Comment from
Oh Lea. I wish you'd remember to take clothes and shoes with you. Not again! Honestly your bravery and power are incredible. No need to feel down about yourself - you're a miracle!
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Comment Written 13-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2023
Thank you! That's kind of you to say! Find part of me was running out the door while I could and the other part of me wanted to come back to see about Mrs.D... Unconscious sort of thing but conscious to me now. Thank you for your wonderful comments and your kind compliment too I really appreciate it and I appreciate you most of all!
Comment from
I am relieved you escaped this immediate danger, but leaving without anything to survive is a problem. This is why you have to return. It is a pity that you had to fight these battles without some support from law enforcement Lea. This is what they are there for, but I know the reasons why you don't get them involved and this is how men like this get away with murder!
Another fine chapter Lea, your story continues and you are always running from danger. You learned some hard lessons as a child and young adult.
Love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 13-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2023
Further to my message thank you again Dolly!