'Black Dog'
ABAB Poem35 total reviews
Comment from robyn corum
I truly hate that you've been going through this - but it's a feeling I know all too well. I suffer from major depression way too much of the time. This poem (and the name 'black dog') sum up the horrid emotions really well.
One small note, if I may?
1.) I pray this hurricane (will) settle soon.
Thanks and big hugs --
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
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I truly hate that you've been going through this - but it's a feeling I know all too well. I suffer from major depression way too much of the time. This poem (and the name 'black dog') sum up the horrid emotions really well.
One small note, if I may?
1.) I pray this hurricane (will) settle soon.
Thanks and big hugs --
Comment Written 02-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
Hi Robyn Thanks so mich for reading my poem and I think we can all have times of depression and I certainly know I can have low times and being sick did not help my mood, This week I feel back to normal and optomistic and even feel like writing again Which I love and do so enjoy the support received from FS and you Hugs back Cheers my friend Christine
Comment from Mark Valentine
Thanks for introducing me to a new Aussieism ("Black Dog") - I love your version of our shared language.
You have done an excellent job of capturing poetically the depressive cycles that come upon many of us (some more than others). You chose some great alliterative phrases ("relentless raindrops", "Heavy heart") to convey the way that one feels besieged by the weight of depression. You also provide the valuable perspective of one who has been through the cycles and knows that "this too shall pass". Obviously, not all depressions are the same, and some don't pass - nevertheless, your poem will resonate with many readers.
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reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
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Thanks for introducing me to a new Aussieism ("Black Dog") - I love your version of our shared language.
You have done an excellent job of capturing poetically the depressive cycles that come upon many of us (some more than others). You chose some great alliterative phrases ("relentless raindrops", "Heavy heart") to convey the way that one feels besieged by the weight of depression. You also provide the valuable perspective of one who has been through the cycles and knows that "this too shall pass". Obviously, not all depressions are the same, and some don't pass - nevertheless, your poem will resonate with many readers.
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Comment Written 02-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
Hi Mark, Thanls so mich for reading about my black dog and yes occasionally I have a down period but usually able to get it together and being sick for a few weeks even the first week of my Bali holiday was awful but this week I am feeling back to my usual Self and felt I could write this poem to share and yes many may be able to see this and I do appreciate your support A big cheerie Hug fro Bali Christine
Comment from Bucketlist
Christine, You have written very eloquently what happens to you when symptoms start. I honestly thought you were describing migraines. Your poem about black clouds, a warning flash of lightning, going under covers, a hurricane in your head, are all similar to migraines. This piece is a powerful image maker, no matter what.
I felt bad for how miserable this is,, but your penning kept me interested
Hugs, Trisha
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
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Christine, You have written very eloquently what happens to you when symptoms start. I honestly thought you were describing migraines. Your poem about black clouds, a warning flash of lightning, going under covers, a hurricane in your head, are all similar to migraines. This piece is a powerful image maker, no matter what.
I felt bad for how miserable this is,, but your penning kept me interested
Hugs, Trisha
Comment Written 02-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
Hi Trisha, Thanks so much for reading my poem and for understanding and yes it could describe migraines as well but it is often a depression also. Luckily for me I am feeling much brighter and usually I am a cheerie person But sometimes get down in the dumps like many people. You six stars have been so appreciated and I am glad to have your feedback and send a Bali Hug to you ( Iam on a holiday with a friend and this is what I needed to get back on track. I find writing a great release also Many Cheers to you. Christine
Comment from aryr
This was great; actually fantastic, Christine. I initially read the poem wondering about 'the black dog', then I your notations and fully understood. I knew it was about being under the weather/ having an off day but I really do like the idea of giving it a name and in your case or should I say Austrailia- 'the black dog.' It was easy to read with a great flow and a good rhyme pattern. Thank you for sharing, I sure hope your days are brighter.
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reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
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This was great; actually fantastic, Christine. I initially read the poem wondering about 'the black dog', then I your notations and fully understood. I knew it was about being under the weather/ having an off day but I really do like the idea of giving it a name and in your case or should I say Austrailia- 'the black dog.' It was easy to read with a great flow and a good rhyme pattern. Thank you for sharing, I sure hope your days are brighter.
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Comment Written 02-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
Hi Ary, Thanks very much for taking the time to read my poem about the 'black dog' an expression used in Australia for depression and I have had a bit lately but have managed to get myself back on track and feel great now I am pleased you thought this fantastic with good flow and rhyme I am glad to have shared this and I wish you a bright day also Cheers for your lovely support Christine
Hi Ary, Thanks very much for taking the time to read my poem about the 'black dog' an expression used in Australia for depression and I have had a bit lately but have managed to get myself back on track and feel great now I am pleased you thought this fantastic with good flow and rhyme I am glad to have shared this and I wish you a bright day also Cheers for your lovely support Christine
You are most welcome Christine.
Comment from Pam (respa)
-Nice image.
-I appreciate your author
notes and am sorry you
haven't been feeling well, Christine.
-It seems its not hard when
something gets you down,
but is harder to get back up.
-The vacation should be just what you need ð???
-Your poem is very well written and
shows your inner thoughts; not
an easy thing to do.
-I will be thinking of you,
and I know you will succeed.
-Be well and enjoy that vacation!
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
-Nice image.
-I appreciate your author
notes and am sorry you
haven't been feeling well, Christine.
-It seems its not hard when
something gets you down,
but is harder to get back up.
-The vacation should be just what you need ð???
-Your poem is very well written and
shows your inner thoughts; not
an easy thing to do.
-I will be thinking of you,
and I know you will succeed.
-Be well and enjoy that vacation!
Comment Written 02-Oct-2017
reply by the author on 02-Oct-2017
Hi Pam, Thanks for reading my poem and yes this vacation was surely needed I was very down ( not like me usually) but a few things got me down this year and I lost my drive to even write and I find writing a great source of relief and fun so hopefully I am back on track Your exceptional rating has cheered me no end I thank you for this honour. Many Cheers from Bali Christine
You are very welcome and deserving of those stars and review, Christine. I hope you are back on track, too, as you are a good writer, and I know you enjoy it.
Hi Pam, Thanks for reading my poem and yes this vacation was surely needed I was very down ( not like me usually) but a few things got me down this year and I lost my drive to even write and I find writing a great source of relief and fun so hopefully I am back on track Your exceptional rating has cheered me no end I thank you for this honour. Many Cheers from Bali Christine
Thanks Pam that is so nice of you to say and yes like you I do like writing and feel back on track now Bali Cheers Christine
You are welcome, Christine, and am glad you feel back on track now.