Reviews from

Follow the Rain

A Love Poem

17 total reviews 
Comment from Samantha Wymer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a beautiful poem and I can see the love you feel in the words you used. A very powerful feeling comes over me reading your poem. I really enjoyed it.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much, Samantha.
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jessica,
This is a well written free verse that tells of a relation the was on, then off, then on again. The reader hopes it stays on going from now one.
I like the short lines in between the long lines which show the emotion and the quickness of the changes. I like the seasons as metaphors for the stages of the relationship.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Congrats on placing third in the contest.
Keep writing and stay healthy.

 Comment Written 24-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much, Joan.
reply by dragonpoet on 04-Aug-2024
    Don't mention it, Jessica.
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really liked this rhyming poem, Jess, about the cycle of love that seemed to follow the change of the seasons--the waxing and waning and waxing again that took place.

One stanza didn't quite make sense to me, though, as written:

Like butter in
your heat
your sheets,
then summer drew us in.

I think what you're trying to say is that in summer, the heat he generated in you beneath his sheets was enough to melt butter, but that's an awful lot to express even close to grammatically correctly in so few words, unlike the rest of the stanzas. I'm not sure how I would improve it, though.

Regardless, the meaning came across, and the rest of the poem was so beautifully expressed. - Jim

 Comment Written 10-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Jim, I see what you mean. I appreciate your note, I think I'll revisit that line.
    Thanks so much,
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was so interesting. I liked the lines about falling with the April rain. Falling emotionally, physically or metaphorically, it really doesn't matter. This was full of emotion and literally turned into a movie in my head. Beautifully written. Gretchen

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much, Gretchen!
Comment from karenina
This work has reached the exceptional level

What can I say? This plucked my heartstrings, first line to last! What phrasing! What rhyme! As near to perfect as I've ever seen.



 Comment Written 09-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jul-2024
    Karenina, thank you for the huge smile! I truly appreciate your wonderful review!
reply by karenina on 10-Jul-2024
    This was great!
Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh my, what a beautiful loom poem. As always I am in awe of your lovely words in any structure. This is as lovely as it gets, and it may take me a while to get here, but I so adore your lovely poetry. It just doesn't get any better. So I am happy to have one of these wonderful sixes ready to hand right back to you as sometimes to tell you the truth, I don't have one and I feel so inadequate to come short, as you do always deserve it. Thanks for sharing this lovely loom entry with us.
Lotsa love, Debi

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2024
    Debi, I just love you! Thank you for always bringing me a smile. I'm so honored by your words!!
reply by Debi Pick Marquette on 12-Jul-2024
    You are welcome! Love ya, Sweetie!
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's an intense love poem with strong imagery and a form that moves along nicely without rushing. The seasons of love and life moving as one was a cool aspect.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much, Mintybee!
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This final stanza is perfect.
And from the cold
your hands,
with April rain, I fell.

This is an excellent contest entry. Thank you for sharing it with us and good luck, though I doubt you'll need it.

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much, Barbara! Xo
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, of this isn't exquisite! Oh my, like the rain on the flesh the lovers quenched. It doesn't get any more romantic than this. You won the contest in my eyes.

Sending you my best today as always, dear Jess, and hoping the judges see what I see and award you the blue ribbon.
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 12-Jul-2024
    Sally, thank you so much! That means the world!
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"I fell with April rain." Nicely expressed. As the rain fell, you fell in love.
"Your hands, your lips
each inch" What, out there in the open?? Get a room!
Nice reading flow and rhymes.
Seems the other lover is seasonal--spring to fall only. But, come winter, he/she's outta there.
Good luck in the contest!

 Comment Written 08-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Lol! Thank you so much, my friend.