Pointing the Finger
No one is perfect.17 total reviews
Comment from Pamusart
Hi, Aussie
This looks like a good entry for the contest. Good luck with that!!
The contest rules say that you must end your story with
Now I feel better
You better check on that
I like that picture of you with your best friend Benny. And what you say in this is very true. I have been guilty of judging others. It's very hard not to with the political climate we have here. There is one candidate who threatens to be a dictator, who is a danger to our national security. He shares top-secret documents with his friends and will probably cheat in the election. He's already arranged, cheating by convincing some secretaries of state, not to certify the election in their state if he loses, he has whipped up his followers into promising that there will be riots on the streets if he loses he has fascist tendencies and admires other leaders who are fascist included Adolph Hitler
I know you know who I'm talking about because the other candidate is female
Other than that, I try very hard to not be judgmental or commit any other sins in the Bible
And I wouldn't even say I'm necessarily judging I'm just stating facts and it scares me
Your story is well written and presents a lot of examples of how we can improve ourselves
I am a brand new Christian, but I have some thing of a photographic memory. I stopped going to church when I was six. But I remember a lot of the scripture.
Some of these things are just common expressions like Pride goes before fall and they embed themselves into our vocabulary so to speak
Here.had is a past participle so has is better even thought has is normally present tense.
" In other words, we should always forgive someone who had offended us."
I enjoyed reading your story
Good job. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2024
Hi, Aussie
This looks like a good entry for the contest. Good luck with that!!
The contest rules say that you must end your story with
Now I feel better
You better check on that
I like that picture of you with your best friend Benny. And what you say in this is very true. I have been guilty of judging others. It's very hard not to with the political climate we have here. There is one candidate who threatens to be a dictator, who is a danger to our national security. He shares top-secret documents with his friends and will probably cheat in the election. He's already arranged, cheating by convincing some secretaries of state, not to certify the election in their state if he loses, he has whipped up his followers into promising that there will be riots on the streets if he loses he has fascist tendencies and admires other leaders who are fascist included Adolph Hitler
I know you know who I'm talking about because the other candidate is female
Other than that, I try very hard to not be judgmental or commit any other sins in the Bible
And I wouldn't even say I'm necessarily judging I'm just stating facts and it scares me
Your story is well written and presents a lot of examples of how we can improve ourselves
I am a brand new Christian, but I have some thing of a photographic memory. I stopped going to church when I was six. But I remember a lot of the scripture.
Some of these things are just common expressions like Pride goes before fall and they embed themselves into our vocabulary so to speak
Here.had is a past participle so has is better even thought has is normally present tense.
" In other words, we should always forgive someone who had offended us."
I enjoyed reading your story
Good job. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 14-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2024
Thanks for reading Pam.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
This rant is packed with passion! You've nailed the frustration of seeing people tear others down without a second thought. Your words cut straight to the core of what's wrong with the way we treat each other - pointing fingers, judging, and forgetting that we're all human beings with our own struggles. Well done!
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2024
This rant is packed with passion! You've nailed the frustration of seeing people tear others down without a second thought. Your words cut straight to the core of what's wrong with the way we treat each other - pointing fingers, judging, and forgetting that we're all human beings with our own struggles. Well done!
Comment Written 14-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 14-Aug-2024
Hello Michael, I used to get a lot of stares and comments when first I came out of hospital. Made me feel like a cretan. Nowadays, I just smile and say hello. It is a learned way of conducting ones life. Thank you, Kay xx
Comment from mermaids
Love your words and you make some important points. I like the line about helping others instead of buying lotto tickets, so true. The homeless situation seems to be world wide, we have the same problem here in the states, many people work full time but cannot afford rent. This rant applies to the US as well, we need to begin to think of others. Love the pic of you and Benny.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Love your words and you make some important points. I like the line about helping others instead of buying lotto tickets, so true. The homeless situation seems to be world wide, we have the same problem here in the states, many people work full time but cannot afford rent. This rant applies to the US as well, we need to begin to think of others. Love the pic of you and Benny.
Comment Written 13-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Hello my friend, Thanks for reading. Yes, it is world wide. So many suffering needlessly. Bless you. Love, Kace xx
Comment from June Sargent
Kudos to you and Bennie for telling it like it is! Man's inhumanity towards his fellow man is at an all time high. And the wealthy entitled elites are the most obnoxious in their judging attitude. Thank you for reminding us what it means to be a true Christian. It's not a title - but a way of life. Walk the walk.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Kudos to you and Bennie for telling it like it is! Man's inhumanity towards his fellow man is at an all time high. And the wealthy entitled elites are the most obnoxious in their judging attitude. Thank you for reminding us what it means to be a true Christian. It's not a title - but a way of life. Walk the walk.
Comment Written 13-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Hi June, Many thanks for reading and agreeing. We can't change the world but we can change our attitudes. Love, Kay.
Comment from BethShelby
This is good rant. It speaks for a lot of us who are very tired of the same thing in a different part of the world. I politician are the same everywhere. All they seem to don't how to do is point finger and say horrible things about other.
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
This is good rant. It speaks for a lot of us who are very tired of the same thing in a different part of the world. I politician are the same everywhere. All they seem to don't how to do is point finger and say horrible things about other.
Comment Written 13-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Hello Beth, Thanks for reading. We can't change the world but we can change our attitudes. And let's see more of your poems, you are a talented writer. K xx
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
I absolutely agree, Kay. We hear humbleness and humility and think of these qualities as weaknesses while lauding people with inflated confidence and self belief. Yet they're so wrapped up in their own gain, they're blind to the world outside, the tents, the inhumanity that is so prevalent. Material possession rather than spiritual possession. We've forgotten the codes by which to live in brotherhood. And, instead, we get further and further away from each other through wars and political, religious and social divisions which are becoming ever more polarised, dangerously.
There, Kay, your heart-felt rant has triggered one of my own. But well done for putting it down here so compellingly and backed up with Biblical quotes for clear perspective. Take care Debbie xx
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reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
I absolutely agree, Kay. We hear humbleness and humility and think of these qualities as weaknesses while lauding people with inflated confidence and self belief. Yet they're so wrapped up in their own gain, they're blind to the world outside, the tents, the inhumanity that is so prevalent. Material possession rather than spiritual possession. We've forgotten the codes by which to live in brotherhood. And, instead, we get further and further away from each other through wars and political, religious and social divisions which are becoming ever more polarised, dangerously.
There, Kay, your heart-felt rant has triggered one of my own. But well done for putting it down here so compellingly and backed up with Biblical quotes for clear perspective. Take care Debbie xx
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Comment Written 13-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Well, Jesus did say not to build up material possessions, rather build up our possessions in heaven. I hope your hip is better. Love, Kay xx
Comment from Sanku
Yeah .More and more people are becoming homeless and it is very difficult during winter .Here we have only hot and very hot season -no winter at all- people sleep on the pavement ...You said it correctly it is high time we did something for theose..
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reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Yeah .More and more people are becoming homeless and it is very difficult during winter .Here we have only hot and very hot season -no winter at all- people sleep on the pavement ...You said it correctly it is high time we did something for theose..
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Comment Written 13-Aug-2024
reply by the author on 13-Aug-2024
Hello my friend. Thanks for reading. It's not too late to think of others. Blessings, Kay xx