Comment from
Beautifully written Debra, well done entering this particular poetry contest, it's exactly the sort of contest we need to challenge writers, thst is a great quest, well done, blessings Roy
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Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
Thank you so much for your warm encouragement, Roy :)
I always appreciate your feedback.
Best wishes as always, Debra
reply by royowen on 05-Apr-2022
Comment from
Sally Law
Virtual six! Loving this, all of this, and Songbird by Fleetwood Mac. My, you did it justice with this beautiful offering or was it the other way around? Magnificent poetry, my dear. Sending you my best today as always and best wishes for the book,
Sal XOs
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Comment Written 04-Apr-2022
reply by the author on 05-Apr-2022
Thank you so much, dear Sal :) I'm so happy you enjoyed this one and thrilled of your mention of a virtual 6! So kind of you :)
Best wishes as always, Debra x