun of your fat. Anyway - cute poem - I liked it.
Comment Written 17-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2019
Thank you so much
Comment from Sallyo
Playful and funny and, cat or not, rings true:-) I really enjoyed this one. Whoever you are, I suspect I've read you before... anyhow, good luck in the contest!
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2019
Playful and funny and, cat or not, rings true:-) I really enjoyed this one. Whoever you are, I suspect I've read you before... anyhow, good luck in the contest!
Comment Written 17-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2019
Thank you so much salutes from the cat, she is real
Comment from kahpot
Excellent, whether for the felines or the humans the angst and doubt of love is always there, we wonder do they like me or my hat (disguise) this is what I took from this great read with its humor which was vey well done, best wishes for your contest****kahpot
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
Excellent, whether for the felines or the humans the angst and doubt of love is always there, we wonder do they like me or my hat (disguise) this is what I took from this great read with its humor which was vey well done, best wishes for your contest****kahpot
Comment Written 16-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
Thank you so much for your kind review. Meow-meow plus the hat
Comment from Janetsue
This is a humorous little poem based on a curious cat counting the number of daisy petals on a flower. I used to play that game as a child. This posting brings back some long-forgotten memories and I am very glad. Best wishes for the contest! :-)
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
This is a humorous little poem based on a curious cat counting the number of daisy petals on a flower. I used to play that game as a child. This posting brings back some long-forgotten memories and I am very glad. Best wishes for the contest! :-)
Comment Written 16-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
Thank you so much for taking a chance on this poor cat:)
You're very welcome!
Comment from misscookie
This was a very clever and funny poem.
You captured my attention from the first word to the last.
I remember picking a daisy saying the same thing.
I was to young to know real love
I didn't find love and that is the end of that.
Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
This was a very clever and funny poem.
You captured my attention from the first word to the last.
I remember picking a daisy saying the same thing.
I was to young to know real love
I didn't find love and that is the end of that.
Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 16-Aug-2019
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2019
Thank you for stopping by and playing with me, the hat and the cat.
Your very welcome.
Have a nice week end