Reviews from


Departure from StoryLand Pending

62 total reviews 
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

WOW, didn't see that coming, Liz. You will be missed greatly for your honest reviews and interesting stories. I wish you the best in whatever new endeavors you take on. I wish you and your family great health. Thanks for the update.
Respectfully, Jan

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2022
    Please send me your email ( downgraded status comes with a daily messaging limit, and I want to keep up with correspondence. You can still message me here, but if I'm over the limit I'll reply by email. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from karenina
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh my, Liz. These six stars are in loving tribute to your incredible writing, your unequaled wit, your always perceptive and encouraging reviews, your dedication to the ethics and integrity of the art of writing, and may I say to a precious friendship which will remain undeterred regardless of your switch to "standard" member status. FS will not be the same without you! I wish you great success in your newest endeavors. Put me first on the list of your bestseller(s)! Much love!


 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by karenina on 05-Jan-2022
    Just glad you'll be around in any capacity!

Comment from Midi O'Rourke
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Abby,

I am so sad. I have a friend who is leaving a virtual writing site. I read her offerings daily. She is funny, warm and sometimes poetic. I will miss her daily ramblings. I feel lost without her.

Sad in Sac

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by Midi O'Rourke on 05-Jan-2022
    BTW - I don't feel lost. Will miss your presence here, though. I'm glad you are not totally leaving. I will be reading your GiaB posts. Take care of your busy self!
Comment from Theodore McDowell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Say it ain't so Liz. Are you going to devote full time to Genius in a Bottle and Medium. I've been thinking about doing the same thing. Tell me how you came to the decision.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Liz, this makes me very sad, very sad! While I can understand your exhaustion, I wonder why you can't just pull back the reins to one piece a day here. You have a huge fan base who love you and will miss you terribly. That said, when it was time for me to leave, I left, and I'll do it again when the rewards are less being here than elsewhere. So adios, mi amiga. I'll see you at Medium. (Now to find out how you take that button off default.)

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by Jay Squires on 05-Jan-2022
    You better believe I'll do that. You know there aren't that many of yours I haven't read. A few, if I've been really busy, get past me. Are you continuing on with Medium?
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is unexpected news - you've carved out your niche here with popular appeal for those who appreciate your wit and sharp observations. Your characters have become familiar to us.
Late nights take their toll - I've been amazed at your dedication to writing and reviewing, as well as conducting the lifestyle situations you write about.
Best of luck to you in 2022. I'd like to keep in touch, and I have a book I want to send to you. May I have your address, plus email, via PM please?

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2022
    Please send me your email ( downgraded status comes with a daily messaging limit, and I want to keep up with correspondence. You can still message me here, but if I'm over the limit I'll reply by email. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no! I am saddened by the news. I consider you my guru. But I understand how hard it must be for you trying to juggle two writing venues. I find I spend more time reviewing than writing.
Wishing you all the success in you writing . You are funny and so talented. It is our loss.
Best wishes always
Mary Vigasin

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2022
    Please send me your email ( downgraded status comes with a daily messaging limit, and I want to keep up with correspondence. You can still message me here, but if I'm over the limit I'll reply by email. Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no! I will miss you so much (my first selfish and self-centred thought)! I have looked forward daily to reading with pleasure your short pieces, astute and insightful, always frank and honest, usually humorous but sometimes very serious, and I will miss your support and encouragement. Sad news today, but having said that, I understand completely, and I have often wondered how you could do it, two a day for such a lengthy period! Congratulations and well done. I hope that you will continue to find pleasure and fulfilment in your writing, and hopefully I will continue to see you from time to time!
Best wishes for a happy and meaningful year.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by Wendy G on 05-Jan-2022
    That's good. Will still see you around! I am still discovering new things about this site. I have never used that magnifying glass before. Thanks for the info.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh no! I didn't know you were staying up to 4:30! Yes, that is way too much juggling to do. Thanks for letting us know. And thanks for giving me your email address so we can keep in touch! I feel bad that you spent so much on the Premier Shield add-on and are now leaving!

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am gutted. I have appreciated lots of things about you since I found you here. Apart from your reviewing that I just praised, perhaps your wit and irreverence. I'll miss you. Love Kate.

 Comment Written 02-Jan-2022

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2022
    I'm not leaving--I'm just not renewing my paid membership--meaning I cannot post or review.

    This announcement was inspired by my realization my fans would think I'd died!

    I'll be stopping by at least once a week to catch up with correspondence--I can still send and receive messages and read as I please.

    I invite you to peruse my portfolio for a quick LIZ fix--click the "magnifying glass" tab, then use CTRL-F to search for FLASH--or scroll randomly to play "Portfolio Roulette!" Since you'll only two cents for reviewing, you can just type a string of 150 ********** to indicate you stopped by!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2022
    Please send me your email ( downgraded status comes with a daily messaging limit, and I want to keep up with correspondence. You can still message me here, but if I'm over the limit I'll reply by email. Cheers. LIZ