Reviews from

Heart Cafted Poems - 2020

Viewing comments for Chapter 10 "Wading in Thought"
Musings of an old man -2020

60 total reviews 
Comment from LisaMay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your evocative language makes for a vivid imagining of your dream, with active words. I wonder where you were off to? I'm glad you woke before you drowned. If that was me I would probably be stuck in a washing machine, with no moonbeams.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    LisaMay, thank you. I believe our dreams are the inner world of things that need to be put to paper to see ourselves more deeply.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As I was reading this, I thought to myself, nothing much, but you pointed out it was being in a dream state, and it was, I think a lot of my thoughts tend to dwell in this stream of thought, well done Jim, good luck, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Roy, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
reply by royowen on 29-Jan-2020
    Good thought
Comment from Hitcher
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You cannot beat a good dream, one you wake from and still feel emotionally, sometimes physically and visually. Good luck with this one, a great little offering for the contestð???

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Hitcher, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from Sharon Haiste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this is a good entry for the 20 Word Poem contest.
This short verse about waking from a dream is well told in 20 words.
Well done and I wish you luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Sharon, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An interesting poem, J and definitely written to contest specs. Your use of poetic ambiguity combined wit a dream-like photo makes it open to many interpretations, which is in my opinion a good thing from time to time. I like keeping a journal of dreams.

Good luck to you with the contest committee. :))


 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Gloria, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dreams can be truly exciting, scary, warn of potential dangers, etc. I had two recurring dreams of being shot dead that happened for about a month. All occurring before my move from Detroit to Los Angels. After living in LA for about two weeks, I met a man who identified himself as an Evangelizer or Seer. He said that if I had not left Detroit when I did , I would be dead by the time of our meting. This man had never met me before and had no idea of the dreams I had been having.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Nomi, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually. Such is the case in your dream state thanks for sharing
Comment from Lil' Mormon Boy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love your post. The words you wrote, were memories of my long-ago childhood.
#1. If I dreamed of wading waters or waters rushing, you can bank on the gushing of bodily fluids spreading throughout the sheets and mattress.
#2. If #1 Happened, #2 wouldn't be, moonbeams sparkling, it would be daggers spewing from mothers' mouth.
On a serious note, I thought it was a beautiful poem written with heartfelt thought.
Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Lil' Mormon Boy, all children have ware rush of water in our dreams...
    thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from Chrissy710
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi JLR, I wonder where you were going in your dream, The water splashing must have woken you up. Sometimes we dream the weirdest things and wake up with our pulse racing . Your words capture your feelings at this time , good imagery Cheers Christine

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Christine, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from Jeffrey L. Michaux
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the comparison you've used. I guess that wading in thought can be like wading in water. I love the beautiful rhyme and flow of this along with the well placed descriptive wording. This is a fine piece of work JLR! Thanks for sharing this well written work. Well done!

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 29-Jan-2020
    Jeffrey, thank you! I do believe that, if we work our dreams, things that need to be dealt with or spend time reflecting on come from our unconscious thoughts and this keeps us healthy, physically and spiritually.
Comment from rspoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello JLR,
You've written an excellent twenty word poem for the contest
with wonderful imagery and excellent rhymes in either
the abcbbca or ababbaa depending on how one views the slant rhyme.
Nice addition of alliteration.
Excellent choice of art work to match thoughts
Well done
Best wishes in the contest

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2020
    Robert I value your validation on this poem. Thank you!