Reviews from

Could You Leave Please?

We had a couple who never wanted to go home

21 total reviews 
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Firstly Tom, I adore your daughter's name, she sounds like a very special girl. I did watch a clip from that show so that I understood the smelly Yankee candle bit.

I once invited my Dutch neighbour for dinner as she had not long lost her husband and she was very sad. She came early, we had drinks, she complained about my food and gave me a lecture about cooking fish properly. It was a piece of salmon seared and a little raw in the middle, just how I liked it. She did not approve. Then she asked me to print 20 pages on my printer for a project she was working on, how could I say no! When 11pm came, she had been in my house for a long time by then. I said I wanted to go to bed now and as the night was coming to an end and it was time for her to leave. She said boldly that she would leave when she was ready! I was shocked, especially as I offered her my hospitality so generously. I got up and started washing up and preparing myself for bed. She then said, well if you are going to ignore me, then I had better go! I never had her in my house again after that Tom. She knocked my door, but I ignored it. Some people just don't know how to be grateful and know when to leave. Evidently the Dutch are like this.

It sounds like you met two people here who bled you dry Tom and it is a good job they did not live close by.

I loved your honest story here, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Oh my word Dolly,
    I can't imagine anyone being so outright rude to you. That's inexcusable to behave like that, regardless of the circumstances behind it. How ungrateful on her part. It sounds like you handled the situation well.
    Have a blessed day gal.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 20-Oct-2024
    Thank you for your kind words Tom, I forgave her because she was grieving.
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good morning, Tom!
Well, definitely a humorous ... nightmare! Yikes!
I, too, have experienced a similar situation, years ago, with a rather obnoxious woman in our little town, who would phone daily and ask, "What are you doing?" If I didn't answer the landline, (long before cellphones took over our lives and caller ID), she would just keep calling. If I eventually answered, she would begin the conversation with, "Why didn't you answer the phone?" Finally, I resorted to simply not answering the phone and the calls subsided. But it was a really annoying situation while it lasted!
You write with humor, and I smiled throughout.
Thanks for sharing, Tom!


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Diane,
    I don't like cell phones in general, but you pointed out one feature that certainly has been an asset. I just cannot understand some people. I don't know if they are lonely, rude, unschooled in what is proper etiquette, stupid, or all of the above. It's terribly frustrating. I can actually be a pretty rude jerk if the situation arises, but I didn't want to be offensive to someone who had helped me. People!
    Thanks so much for the delightful review gal. Have a blessed day.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh dear me, that does sound horrific. I don't mind company now and then, but a nightly visit would be far too much for me, especially when you weren't close friends. Yes, the candle would have been great...but I wonder how long that scent lingers? LOl
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Carol,
    your last comment made me laugh. Good question! You might have to leave your own house for awhile. Ha, ha, ha! I don't think I'll ever understand some people. We're all raised differently, but at one time I think we all had pretty much the same values. Oh well. Thanks so much for the entertaining review gal.
    Have a blessed day.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There are people who never get a clue. They cannot buy a vowel, and they would not understand if you told them that you could not be their sole form of entertainment. Their feelings would be crushed. I have had to hide a time or two myself. When I moved in here , my neighbor across the way wanted to glom on. I am sure she is nice, but I live in pajamas. I do not entertain. Plus her accent is so thick that I can't really understand her much. It would not work. Between me living in my bed, and my tinnitus. I am not a lively friend. On here yes, I am swell. In the real world, not so much. Good writing.:-)

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Karen,
    I can see where it could be a real pain for you to entertain anybody. It's unfortunate that your neighbor couldn't ascertain your situation. Being in pain can create an attitude. I do so wish you could find some relief from your various ailments gal. Your life sounds so difficult. Thanks for your honest review.
    Have a blessed day.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 20-Oct-2024
    Do not make me a sad sally. I have handicaps sure. I have had many.But we adapt and continue. life is a series of checks and balances. Things must even out. My take on things is that if I don't manage my pain it might be given to a three year old instead. So, I take it, manage it and go on. Would I like more regular money, sure, less pain, sure, A better back, you bet. Better radar about men, absolutely. And I would dearly love to look like I did 15 years ago. But, I got what I got. I do okay. :-)
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I don't think it's really humour, it's really sad, usually most couples have a least one sensitive member, in our case, my wife is particularly perceptive, but this dear couple haven't got, or don't seem to have that dimension of perception, but they think they can purchase friendship, well done Tom, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Roy,
    I can certainly agree, it sure wasn't funny at the time I was dealing with this. In retrospect, I find it somewhat humorous, but not enough so that I would ever want to face the same situation again. My boys are a lot less sensitive than me, to the point of being rude at times, so I'm sure they'd never have to deal with something like this. Thanks for the great review.
reply by royowen on 20-Oct-2024
    Interesting dilemma
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Are we talking the Yankee Candle candles? I would write instead, "It was a spoof of Yankee Candle's candles." And, yes, because I've been to their flagship store in Massachusetts dozens of times, I've smelled all of those horrible candle scents that they do manufacture!

After reading this, Tom, I will never accept anyone's offer of a deer, cake, and T-shirts!

I laughed out loud when I read that Jan hid under the window while Marilyn knocked on the door; been there, done that, lol!

This was a fun piece to read, Tom. You tell stories that so many of your readers can relate to.

You know, instead of a candle, you could have eaten boiled eggs or something that would cause you to fart and stink them out of the house that way. Except your family would also have to suffer:-)

Have a lovely day, Tom.


 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hi Pam,
    I suppose I could have eaten some eggs, but there is no guarantee that the timing would have been right as far as when the gas would arrive. I'm glad to hear that you won't be accepting any of the above freebies. Beware of folks bearing gifts. They usually have some cost attached.
    I hope you had a great birthday gal! Thanks for the wonderful review.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well told. I enjoyed your humorous story a lot - it is really strange how insensitive some people are. They simply cannot take a hint. We had a friend who used to rattle the empty milk bottles, and say something about having to put them outside for the milkman (it was generally considered to be the last job before bed) and the visitors would exclaim "Oh, is it THAT time already?!" and hurry home. Now, of course, there is no milk delivery to homes! Very enjoyable read.

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Wendy,
    thanks so much for the wonderful review. I'm not sure why these particular people were so dense. I think they didn't have many friends, and I could see why. They seemed to alienate everyone with their lack of sensitivity. I was too cowardly to confront them, on the one hand, and on the other I didn't want to be offensive. It was like being between a rock and hard place.
    Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from lyenochka
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, Tom! I don't know if I would have handled it any better! You're right - maybe making the house smell awful might deter them. Or maybe bringing up some arcane Biblical study and talking at them so they would fall asleep...?

 Comment Written 20-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello Helen,
    thanks so much for the exceptional review gal. I bet you would have handled it much better than we did. Of course the bad part would be if they fell asleep on the couch, I'd have them in the house all night and then have to feed them breakfast in the morning. I honestly didn't want to be rude to them, and I've never liked confrontation. Of course they were so generous to us, it would have been like a slap in the face, but it really got overwhelming.
    Have a blessed evening gal.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so sorry this horror happened to you, but your descriptions of your unwanted guests, gave me a well-needed laugh. I could easily envision them and wondered what I would have done. I truly enjoyed the humor of this story.

 Comment Written 19-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hello LJ,
    it's always funny when it happens to someone else isn't it? In retrospect I can see the humor, but when I was dealing with it, it was anything but funny. When I'm going through something unpleasant, all I can see is it stretching from the present until I die. l'm a true pessimist. Thanks so much for the great review gal.
    Have a blessed evening.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no! That's AWFUL! I'm not sure how I would have handled that situation butI never would have made it as long as you did lol you have to wonder if they do that to others too. Great story. Thanks for sharing.

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 Comment Written 19-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 20-Oct-2024
    Hi Marilyn,
    I think that was the pattern that they had developed. Move in on someone until they get so sick of you that they find a way to extricate themselves from the friendship, and then move on to the next victims. It really was an unpleasant experience. I should compile a list of all my experiences in life and write a book about it. It might be a best seller. People love to read about others misery. Thanks so much for the delightful review gal.
    Have a blessed evening.