Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 18 "Loose Lips"
A family's love is tested.

25 total reviews 
Comment from Louise Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Shari,

It's like you were sandwiched between two guilt trips - wanting to support your daughter and uneasy about leaving Mother. Thank goodness you made the right decision because your financial considerations should come first.

Oh, wow, what a page turner at the end. I hope we get to find out more about Jeff. This was a really enjoyable chapter.


 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    What you find out won't endear him. But then, maybe I drew the wrong assumptions. Wait and judge. LOL
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great opportunity, performing on a cruise line. I don't know about the magic act, though. Very likely your reluctance to on the cruise at first did not bring on Nicole's illness. Great that you decided to go to Alaska to see her perform. You were really a trouper to call Jeff for her. It was probably good psychology. Raising objections to him would only have made matters worse. You sure know how to tease. What does she know about Jeff that would make you really hate him? Excellent, interesting work. judi

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Thanks, judi, for your supportive review. I can always tell you read the post. LOL
reply by judiverse on 01-Apr-2015
    You're welcome. It must have been exciting for you to Nicole perform. judi
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good grief, you know i hate to say this, I really do. But Jeff and I would have probably gotten along famously. That being said, I have the things I do for inspiration, the stuffed crow, my Stephen King collection, gravestone bookends...the list could go on and on. So undoubtedly, both you and Frank would have probably hated me dating your daughter. I've never written horror and thrillers until a few years ago, and never poetry at all until I came to FanStory. I've just always been...drawn to the black ends of life's spectrum.

I was a bit shocked you so readily agreed to go on one of the Holland American line cruises, given your initial objections. However in retrospect, you're probably glad now that you did.

Now, I may have always been attracted to the types of dark things Jeff was attracted to, but I was never mean-spirited, mean or evil in any way. I've always had a very loving and giving nature. Nichole's last comment to you was very strange -- disturbingly so. had my daughter said something like that, I wouldn't know what to do about it. it's one of those, "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situations.

Now I'm eager to find out what the heck she meant.

Great writing, Shari. Another perfect, cliff-hanger type ending.

~Dean :}

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Thanks, Dean. It wasn't just that Jeff thrived on dark humor, he always made fun of people who had deformities of any kind. And even those who didn't. He loved scary movies and thought Paranormal a real chiller. I found it lame and not well done. Don't get me started! Did I mention that he thought it socially acceptable to entertain us with a movie about of Charles Manson and a crude film called JackAss? I mean, let's honor the generation gap, please!
reply by Dean Kuch on 01-Apr-2015
    See, now I would never do something like that. That's just rude, crass, and classless.

    Paranormal Activity was the most boring "horror" film I'd had the displeasure of sitting through (only because I paid $8.00 to do so) since The Blair Witch Project.

    You wanna see a horror film that will curl your hair, make you get goosebumps? Watch "6 Souls" sometime. But, don't say I didn't warn you! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-a-a-a! ~Dean :}
reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    I checked it out on Netflix. I've seen it and remember it vaguely. I only gave it three stars. My metaphysical studies on souls and spirits and ghosts makes it pretty hard to frighten me.
reply by Dean Kuch on 01-Apr-2015
    The ending chilled me to the bone.:0
reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Scaredy cat. :-) Wish I could remember it better.
reply by Dean Kuch on 01-Apr-2015
    M-e-e-e-o-o-O-O-0-0-O-w-w-w... Heh-heh... :}
Comment from Leen1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my! That last sentence of course rocked me back onto my heels. Whatever could she mean? Still very interest memoir, which I guarantee you will hold me until the very end. Nice writing for sure.

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Glad you are enjoying this. My daughter would kill me if she ever found out. I don't intend to publish it, needless to say.
Comment from boxergirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am glad you changed your mind and went on the cruise, especially since you got to spend some quality time with Nichole. Intriguing comment she made about Jeff. I am nosy enough that I would love to find out. Lol. Cant help with your video--technologically challenged. 8-)

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Thanks, BG. I'm glad I changed my mind too in view of what happens later.
Comment from Eigle Rull
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Darn! I'd have loved to see the video. However, I understand. I can't do it either.

This is a great chapter, my friend. I enjoyed that you and your daughter patched up old problems and enjoyed time together. Family is important in my mind.

This was well written, as always, and exciting because of the trip. Sounds like Jeff is kind of a fruitcake of some kind. Best wishes, my friend.

Always with respect,

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    A leech is more like it. What until you hear what he told me over the phone when I called a week before Nichole came home.
Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What was his obsession with that, did he like to look at dead bodies, there wasnt the internet then wonder what it could have been, maybe drinking blood.

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Who knows? His father was a cop and shot in the line of duty. Jeff was still a boy. Some of his mother's boyfriends abused him, so he says. Not sure what to believe. He loves to be dramatic.
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It seems, no matter what you say or do, your relationship with Nichole keeps going downhill. This is something I can relate to. My youngest refuses to speak to me. The last things she said to me was, "Stop contacting me. I don't ever want to see or speak with you again." Pretty harsh words that still leave me heartbroken.

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    Nothing hurts like the thoughtless words of your own child. Later on, our relationship got pretty close to the breaking point. And all over a man!
Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dean Kuch knows how to put a video on your post. He is always most gracious about sharing that information. I lived in Alaska for two years, 1962-64 and then two trips back in 2006 and again in 2010. I would go again in a heartbeat. Love it there. Your story continues with excellent writing and interesting dialogue.

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    It is beautiful country, but too cold, even in July, for me.
    Dean says to put it on YouTube first, but that creates copyright problems, since it's a no-no not to take pictures or tape the show.
Comment from IndianaIrish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad you were able to see your daughter at work. I'd like to read what your reaction to her performances were. You must have liked it since you skipped the dining room meals, but would have liked to read what you thought about her stage performances. Great ending sentence and want to learn more about Jeff.
Karyn :-)

 Comment Written 01-Apr-2015

reply by the author on 01-Apr-2015
    You're right. I should have included that. I knew she could sing well, but was really amazed at her dancing ability. All those lessons paid off.