Stories of the Dreamtime
Viewing comments for Chapter 12 "Dingo Dreamtime"Aboriginal myths and legends.
16 total reviews
Comment from nancy_e_davis
It's pitiful what invading men have done to the natives of different lands. It seems all they do is ruin the peace and tranquility. Man has a talent for destroying all that is good on this earth. I don't understand why God puts up with it. LOL Good story Kay! :<) Nancy
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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It's pitiful what invading men have done to the natives of different lands. It seems all they do is ruin the peace and tranquility. Man has a talent for destroying all that is good on this earth. I don't understand why God puts up with it. LOL Good story Kay! :<) Nancy
Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
G'day Nancy, Glad you enjoyed part of our history. Thanks for reading. :-) XX K.
Comment from mumsyone
Interesting facts, Kay, but I didn't realize that the dingo was still telling all of them (or dreaming them), until the very last. As always, I recognize some of the places and things you've mentioned.
tearing up K'gari (K'gari's?)face.
even brumbies ran wild," (." The) the old Dingo's eyes misted over with thoughts of the
The men stumbled on towards Lake Mackenzie (Boorangoora) and the Champagne Pools( Moora Buthu)(.)
The cool, clear waters of the fresh water lake,(no comma) had sustained the native animals
The Dingo population is dwindling and there doesn't (don't) seem to be any answers to their future.
Captain Cook (good old white fella', sent by Queen Victoria to take whatever land he could steal.) [steal).] move full stop to after parenthesis
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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Interesting facts, Kay, but I didn't realize that the dingo was still telling all of them (or dreaming them), until the very last. As always, I recognize some of the places and things you've mentioned.
tearing up K'gari (K'gari's?)face.
even brumbies ran wild," (." The) the old Dingo's eyes misted over with thoughts of the
The men stumbled on towards Lake Mackenzie (Boorangoora) and the Champagne Pools( Moora Buthu)(.)
The cool, clear waters of the fresh water lake,(no comma) had sustained the native animals
The Dingo population is dwindling and there doesn't (don't) seem to be any answers to their future.
Captain Cook (good old white fella', sent by Queen Victoria to take whatever land he could steal.) [steal).] move full stop to after parenthesis
Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
Wow! Lois sure got dat thinkin' cap on. I write as we speak to make readers think. But, I appreciate your edits and thank you for reading. No, "K'gari face" is the way we say it. Bless you friend. :-) XXK
Comment from royowen
A nice walk through the legends of an ancient land, customs and history,. When we were in Nth Queensland back in 1988, we visited and stayed in the caravan park in Hervey Bay, we took a day trip to Fraser Island, and saw the lakes, and had a look around the island, I cleaned my gold wedding ring in the pure silica sands on the island, it was a really beaut day, good story telling Kay, well done, great reading, blessings, Roy,
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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A nice walk through the legends of an ancient land, customs and history,. When we were in Nth Queensland back in 1988, we visited and stayed in the caravan park in Hervey Bay, we took a day trip to Fraser Island, and saw the lakes, and had a look around the island, I cleaned my gold wedding ring in the pure silica sands on the island, it was a really beaut day, good story telling Kay, well done, great reading, blessings, Roy,
Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
Thank you Roy. We live close to where the ferry from Fraser Island stops off on the mainland and the Wildlife Sanctuary is 15mins down the road - they have 6 dingo's. Blessings, K XX
Comment from adewpearl
great legend to open with - what a cool creation story
love old man Dingo's reaction to thoughtless, destructive humans
great descriptive detail of place
bolder around tourists, and - add comma
Looking around, he wondered
C'mon, old fella - add comma for direct address
love the closing
Powerful social commentary in great story format, which is a much more effective way of delivering your message than writing a rant :-) Brooke
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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great legend to open with - what a cool creation story
love old man Dingo's reaction to thoughtless, destructive humans
great descriptive detail of place
bolder around tourists, and - add comma
Looking around, he wondered
C'mon, old fella - add comma for direct address
love the closing
Powerful social commentary in great story format, which is a much more effective way of delivering your message than writing a rant :-) Brooke
Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
Dis old lady most confused by all Americans that read my writing. Not you, commas I can handle. Jay gives me a page of corrections so I write in our lingo to confuse him! Glad you enjoyed it. Fraser Island is 20mins by ferry from our place and the Dingos are kept at the Wildlife Sanctuary fifteen minutes away. So sad the song. Tanka you my dear friend. :-) XX K.
Comment from Jean Lutz
Many of your stories remind me of conversations I have had with my grandson. He is fascinated by fantasy and also stories of little known or extinct species and how animals and human relate to one another.
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reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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Many of your stories remind me of conversations I have had with my grandson. He is fascinated by fantasy and also stories of little known or extinct species and how animals and human relate to one another.
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Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
And, I bet you encourage him to learn more about species that are becoming extinct. I hope you enjoyed the story, Jean. Love, Kay.
Comment from alphonsus murgatroyd
Lovely idea to write this from the POV of the Dingo. In Aboriginal dreaming mythology, would the 'old man Dingo' have once been in human form? Many of the dreaming stories tell of a time when animals were human. (The Ancestors.) It is also interesting to see the contact with white tourists from the Dingo's perspective. After all, it isn't the Dingoes that are the invaders.
However, this piece seems to move from telling the Dingo's story to recounting factual events and back again. I would like to see the Dingo as the story teller all the way through if you want to write a dreaming-type story. Or you could write a non-fiction piece, recounting the history of the Dingo and the results of contact with white settlers on the island. You have some great information and the beginnings for two different pieces of writing here.
Point of clarification - Captain Cook was not sent to Australia by Queen Victoria, she was not born until 1819 and did not become Queen until 1837. The British King at the time of Cook's arrival in Australia was George III.
Also, is it true that Cook himself actually enslaved and massacred the Butchulla people, or were other white men who came later responsible for this? I have always believed that Cook tried to keep peace with Aboriginal people (even though he didn't really understand them) and it was the white settlers who came later that were responsible for the terrible massacres.
Great stuff, there is some excellent potential in this subject matter.
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reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
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Lovely idea to write this from the POV of the Dingo. In Aboriginal dreaming mythology, would the 'old man Dingo' have once been in human form? Many of the dreaming stories tell of a time when animals were human. (The Ancestors.) It is also interesting to see the contact with white tourists from the Dingo's perspective. After all, it isn't the Dingoes that are the invaders.
However, this piece seems to move from telling the Dingo's story to recounting factual events and back again. I would like to see the Dingo as the story teller all the way through if you want to write a dreaming-type story. Or you could write a non-fiction piece, recounting the history of the Dingo and the results of contact with white settlers on the island. You have some great information and the beginnings for two different pieces of writing here.
Point of clarification - Captain Cook was not sent to Australia by Queen Victoria, she was not born until 1819 and did not become Queen until 1837. The British King at the time of Cook's arrival in Australia was George III.
Also, is it true that Cook himself actually enslaved and massacred the Butchulla people, or were other white men who came later responsible for this? I have always believed that Cook tried to keep peace with Aboriginal people (even though he didn't really understand them) and it was the white settlers who came later that were responsible for the terrible massacres.
Great stuff, there is some excellent potential in this subject matter.
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Comment Written 02-Feb-2015
reply by the author on 02-Feb-2015
Heavens to Betsy: I had enough trouble putting this together as one story. I thought it was Queen Victoria. And, I thank you so much for editing that very important fact. Fat George 111. It is hard for me to bring our (Australian) culture together with (First Australians) K'gari and Butchulla people. My research tells me that Captain Cook first sighted the Butchulla people in 1770. The sight of the massacre (169 years ago) is not explained as being Cook's doing. Thanks so much for your interest. Cheers, Kay.