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Viewing comments for Chapter 8 "Resignation"

19 total reviews 
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, let it stop, not just to you in the story, and your family, but let it stop in the world as a whole. It's all about power, isn't it. How sad that people feel they have to behave like this. I just don't get it at all. much love to you as always. x

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    John, thank you again. I always appreciate seeing your review which are always so awesome. To read what I've written and to offer your support, It's amazing, thank you!
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I feel the mother should rot in hell for all these .is she alive .She can not be human to just impassively allow this type of torture to her own children. She is the first culprit .WAs staying with a man that important to her that she will allow her daughters to be humiliated?

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    All questions I ran through my own mind. I knew I was not going to get restitution or revenge (a crappy word to use). But for them to learn a lesson would have been good. My parents never did pay for what they did. My mother is still alive today. My stepfather is past to which I didn't shed a single tear. There happens successes and some setbacks in my life. As is with most people's lives. Even today I still raise my arms if I think someone is going to hit me. Thank you so much for your compassion. Your heartfelt comments, your support means a lot. Thank you again. I hope you have an amazing day!
Comment from Liz O'Neill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This description will endear the reader to the woman heading toward the bathroom: "She reached for the door knob, but hadn't the strength to turn the handle" Is this an out of th body experience? "I'm tearing at my shirt watching this unfold powerless to do anything about it." My brother&I stood up for each other like this: "We did that for each other depending on who was in trouble that day." My father was a sophisticated lawyer. When ever I said anything negative about him, I was questioned, was I taking about Joe O"Neill? That couldn't be. My brother was physically hit with a ruler by mother, I was hit with verbal & psychological & mental abuse by my father. Once again thank you for your vulnerability.

 Comment Written 08-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 08-Oct-2023
    It was a memory of my sister not being allowed to eat. She came to use the washroom but didn't make it. And I saw the whole thing happen. She was trying to get in the washing, but she couldn't turn the handle so she peed. Self he punched her in the head for I was. Freaking out inside, pulling on my shirt. We didn't dare make a move towards him or say anything derogatory or what he felt was back talk. Emotional abuse is often worse than physical. Trying to Heal the heart and psyche When often it does not. I'm so sorry you experienced that I'm so glad you had your brother. I need to protect each other by which I had the courage to do more. Thank you again for reading and for hanging in t be easy for the reader. Thank you for sharing something so personal with me. I appreciate it very much rest well tonight and Thank you again!
reply by Liz O'Neill on 08-Oct-2023
Comment from Thesis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lea, I find your parents' behavior criminal, cruel, and totally wrong. The way you identify what they have done to you and your siblings is devastating. The fact that you are all not serial killers is amazing. How were you able to survive this treatment?

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    Oh, yes, criminal indeed.
    Psychological and physical, but there are some successes coming and some setbacks as it is in any life. I don't want to reveal too much too soon. I must sift through my memories carefully. And be sure that what I'm saying is exactly how I wish to express it. No, thank you so very much for your review. And thank you for your compassion for your support and for hanging in there and reading. I hope you have the best night.
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If these things actually happened to you, you have my deepest sympathy. I can't imagine how it must be for a child to live in such conditions. I wish you the best in the contest.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    Oh, yes, every word of it is true. I've carried these memories all my life. Where is my sister can count her memories on her hand and sometimes I wonder if that isn't the better choice.
    But I will talk of these things soon. There will be some victories and some setbacks as there is in any life.
    What comes out at the end when all is written and said and hoping that someone get something from it or child's life can change for the better than I'm satisfied. I am almost 60 years old now and I have ridden the roller coaster more than most but I want something good to come from this until I share it with all of you.
    I welcome and am happy to receive support from people like yourself and from others. To hear my story as I'm finally able to tell it. I thank you so much for hanging in there. For reading for your compassion and kind words. I don't want to give too much away. But suffice to say things do happen for the better. My life did have successes with one more success to go. Thank you so very much again for reading him for offering your comments. I hope you have the best night!
reply by prettybluebirds on 09-Oct-2023
    I apologize for not instantly understanding this is a true story. My heart goes out to you for the suffering you endured as a child. No child should have to live as you did. I look forward to reading more of your story.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2023
    Why, thank you for your kind words and your apology means a lot.
    It is a sensitive subject for people like myself. I appreciate it, thank you very much. We will see you up there. Have a great day and thanks again!
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is hard reading. No child should have to live like this. I find it strange that he was able to be kind and loving to your mother and use such violent behavior with her daughters, and she did nothing to defend you. Apparently, he was someone who had friends if there were other people around to fun and games. I can certainly understand your rage. I can remember children I went to school who told us of horrible treatment they endured at home. We felt bad for them but what could we do.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    He was the most manipulated man, he was charming. Witty smart with all the adults around him. They were convinced that he was the cat's meow. He was very, very convincing and trying to overcome that and have people listened was an obstacle. I must say to you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your compassion. And for hanging in there and for reading. I appreciate more than you know. The support helps me continue and know that there are good people in the world like yourself. So thank you again, have a great night!
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good Lord, Lea!
Your story is difficult to comprehend.
No. your story isn't difficult to comprehend.
What is difficult to comprehend is your step-father's perverse cruelty.

Below, please find a few needed edits:

*I made a weak attempt once to talk to my stepbrother about what his father was doing(,) but, (the comma needs to come before the conjunction) from the expression on his face, I knew I couldn't utter another word.

*My stepfather was not a stupid man, (;) it was difficult to get away with anything.

*She reached for the door knob but, ( ) hadn't the strength to turn the handle or hold her urine. (No need for a comma as what follows but is not an independent clause. Also, if what followed "but," was an independent clause, the comma would go before "but."

*It finally dawned on me that it didn't matter how hard we tried how much truth we gave or how much we catered to our parents, The (the) fists would fly regardless.

*They would play cards, have drinks laugh at each other and play loud music(.) (One) one night. (,) I dared to ask them to please turn the music down. A screaming tirade was the result. The only reason I did not get hit was because they had company.

*Every few days we would be woken (awakened) in the night because of something he had found, ( ) that was dirty. Usually, it was dishes.

*But here's the catch and a little fun he'd like to have, (:) we were only allowed to put three drops of dish soap in the water. God help you if you have a greasy dish.

Thank you for sharing!
Keep writing.
Stay strong...

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    Hi Diane!
    Thank you so much, you are the best. I really appreciate these little tips and catches along the way. They very much help and and are appreciated by me! I have made all the corrections and suggestions you mentioned. Im always so happy to receive your review. You've been very helpful and compassionate. And I wish to thank you from my heart. Have the best of evening!
reply by Mrs. KT on 07-Oct-2023
    My pleasure, Lea!
    So pleased I can be a bit of assistance.

    Here's to a beautiful new week ahead!
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my goodness Lea, this is a graphic write about the abuse you suffered and I winced at it as I was reading, you poor children suffering like this at the hands of this monster. Was he ever punished for what he did to you and your siblings? Love Dolly x

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 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    He was never punished, he died when I was 24 I bet that's a interesting story and itself but no, he was never punished neither was my mother here and lies the crooks for me but there is no retribute and I must resign myself to that fact. Carry on with my life and not have them. Keep me prisoner any longer. I so appreciate your review and your kind words, thank you for hanging in there and reading them. It means a lot to me your support, thank you again!
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 07-Oct-2023
    You have the right attitude Lea as you must not let this rule your life now, you are free and what they did was very wrong, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    Thank you Dolly!
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story reads fluently and evocatively and you leave the reader in no doubt as to the torment and torture to which you were subjected. I would be careful, however, not to overdo some of the imagery. Less is sometimes more. For example: "Rage, frustration boiling over in my heart and mind, I was screaming in my head at the top of my lungs.." It can end up sounding like a list of body parts and the reader isn't sure whether you're actually screaming or this is happening in your imagination. In addition, repetition of "marked difference" in quite a close context. And "backside, butt..." ( aren't they both the same?). But, apart from this and, sometimes a need for more commas for clarity, this is another excellent write, achingly sad but with some hope on the horizon. Thanks for sharing, Lea. Debbie

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 Comment Written 07-Oct-2023

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2023
    Hi Debbie!
    I have made all the corrections that you have suggested. And thank you for that too I need to hear that. Because quite honestly, I'm only an amateur writer. However, perhaps there's something there. As people seem to find the way it's written to be well. I shall say again. I so appreciate your reviews your support your kind hard. I wondered sometimes if there was any people like that left in the world and you approve that it is so. Thank you for the great suggestions. I'm always happy to hear from you have yourself an awesome evening!
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 07-Oct-2023
    You're welcome, Lea, and please know that I'm only an amateur writer too and these are always only suggestions.