Round Robin
Rotating pairs grouse about odd one out.32 total reviews
Comment from Y. M. Roger
An interesting neighborhood round about... :) Perhaps use some different exclamations that 'Chrissakes' and 'God forbid' -- they're excessive use stands out to the point that they are all the reader sees...constantly. Thank you for sharing...
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reply by the author on 28-Jan-2020
An interesting neighborhood round about... :) Perhaps use some different exclamations that 'Chrissakes' and 'God forbid' -- they're excessive use stands out to the point that they are all the reader sees...constantly. Thank you for sharing...
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Comment Written 27-Jan-2020
reply by the author on 28-Jan-2020
Hello again, Y.M. The expression "at the risk of annoying the reader" indeed popped into mind when I decided upon the device of excessive repetition! Cheers. LIZ
Comment from Suzanna Ray
Dear Author, You achieved what you set out to do, give this reader one heck of a good laugh. It started with just a grin with the guys, but by the time I got to the girls . .
I got to laughing so hard, I had trouble seeing the words!
This bit of nonsense is right up there with the classics like " who's on first?) Loved it!
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reply by the author on 27-Jan-2020
Dear Author, You achieved what you set out to do, give this reader one heck of a good laugh. It started with just a grin with the guys, but by the time I got to the girls . .
I got to laughing so hard, I had trouble seeing the words!
This bit of nonsense is right up there with the classics like " who's on first?) Loved it!
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Comment Written 27-Jan-2020
reply by the author on 27-Jan-2020
Fast work Suzanna! So glad you enjoyed it. I had a great time writing it for sure. Cheers. LIZ