Reviews from

My Sister and I


45 total reviews 
Comment from NABattaglia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You really put yourself into this piece and it is clearly a difficult topic to discuss. You added so many little personal touches to it too, both in the words, her poem, and her photograph. I enjoyed this and thank you for sharing it on here :)

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi NABattaglia, Thank You for a wonderful review...and thank you for seeing all that was in it...God Bless...and you are so Linda xxoo
Comment from RPSaxena
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello L. Raven,
MARVELOUS PIECE of writing having both prose and verse flavor!
Tough Task, but LAUDABLE in all respects!!
Captivating flow throughout from the beginning to the end; Just like live description of persons, scenes and situations using lucid as well as perfectly matching the theme phraseology.
Sister's story, and Madonna! SUPERB Indeed!!

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi RP, I love your review my so special friend...she was an amazing writer RP...I cried when I read her poems...but she truly did have a hard life...

    Thank You sweet guy for an amazing review...and all your lovely to you...Linda xxoo
reply by RPSaxena on 11-Aug-2021
    L. Raven, Most Welcome!
    You ACTUALLY deserve all this.
    With best wishes,
    ~ RP
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Thank You Sir...and best back at xxoo
Comment from Katie Mae Dead
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really got drawn into the story part. That's a compliment from me as I have a touch of that adult ADD disorder.

The poem is stunning. The emotion comes flying out at you whether you want it to or not. So sorry you and your sister endured such a tough life.
Bravo I raven. A compelling read!

 Comment Written 11-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Katemae, Thank You so much my sweet friend for a wonderful review...her poems were verse...but amazing...

    I'm so grateful she is at peace puts me at peace as well...thank you...God you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Valerie Fish
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh what a story, thank you for sharing it, and your sister's poem , that was beautiful; She was beautiful too.
It's hard to believe that nuns could be so cruel as 'servants of God'. Have you read or seen the film 'Philomena?' Like yours, a moving true account
You say your punctuation stinks, but you should be proud of your writing maybe your sister was right.
I personally find writing very cathartic , and helps my anxiety.
Well Done

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Valerie, Thank You so much my sweet friend for a wonderful review....her poems are verse...and yes she was a beautiful girl...

    like you I can't believe how cruel some nuns were...and still are...we went to Christ The King church for our First Communion...the nuns walked up and down the rolls of any time...they would point a ruler at a spot on our desk...and you had to put your hand on it...they would slap your knuckles
    with the ruler...ouch...I did it one time...and that was the last...

    no I didn't see the film or read the book...but I will look it up...Thank You for all your kind you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Gert sherwood
This work has reached the exceptional level

My Sister and I
l.raven your story about you and your lovely made my eyes leak up with tears as I was reading your poem --

As you led me away
I turned to look back at my Madonna
and trembled with uncertainty,
seeing the tear on her cheek,

As the rose slipped from her hand.

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Gert, the poem was my sisters...I never knew she could write that way...she never showed anyone a lot of her poems...

    Thank You my sweet friend for your wonderful review...and all your lovely you...Linda xxoo
reply by Gert sherwood on 11-Aug-2021
    You are so welcome l.raven.
    Are you going to ask your sister if she will let others read her writings?
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    she passed on May 5th 2021...xxoo
reply by Gert sherwood on 11-Aug-2021
    I'm sorry to know that she passed
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Thank You...she passed seven weeks after my mom...xxoo
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
This work has reached the exceptional level

How sad to hear that your mom left you at the door of an orphanage. I have written some novels regarding an orphan girl who ran away from orphanage. Have you ever thought about writing your story about you and your sister's lives?

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Rosemary, yes I have...but I'm not good at writing stories...
    I can't understand any mother who would give their child you...unless there is no other way out...sigh...

    Thank You sweet girl for a wonderful review...and all your lovely you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Linda,
Your offering is gut-wrenching. I have read your presentation twice, and it angers me so that adults would treat you and your sister in the manner in which they did - both family members and the nuns...
I would have posted this piece as a story-poem as your story is far longer and more involved than the poem by your sister, but that is minor.
I hope that by writing this piece you have gained a sense of healing and peace...

Thank you for sharing!

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Diane, from what I have been told...others on here also had trouble with mean nuns way back as well...I am at peace with her passing...because I know she is at peace...but I still feel the pain of her not being here...sigh...

    Thank You my sweet friend for a wonderful you...Linda xxoo
Comment from Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level

Never apologise for the length or form of your poem. You have opened your heart to us, told us your thoughts and shared Diane's words; this is a huge step in releasing the pain in losing her. You have had it rough and the nuns (penguin's) were cruel in those days, I hope they have changed. Keep writing about the stumbling blocks in you life because we who read about your life - love you. K xx Love is the best healer.

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2021
    Hi Kace, it's beyond me my sweet a mother could give her child away like that...
    and those weren't true nuns...those were old grumpy women who wanted the statist of just being called a nun...look...I'm perfect...well...not in God's eyes they weren't...

    I wanted people to see what a talented writer Diane was...

    Thank You for a awesome review you...and for allllll your lovely you in bunches...Linda xxoo
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I cried reading your sister's poem. What utter sadness and hopelessness she was feeling. I can understand how you feel, but you were only 3 years old, and didn't understand, or know, what your sister was suffering. Some nuns are evil, only there to be cruel to children, others are nice and have God in their hearts. We hear so many terrible things about what happened to children in nuns care.
Your prose says such a lot about your life, Linda, what a sad time you had, I can't begin to imagine what you felt like being left in the orphange. You are such a kind and loving lady, you truly have God inside your heart. At least your sister heard your voice before she passed. You both loved each other and were there for each other all the time.

I haven't got a six left, I'm sorry to say, if I could, I'd shower you with the golden stars. Love you always, my dearest friend. Sending hugs across the pond. :)) Sandra xxxx

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2021
    Hi Sandra, please don't have me crying...
    I told my mother once...I couldn't understand a mother giving her child up for any reason...she had told me many times she was sorry for so many things she did wrong in her passed...

    I had long forgiven my mom...I never forgot...because she was my mom...same as Diane felt...I got so mad at my mom once...and I was telling my sister about it...and she said...Sis I don't hate mom...she is my mother...I hate what she did to us...I think we healed each other like letting each other know...there was a light in every dark tunnel...and we were each others lights...

    that orphanage made my sister feel like she was a nobody...
    but they did it to a lot of the I fought back when I felt anyone...I guess that was my out...showing I may be little...but I'm strong...but truly...and my sister told me...the nuns liked me...but I stayed quiet...and mostly close to my sister...I don't know why a person would want to be a nun...only to be so evil...had they not read the Bible???...God wanted us to love each couldn't be for the uniforms...they looked like penguins...not that penguins aren't cute...

    I was so glad we got to say...I love you to each other...I wanted her to know I was still there for her...

    and don't you ever worry about not having a six for me...just you alone are a 10...ask Graham...smiling...

    Thank you my amazing friend for a heart felt review...and all your so kind words...bunches and bunches of hugs and love on the way...Linda xxoo
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very moving story, so sad. Your sister's poem is exquisite, but so full of pain. And so is your prose, by way of explanation. Yes there are grammatical and spelling improvements which could be made, but even as it is, it expresses with authenticity your extremely difficult circumstances, with the orphanage really breaking the spirit of your sister. Beautiful that you stayed so close throughout your lives.

 Comment Written 10-Aug-2021

reply by the author on 10-Aug-2021
    Hi Wendy, sorry about the grammar and spelling...I truly don't write stories often...if at all...mostly I just wanted to explain Diane's poem...

    she truly did have a hard life...I think feeling abandoned by my mom...and the nuns breaking her down...she never was able to put it aside...she had good times in her life...but the bad far out weighted good...she became an alcoholic...sigh...but we were always close...

    Thank You so much my sweet friend for a wonderful you...Linda xxoo
reply by Wendy G on 10-Aug-2021
    That really is so sad. Her abandonment really scarred her forever. Did your mother ever realise what started it?i?m sending love over to you too. And keep writing, poetry, prose, just write from the heart!
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    my mother figured it out in her life years to late that putting us there...destroyed Diane's life...sigh...

    sending bunches of love back at you...God Bless sweet xxoo
reply by Wendy G on 11-Aug-2021
    Linda, how very very sad for Diane, as well as for you because you loved her so much. Sad for your mother too to realise the damage she had caused.
    Much love to you too. Hope you can find healing yourself.
reply by the author on 11-Aug-2021
    Hi Wendy, I will be sister was not a fighter...I am...sigh...Thank You for caring my sweet xxoo