Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 72 "Present Surprises"
A family's love is tested.

24 total reviews 
Comment from joann r romei
This work has reached the exceptional level

What! Oh my dear, now I wont be able to wait to find out why she had that torturous request. This sounded like a fun time for the both of you. Was a nice read.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thanks so much for the six, joann. Will post the next one tomorrow--just a shorty as I rush to get to number six. LOL
Comment from Debbie Noland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another well-penned chapter, dripping with your usual genius for irony--the celebration of person's birth even as her death looms. The fact that the impending death is so much a part of the conversation in such a matter-of-fact way creates a status quo against which the ending jars--in a good way, of course. Once more the ending takes us aback and whets our interest to read on to see how this new conflict will resolve.

On the topic of such things as pandas and roses: my cousin passed away a week ago, and an early comforter told her (my cousin's) granddaughter of an old story claiming that seeing a cardinal is a message from the deceased loved one. When the granddaughter entered a department store dressing room to try on an outfit for the funeral, inexplicably, there was a ceramic cardinal sitting on the shelf. I thought that was interesting.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Definitely a sign that your cousin is still watching over her. Thanks for sharing. That's exactly what it is--inexplicably.
Comment from Mystic Angel 7777
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a six not only because it is very well written, but because you brought up something which I very much believe in with genuine sincerity and credibility - there are special signs our loved ones can send us and your panda is perfection in that respect. Well done, lovely lady, and thank you very much for sharing it.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thank you so much for the six and noting that. Even better is the story of how it happened.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so touching. I really liked the description you give of Barb's reaction to her gifts and the comments she makes. Nice detail about her son pretending to be the baby panda. The doll and panda have special memories for her. I'll be curious to see what develops with your request that after her death she send some sort of signal relating to panda that she has passed over. What a twist at the end, when she says she doesn't want you or Bobby to attend her memorial service. That must have been a shocker to you. Very powerful emotionally. judi

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thanks, judi, for noting the relevant things. Answers soon.
reply by judiverse on 10-Jan-2016
    You're very welcome. I am curious to hear more about whether the panda came through. judi
Comment from Louise Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love those cute little presents you gave her. Was that a Marilyn Monroe doll? Some confusion here. That note from Panda is so cute and sweet. Oh, wow, what an ending. What makes it remarkable is that it's true. Can't wait to hear her reasoning for not wanting you at memorial service. Hugs, Lou

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    No, she just named the doll Marilynn. I don't know why. Appreciate that you commented on the letter. I always put whimsy into life. Right now my free Habitat for Humanity Teddy Bear is wearing my glasses so I won't keep losing them!
Comment from Eigle Rull
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

She took me to Australia where I meant (met) someone and had a baby.

This was a fun chapter to read, my friend. It's always fun to watch someone opening gifts, and when they symbolize the youth of that person, well, it just makes it that much more special. The storyline, the dialog and the excitement of the day made this an excellent chapter, my good friend. Best wishes to you.

Always with respect,

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thanks Eigle for spotting the typo. Yes, I guess that's the real fun of Christmas-- watching reactions. My son-in-law captures it all on video or camera. :-)
Comment from Rosalyne
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Shari.
What a wonderful way you've shared the birthday party with Barb. Your gifts brought both of you such happiness and you could feel this throughout your writing. What you shared about the boy named, Sammy Rose was an amazing sign and connection from your mom. How incredible that must have been for you.
Your sister's request would catch anyone by surprise. I can also understand her point of view, wanting to be remembered in a happy healthy way.
Bye, my friend.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thank you so much for the six, Rosalyne. Wait until I write how "panda" comes through. I suspect you're right about her reasons for not visiting, but what about the funeral?
reply by Rosalyne on 11-Jan-2016
    Hi, Shari.
    I'm so sorry for what you've had to go through. I remember when I was younger, saying goodbye to my uncle. He didn't want my brother and I seeing him weeks before he died, nor did we attend the funeral. He wanted us to remember him the way he was prior to being sick. Possibly, Barb had a similar feeling and that's why she said what she did.
    Bye, my friend.
    Rosalyne :)
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! Talk about a bomb being dropped on you after you'd both had such wonderful time reminiscing about your childhood spent together.
The last sentence in this chapter really threw me for one helluva loop!

But why? Why wouldn't Barb want her younger sister, much less her own son, to pay their respects at her memorial? Talk about sending mixed messages. I'd be shocked to stunned silence, unable to respond, if one of my two younger brothers said something like that to me.

The description of the party, coupled with Bobby's good-natured needling his mother--was so well written I felt as if I was right there with you all, Shari, sharing in the experience.

Now with this latest revelation, one has to wonder...where do we go from here?

Excellent writing as usual, Spit. I always look forward to your postings of chapters for this story. And I don't even read this sort of thing normally.

Great work!

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Great emotional response to the ending, Dean. For some reason you're thinking I'm the younger sister. Not so.
    I'm flattered that you're following this. The next chapter is real short-- to get my six posts in. This is only the second. Sigh...
reply by Dean Kuch on 10-Jan-2016
    Oh, I apologize, Shari, I somehow got that mixed up. Perhaps it's only because Barb always seems so stiff, restricted, and afraid to have fun--you know, just let her hair down once in awhile and act goofy or silly?
    While you enjoy life and having fun it seems, and that's caused me to think this.
    I've got it now, and thank you for clearing that up.
    You're more than welcome for the review.
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016

    Just watched a movie from 2013 called "The Conjuring" about a demon looking for bodies to 'haunt.' It's based on a true story.
    Apparently, the thing only can inhabit those who haven't been baptized. I'm safe!
reply by Dean Kuch on 10-Jan-2016
    Yeah, me too!:-))
Comment from Donya Quijote
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so very happy your birthday bash was a big hit. This was a wonderful scene, filled with so much joy. It was nice that the so called end ended on happy notes.

Your sister's final request does seem odd but not out of her character. Sounds like she trying spare some of the pain of her passing.

Next chapter will reveal her reasons and whether or not there were unexplained pandas about. Very interesting.

 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    You're one of few to note that her comment is true to character. It would be unrealistic to have her do a complete turnaround.
Comment from ProSongwriter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, Shari ... this short chapter covered a lot of ground, story-wise. The party, the regular gifts, the panda ... and then the shocker at the end. I'm kinda known around here for my cliffhanger chapter endings. I think you bested me with this one. Ghat was quite a shocker! I can just see the looks on yours and Bobby faces after that announcement ... talk about an unexpected turn of events after all the sweetness of the party and gifting.

Very well done, Shari. I just love the natural flow and the "everyday people" concept. You don't glorify or mince words ... you just tell it like it is in everyday conversation. Love it!

Have a great Sunday. Best to you and Frank ...


 Comment Written 10-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thanks, Alan. I pride myself on cliffhangers too.
    As for style, sometimes it seems as if all the purple prose around here gets the glory. LOL