Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 109 "Time to Forget the Past"
A family's love is tested.

23 total reviews 
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so glad you didn't argue the point OR other issues. It's just not worth it when they already live so far away and your left to the whims of their infrequent visits already. It's just not that important in the grand scheme of things - not to me, anyway. *smile* It's more important to spend that time with them, don't you think?? Another interesting chapter!


 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2016
    Exactly. Why ruin what will most likely be the last visit until one of our Memorial Services. Ha,ha.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Isn't it odd how all those unpleasant memories can come back after so many years? Nicole still seemed upset about the car breaking down. You appear to have learned to put things in perspective so you don't get so upset. Sounds like she blames you and the car that broke down for Jeff almost breaking up with her. I don't know what prompted the idea of the recorded interview, but it doesn't seem like it was aa good idea, if it brought up old wounds. Very interesting insights. judi

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2016
    No one, least of all me, expected that bitter outburst from my daughter. But then, I too am guilty of hurting her by behaving badly just before her wedding. How I regret that. That story is much earlier in the book. Guess it all evens out in the end.
reply by judiverse on 08-Dec-2016
    It seems like the interview was a way to bring out all those old feelings. You were able to have a good visit despite stirring up past issues. judi
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Letting go of old angers is hard for me and I can understand how difficult it must have been for you. I agree, holding onto them is not good and letting them go is the best route to take. Nice work with this one. I enjoyed it very much.

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2016
    Thanks, Sasha. I let go of the guilt I felt too when I almost ruined her wedding day.
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's good to know Jeff has mellowed... can't picture him as an introvert, though. That's SOME change!

My husband has a big head. When everyone was buying cowboy hats, the hat store had nothing in his size... special order, so he passed. But he's six feet tall, so it isn't as noticeable as it is on Jeff.

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Jeff gained enough weight that it's not so obvious now. He was slender like my daughter when we first met me. Think of a walking lollipop. LOL
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's okay, no hurry, Shari. I am enjoying your story.
It's sad the way resentment can build up between people who in truth love each other. I hate to say this but your daughter is a selfish and controlling individual. It was childish to blame you when the car broke down. That happens. You seem to have retained your sense of humor through it all. Well done. Nancy

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    It wasn't funny at the time and certainly didn't make us want Jeff as part of the family. She is selfish and knows it. Hence, her decision to never have children. Oh, the roads we choose to take.
Comment from Mary Wakeford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my goodness, Shari, blame it on the alligators! So she had been holding this against you for over twenty years? Cars are like everything else (and many people) in that they tank at the must inopportune monents.

This was week written with your sarcastically funny humor popping in and out often:

But then, men have two heads, so who knows where size comes into the picture. Maybe, my daughter had a double whammy"

I wouldn't bring home a looker because I know you would flirt with him." I admit it. She was right

Alone time? Forget it. She clung to Jeff like Saran Wrap. And vice versa.

I'm dying to find out the end of this, are they still married?

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2016
    Yeap! Hard to believe. Thanks for citing your favorite lines.
    Still married although I found out through Jeff's independent radio show Bowler Hat Productions, that she came close to leaving him at the seven year mark. I never asked about it, because Nichole doesn't confide in me. That stopped after she married Jeff.
Comment from Lloyd T. Okoko
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The verbal structure of the story reminisces the fledgeling love between Nichole, a waitress,prospective actress and Jeff, who is an actor and waiter.

Nichole had suffered setbacks in her acting and modelling but she did not let that give her sleepless nights as much as much as she did concerning the cementation of her nuptial ties with Jeff.

Nichole asks for the release of one of her parents car to be driven by Jeff.Her mother grants them her own car which breaks down on the way. Rather than see the break down as an accident, Nichole and Jeff see it as a deliberate stumbling block Nichole's mother placed before them to dismantle their march to smooth wedlock.

Nichole's mother thus overnight turns the enemy of Nichole and Jeff. The work constitutes a significant commentary that examplifies Bob Marley's song which states that: "your worst enemy could be your best friend and your best friend, your worst enemy".

Excellent work! Bravo!

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Wow! This sounds like a super summary of a movie. I'm going to bookmark it with your permission. It might come in handy when I have to write a blurb.
reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Wow! This sounds like a super summary of a movie. I'm going to bookmark it with your permission. It might come in handy when I have to write a blurb. Whoops! Can't bookmark it, but will cut and paste to Word.
reply by Lloyd T. Okoko on 08-Dec-2016
    Remain Blessed!
reply by Lloyd T. Okoko on 09-Dec-2016
    A Billion Hugs And A Permanent
    Smile Henceforth!
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's good you were able to leave the past in the past, and you're probably right that Nichole would deal with their past visit better now that she's talked about it. I take it that she never told you about Jeff having to spend three days in the hospital.

I can't believe that you are almost up to the present.

:) e

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Oh yes, she told us about the hospital stay, whether to make us feel guilty or not. I didn't. The man is allergic to everything, yet won't leave smog-ridden L.A.
    Every time I call I make an effort to get through the wall she's built up around herself.
    Heck, I'm getting so I prefer to talk to Jeff!
Comment from TheWriteTeach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hey Shari,

Excellent chapter. Very well written. Has good flow with smooth transitions, and excellent dialogue. You build the tension very well. I'm waiting for you to smack the daylights out of Nichole. Forgive me, but she acts like a brat. There was no reason to blame you for the car breaking down - they could have easily rented a car. Something tells me they didn't pay for fixing it either, did they? It isn't your fault Jeff ended up in the hospital, either. Come on, seriously? And how in the world could it possibly be blamed on you that Jeff almost broke up with Nichole? She sounds like she blames everyone else for her problems and takes no responsibility herself. And if it's true that Jeff almost broke up with her b/c of the car breaking down and his hospital stay, then I want to know what's wrong with him? You don't break up with someone you supposedly love b/c of life's everyday happenings. God bless you for keeping your mouth shut - I couldn't have. Did Nichole care at all about how you and Frank felt about all this? It seems as though she didn't. I hope things all work out and get better for you.

Only picked up on one spag:

We waited another hour for the truck to pick {up us} and then an hour and a (Word reversal where indicated.)


 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Thanks for your insightful review. My Aunt said California would change Nichole and she was right. But she was spoiled by me. Jeff spoils her too. If she want potato chips in the middle of the night, he'll go out to buy them. She makes the big bucks. She has the power. I saw her refusal to take responsibility too, not while growing up, but as an adult. My sister was the same way.
    Nichole never dated much and thought she'd never find someone who would put up with her. Jeff felt the same way about himself. So too outsiders found each other.
reply by TheWriteTeach on 08-Dec-2016
    It is good that Nichole and Jeff are of kindred spirit. But the way she treats you is upsetting; you don't deserve that. Mothers and daughters are supposed to be close, inseparable, even. God bless you. These are supposed to be our golden years - let me know when they start! LOL
reply by the author on 08-Dec-2016
    Chris's unconditional love makes up for a lot. Our will leaves a trust fund for each of his children. What's left after that will be divided between him and Nichole. If anything happens to her, the money goes to the SPCA. I won't support Jeff like she has all these years.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Appears "Nichole" is very controlling, going so far as to try to change "Jeff's" personality into what she wants it to be. Typical of many women.

Good characterizations used throughout the telling of this story though.

 Comment Written 07-Dec-2016

reply by the author on 07-Dec-2016
    Controlling would describe her in most situations. But trust me, Jeff needs that. When she met him, he was in debt and couldn't even get a credit card. To this day, she won't allow him one. She makes four times what he does a year. He can leave if he doesn't want to change, but the situation is too good to pass up. I mean, how far would you go to change if someone supported you and left you free to write all day?