This Time - That Time 2
Viewing comments for Chapter 47 "Mildred Continues to Worry Veronica"Veronica is sent back again
30 total reviews
Comment from Meia (MESAYERS)
It always made my hair stand on end when I thought of the phone calls that would have to be made to the next of kin in these circumstances. Going back into the kitchen, I lifted the tray and went back out into the garden. I smiled when I saw Mildred was having a nap. As I got nearer, I noticed her book had dropped to the ground, and my smile faded as my heart thumped in my chest ... A second later, the tray slipped from my hands.' What a write! I look forward to reading the final part. I found no errors at all just very fine writing-well done this is superb kindest regards Meia x
'Mildred? ... Oh, Mildred....'
reply by the author on 15-May-2018
It always made my hair stand on end when I thought of the phone calls that would have to be made to the next of kin in these circumstances. Going back into the kitchen, I lifted the tray and went back out into the garden. I smiled when I saw Mildred was having a nap. As I got nearer, I noticed her book had dropped to the ground, and my smile faded as my heart thumped in my chest ... A second later, the tray slipped from my hands.' What a write! I look forward to reading the final part. I found no errors at all just very fine writing-well done this is superb kindest regards Meia x
'Mildred? ... Oh, Mildred....'
Comment Written 14-May-2018
reply by the author on 15-May-2018
Thank you so very much for your lovely review, Meia. I will be posting the final part later today! Big hugs, my friend. :) Sandra xxx
Comment from Dawn Munro
Did you mean, "We'll let it (steep) a while." - My apologies for just dropping in again, and this will be a fairly short review because the little box to make review notes as we go isn't working. I'll have to hop up and down through the text. *grin* I'm not terribly worried though, since you seldom need much in the way of a suggestion. :))
"I poured the tea(,) (Omit "and" - you have another one coming up in the same sentence... Add the comma instead.)
Is it poo-hooed or pooh-poohed? (I believe it is the latter.)
Your dialogue is superb.
So is your description.
Likewise your anchoring of the scenes. e.g. - "Mildred lowered the book..."
"She went to stand up..." I suggest instead, "She started to stand up..."
Wonderful cliff-hanger ending to this chapter. Marvelous read, my friend. No sixes left already though - :((
reply by the author on 15-May-2018
Did you mean, "We'll let it (steep) a while." - My apologies for just dropping in again, and this will be a fairly short review because the little box to make review notes as we go isn't working. I'll have to hop up and down through the text. *grin* I'm not terribly worried though, since you seldom need much in the way of a suggestion. :))
"I poured the tea(,) (Omit "and" - you have another one coming up in the same sentence... Add the comma instead.)
Is it poo-hooed or pooh-poohed? (I believe it is the latter.)
Your dialogue is superb.
So is your description.
Likewise your anchoring of the scenes. e.g. - "Mildred lowered the book..."
"She went to stand up..." I suggest instead, "She started to stand up..."
Wonderful cliff-hanger ending to this chapter. Marvelous read, my friend. No sixes left already though - :((
Comment Written 14-May-2018
reply by the author on 15-May-2018
No apologies necessary, Dawn. I'l just happy you came and read this part. The last part of the book will be posted today.
We say 'let it brew for a while...' in the UK. Similar meaning though, we do say 'steep' but you'll rarely hear it here.
Yes, you're right about the 'pooh-poohed' I'll sort that and the other suggestion. Thank you, my friend. I really appreciate you dropping in with these helpful bits. Big hugs!! :) Sandra xxx
You're very welcome. :)
Comment from Roxanna Andrews
Well done as always. Sorry that Mildred had to die. I was afraid that was going to happen. The story is almost over and that must be a good feeling in a way for you. Do you plan to publish? Good job. Rox
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Well done as always. Sorry that Mildred had to die. I was afraid that was going to happen. The story is almost over and that must be a good feeling in a way for you. Do you plan to publish? Good job. Rox
Comment Written 14-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Thank you so much, Rox, for your really nice review. Yes, this is the second in the series, the first was published last November. I've got to edit this one, and I have Beta readers going through it already. Then hoping to get it published once the final edit is done. I'll be working on the third book soon. Last part of this one will be posted tomorrow. Thank you for your support, my friend. :) Sandra xxx
Comment from JDRBAR
And, now I must wait with bated breath to learn of Mildred. I hate "hooks" at the end of a chapter when I can't just turn the page and read the resolution. Looking forward to last part.
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
And, now I must wait with bated breath to learn of Mildred. I hate "hooks" at the end of a chapter when I can't just turn the page and read the resolution. Looking forward to last part.
Comment Written 14-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Whoops, sorry, Diane! lol (not really) Tomorrow, that's not long. I have to earn loads of pumps first. It is the last part of this book, and leads me into the third of the trilogy ... or maybe more. Thank you so much for your lovely review, my friend. I really have enjoyed your company. :)) Sandra xxxx
Comment from dginnh
Hi, This is a nice chapter and this is a tough review having stumbled over this and reading part 47 without reading parts 1-46. Overall I liked it, I am intrigued and I will go back to read the earlier chapters. There were two things that bothered me. The phrase "I observed her jaded features which clearly revealed her tiredness" it just feels like an awkward way of saying someone clearly looks tired. On the other hand, this may be a normal way Veronica describes life, and I am ignorant having not read the entire story to this point. The second is: the ground work for Michael to tell James about the incident in the woods is provided, and then it just skips over this, maybe it will appear in the final part. So, I wanted to know, because I missed it, and was disappointed it was missing. Overall, a well written chapter, Dave
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Hi, This is a nice chapter and this is a tough review having stumbled over this and reading part 47 without reading parts 1-46. Overall I liked it, I am intrigued and I will go back to read the earlier chapters. There were two things that bothered me. The phrase "I observed her jaded features which clearly revealed her tiredness" it just feels like an awkward way of saying someone clearly looks tired. On the other hand, this may be a normal way Veronica describes life, and I am ignorant having not read the entire story to this point. The second is: the ground work for Michael to tell James about the incident in the woods is provided, and then it just skips over this, maybe it will appear in the final part. So, I wanted to know, because I missed it, and was disappointed it was missing. Overall, a well written chapter, Dave
Comment Written 14-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Hello, Dave, welcome to Fanstory! You'll love it here. Yes, the parts you mentioned. The first one, her jaded features. I shall take another look at that line, thank you for raising it. Michael's little accident happened in the previous part, nothing dramatic, but to a three year old, it was major. He fell over and grazed his face. Simple to us, big time for him. lol. This is the second book in my time-travelling trilogy, the final part will be posted tomorrow. It's going to be a bit of a twister that will lead me into the third and final book in the series. Veronica is the time-traveller and Mildred has been with her since the very beginning. Everyone on FS and the reviews I've received for the first book (published last November) have all become big fans of Mildred, whose character grew from just a maid to an important member of the series. I've had lots of threats from the readers on here not to kill her off. lol. Thank you for reading this part, Dave, it was really nice of you. I hope you'll tag along when I begin the third book. :) Sandra
Comment from l.raven
HI Sandra, I knew when I started reading this chapter....something was going to happen to Mildred...she was moving in slow motion...but you never know...she may just be sleeping...and of course there is always...where will she go after her passing???...truly an awesome chapter sweet girl...explained a lot...why Veronica was traveling around in another your story...very well told....and sooooo very well this is what they look like...I'll take you to pieces...Linda xxoo
Is Ian doing any better???...sigh...say hi for me...Linda love xxoo
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
HI Sandra, I knew when I started reading this chapter....something was going to happen to Mildred...she was moving in slow motion...but you never know...she may just be sleeping...and of course there is always...where will she go after her passing???...truly an awesome chapter sweet girl...explained a lot...why Veronica was traveling around in another your story...very well told....and sooooo very well this is what they look like...I'll take you to pieces...Linda xxoo
Is Ian doing any better???...sigh...say hi for me...Linda love xxoo
Comment Written 13-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Make sure you read the last part tomorrow, Linda, everyone's questions will be answered. :)) Thank you, for those lovely 6 stars, dear friend, and your wonderful review. ... "She may be sleeping ... of course there is always ... LOL!!! You crack me up, laughing, Linda, lol!!! Bless your heart, Tomorrow? Okay? Biggest hugs, dear friend. Love to your mother!. xxxxx
Ian managed to walk a little bit yesterday, he is finding it very hard, but is perspiring. He's having some more tests done on his kidneys today, and his heart. His blood pressure keeps shooting up of 200, which must be controlled. If he goes home and it does it there, it could mean another heart attack. We are being positive though. We have to be. Thanks my friend for always thinking of him. Big hugs xxxxxxx
I Just read the can read my review...I have so enjoyed reading your story sweet angel...we had lots of fun...I'll be waiting for the follow are more than welcome Sandra...Thank You sweet girl for keeping us all on our toes...and for the meeting of Joe and I ...soooo romantic...hmmmmm...smiling so you much...xxoo love you
so glad Ian was walking a will take time... but they truly have to get his blood pressure is so dangerous...I can understand why it is up so high...he has so much on his mind...God Bless him...and take good care of xxoo Hi
Comment from BeasPeas
What an original concept you have come up with for your stories. I find it very interesting, although I have not read every chapter. The healing does come when we experience what had gone on before. So the detective solves the mystery. Much more to be said about this entire concept. Well written throughout. Marilyn
reply by the author on 13-May-2018
What an original concept you have come up with for your stories. I find it very interesting, although I have not read every chapter. The healing does come when we experience what had gone on before. So the detective solves the mystery. Much more to be said about this entire concept. Well written throughout. Marilyn
Comment Written 13-May-2018
reply by the author on 13-May-2018
Thank you so much, Marilyn. This story just grew from a short story I wrote on here a few years ago. It won the contest even though it was full of Spags. lol. I brought it out again about two years ago to correct it and re-posted it and it just grew. The first book was published last November and this one will be finished on Tuesday ready to have it's big edit etc. One more book to go in the trilogy. It's funny how things work out. I'll really pleased you found it interesting, that says a lot to me, that you could say that after only reading a few parts, so thank you so very much! Warm hugs, my friend. :) Sandra xxx
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
I knew Mildred would die. She can't stay around, since her part in the story is over and those powers don't like to leave loose ends hanging. She was a great character... wonder who will replace her in the next book. Glad to know Veronica accomplished her mission. But saving a politician? Is that really necessary? LOL!
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
I knew Mildred would die. She can't stay around, since her part in the story is over and those powers don't like to leave loose ends hanging. She was a great character... wonder who will replace her in the next book. Glad to know Veronica accomplished her mission. But saving a politician? Is that really necessary? LOL!
Comment Written 13-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
LOL! I'm hoping there were some nice politicians around in that time, there aren't any today!! Thank you so very much for the lovely 6 stars, Phyllis, The next book will lead off with the end of this one, :)) but it will have to wait a couple of weeks while I finish tidying this up. Thank you, my friend, for the lovely review. Big hugs, Sandra xxxx
Comment from Rasmine
Hello, Sandra, :)
Great chapter. I hope Mildred is okay! OMG, you are a fascinating writer, keep it up! I can't wait to read the next chapter on Tuesday evening. I'm waiting with bells on. :D
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Hello, Sandra, :)
Great chapter. I hope Mildred is okay! OMG, you are a fascinating writer, keep it up! I can't wait to read the next chapter on Tuesday evening. I'm waiting with bells on. :D
Comment Written 13-May-2018
reply by the author on 14-May-2018
Thank you so much, Nome! I love the part, 'You are a fascinating writer!' lol. That's a lovely compliment. Not long to wait for the fanal part. It will lead into the third book of the trilogy. Then I will have to decide if I continue with it. I have loads of avenues I can go down with it. Thanks again, my friend. :) xx Sandra
Comment from Mustang Patty
Hi, Sandra;
I knew this was coming...I just didn't know how you would do it. I do hope the old girl didn't feel any pain. Another great chapter. I guess we know the 'powers that be' have more plans for Veronica -- but that will be for another book, right?
I will check in on Tuesday,
reply by the author on 13-May-2018
Hi, Sandra;
I knew this was coming...I just didn't know how you would do it. I do hope the old girl didn't feel any pain. Another great chapter. I guess we know the 'powers that be' have more plans for Veronica -- but that will be for another book, right?
I will check in on Tuesday,
Comment Written 13-May-2018
reply by the author on 13-May-2018
Oh yes, the 'powers' have a lot more surprises for Veronica, all will be revealed on Tuesday in the very last part of this book. I hope to see you there! Thank you so very much, my friend, for this lovely review. I've appreciated them all. Warm hugs, my friend. :) Sandra xxx