a 5-7-5 poetic form43 total reviews
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Nice artwork and
presentation, Melissa.
-The syllable count is good,
along with the topic.
-A positive message about
how we are often blessed
by "the little things" in life.
-Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
-Nice artwork and
presentation, Melissa.
-The syllable count is good,
along with the topic.
-A positive message about
how we are often blessed
by "the little things" in life.
-Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 07-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
Good Morning Pam. Thank you for your lovely thoughts on this short one. I hope you have a lovely day full of creativity and fun. :)
You are very welcome, Melissa. That is a nice, cheery message for the morning!
Comment from Pantygynt
You make a point here of which we all need reminding. It is indeed the little things that matter, and a shower is only a little rainstorm but what it releases, though little physically may be important in the overall food chain.
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reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
You make a point here of which we all need reminding. It is indeed the little things that matter, and a shower is only a little rainstorm but what it releases, though little physically may be important in the overall food chain.
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Comment Written 07-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
Thanks so much, Jim. In the photo, the little snail is using the mushroom as an umbrella to stay out of the rain. Even in his small world, he found unexpected relief. It made me ponder?. Hope you are enjoying a splendid day!!
Comment from royowen
Oh yes indeed, life is filled with unexpected, the sun came out and our local park which is very people and kid friendly, my granddaughter, only nine, a skilled gymnastic dancer, did an Impromptu exercise regime, and attracted an appreciative audience, my pride and delight in this talented child, allowed me to bathe in reflected glory. So you're right, great post, good luck, blessings Roy
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reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
Oh yes indeed, life is filled with unexpected, the sun came out and our local park which is very people and kid friendly, my granddaughter, only nine, a skilled gymnastic dancer, did an Impromptu exercise regime, and attracted an appreciative audience, my pride and delight in this talented child, allowed me to bathe in reflected glory. So you're right, great post, good luck, blessings Roy
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Comment Written 07-Jul-2021
reply by the author on 07-Jul-2021
Thanks. I really appreciate the kindred spirit in your understanding of this piece. So glad you get to enjoy your little ones as they fill your life with joy. :)
Thanks again, Roy.
Very perceptive Melissa.