Reviews from

Why I write

A thoughtful; commentary

50 total reviews 
Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse, I applaud you for having a deeper motive to write what you do. In this case, poetry and about a cause you feel deeply about. I'm so happy for you that you've found acknowledgement for your writing and content. I think most of us would really appreciate that achievement. Congratulations. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing why you write and yes highlighting the homeless issue is very important. Why I write isn't as honorable as your cause. I write romance novels to give people, not just women, I have many men followers, a release from their lives. I also highlight, in my novels, social issues. One novel was set around an abuses spouse, one prejudice, on drug cartel, just to name a few. The one I'm posting right now highlighting human trafficking. My prayers continue to be with you. Keep writing about the homeless. They need all the help they can get.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from joann r romei
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing and for commenting on the craft of poetry, I wish I could be that artistic and talented, yet I attempt short stories and have a few novels in my drawer, Fan story has provided a wealth of entertainment for me.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from B.A. Ryder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse, this is definitely a thought-provoking post. I also started writing poetry at a young age. Despite long dry spells where I didn't write at all, that burning desire to create something was always there. I think I write to know myself and so that other people can know me. The Goo Goo Dolls song "Iris" comes to mind: "I just want you to know who I am". I know that feeling of wondering if people want to read what I'm writing and being influenced by what you think they want to hear, but in the end, we all have to dance to the drum we hear. They can always swipe left!
Congratulations on being asked to read your poetry. That's a real honor!

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a thought-provoking post, Jesse. The ability to write poetry (or anything else) that impacts other people's lives is rare and precious. If that is your central focus, I take my hat off to you.

For my part, I write prose mainly to entertain. but much of my poetry goes deeper. Focus on self and self-knowledge is a trap that I'm gradually learning to avoid. Poetry of that kind is better kept private, I think People aren't generally too interested in one's cathartic journey unless they find personal resonance in it.
Poetry such as that you have described here, which delves into social issues, has more value, I think, especially if the viewpoint is constructive and positive.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I won't pretend that this is an easy question to answer. It isn't. For me, sometimes I love to write, other times it's a huge effort and nothing comes easily. But the will is always there, as is the satisfaction. And it's a personal satisfaction because the flaws in the system here, perhaps, don't allow for a proper and comprehensive appraisal of the work. For me, the reason I write, is (and this might sound shallow) for people, essentially, to enjoy and feel informed. If they feel inspired too, that's even better.
Well done to you, Jesse, for writing about the homeless with such sincerity of purpose. Take care Debbie

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Bill Schott
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This essay says a lot about what we write about and when. Writing has a way of draining the pustules when they appear in force, and also speak to the effects of their eradication. We can talk about the sun or how the sun affects us. Which is more important? How the sun works, or how it works for us?

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello, Jesse,
Your writing about the homeless is very pertinent today when more and more people are losing their homes, and becoming another street statistic (another forgotten homeless person).
Not enough can be said about this subject, I applaud your taking on this subject.
Correction : homelessness (--) how they feel.
Great essay, Jesse.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jessi, I think this would make for a REALLY interesting book. You can make it so that any FanStorian who wants to can contribute a chapter. I think it would be a hit not only on here, but also to creative writing students in high schools and colleges. I think it would be a huge hit.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well stated. I write for different reasons at different times. Sometimes I write simply for the joy of it because it frees my mind. There are also times when I write hoping to make a difference. Never stop writing for that reason. If you get bad reviews based on your topic just mute those people for awhile. You are here for literary criticism not personal judgment. Keep writing for your own reasons because those are the only reasons that matter.

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 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 20-Jul-2024
    Thanks, Marilyn. I appreciate your support and encouragement.
    I write sometimes to free my mind as well.
    The most important to me is that I make a difference.
    Take care,