My Fan Kady
Professor Higgins strikes out36 total reviews
Comment from snemes
This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I was laughing so hard that I was crying! Even the titles were hilarious. The entire piece was filled with tongue-in-cheek biting humor and was great wicked fun. It's hard to pick out my favorite part--the ridiculously over-the-top gushing in the beginning, the purple prose, the thinly veiled insults, or the bloated egos. I hope the writers on this site can laugh at themselves and be able to appreciate this terrific satire. Of course, you're talking about them, not about me. LOL.
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
This is the funniest thing I've read in a long time. I was laughing so hard that I was crying! Even the titles were hilarious. The entire piece was filled with tongue-in-cheek biting humor and was great wicked fun. It's hard to pick out my favorite part--the ridiculously over-the-top gushing in the beginning, the purple prose, the thinly veiled insults, or the bloated egos. I hope the writers on this site can laugh at themselves and be able to appreciate this terrific satire. Of course, you're talking about them, not about me. LOL.
Comment Written 05-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Thank you very much! I will explain the nuances of your praise to you-know-who as SHE has never before experienced "exceptional" as anything other than a term of sympathy. Great fun made even more enjoyable by your response! Dennis and ..I forget. And of course, we were not talking about you! I, er, ... am looking for another Eliza however ... if you should hear of one. One who laughs easily, one who takes in stride the natural superiority of men in general and one (blush)such man in particular.
Comment from visionary1234
Oh you naughty naughty man with Higgins-like delusions of superiority! And SUCH a poison pen! Shame shame shame on both your houses! You gave me a helluva laugh hunny bunny and this six should offset that nasty 'four' you got from someone with a different sense of humor. I laughed so much I nearly peed my pants! :)hugs
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Oh you naughty naughty man with Higgins-like delusions of superiority! And SUCH a poison pen! Shame shame shame on both your houses! You gave me a helluva laugh hunny bunny and this six should offset that nasty 'four' you got from someone with a different sense of humor. I laughed so much I nearly peed my pants! :)hugs
Comment Written 05-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Wow! A six from you is high praise indeed. If I (OK, WE) don't get anything but 2 or 3 stars from here on out, we'll be satisfied with your generous response. I will explain all of this to HER, AKA Kcross11. Knowing that you laughed so hard, just short of disaster, is a great visual and full recompense for working with you-know-who. Best to you, Dennis
Comment from SPOLIN
So much effort put into spinning in place. Like most relationships these two FanStory peevers got to where they are - together. They probably had more fun doing this than, well whatever else is going on in their lives.
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reply by the author on 04-Feb-2013
So much effort put into spinning in place. Like most relationships these two FanStory peevers got to where they are - together. They probably had more fun doing this than, well whatever else is going on in their lives.
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Comment Written 04-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 04-Feb-2013
Thanks for the effort you put into this review. Hope it was as fun for you as whatever else you've got going on. :)
Comment from Roxanna Andrews
This is great, I got a good laugh out of it. Loved how it slowly devolved and then picked up speed. I'm sure, though very funny, it is all too true non the less. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. And I will have to call it a tie, I can't decide who is worse. =} Well done!
reply by the author on 04-Feb-2013
This is great, I got a good laugh out of it. Loved how it slowly devolved and then picked up speed. I'm sure, though very funny, it is all too true non the less. Thanks for giving me a good laugh. And I will have to call it a tie, I can't decide who is worse. =} Well done!
Comment Written 04-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 04-Feb-2013
She was worse;what's wrong with you? LOL Sisters, sisters
Yeah, we stick together. =}
I know, I know
Comment from Spitfire
Oh, I do wish I could write a humorous piece. It's a gift, trust me. I laughed from start to finish. THe genuine praise then the subtle insults, downright badgering and all done is the most refined phraseology. Love the reference to Pygmalion and the copyright issue. To boost your deflated ego,I'll give you a six. Katy gets one. :-)
A dynamite read, even if long.
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Oh, I do wish I could write a humorous piece. It's a gift, trust me. I laughed from start to finish. THe genuine praise then the subtle insults, downright badgering and all done is the most refined phraseology. Love the reference to Pygmalion and the copyright issue. To boost your deflated ego,I'll give you a six. Katy gets one. :-)
A dynamite read, even if long.
Comment Written 04-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Glad to see you go with a winner! Take that, Kady! A real person, btw,in case you were wondering as some seem to be. Glad it made you laugh!! That's what it's supposed to do ... Dennis
Comment from angelmagnet
I have no idea if this is a real communication conversation or a figment of your imagination. If it is your imagination, incredibly wonderful. If it is real, so sad. Sad that she took too much to heart and sad that it comes to legal intervention. Again, if this is your imagination - it's priceless
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reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
I have no idea if this is a real communication conversation or a figment of your imagination. If it is your imagination, incredibly wonderful. If it is real, so sad. Sad that she took too much to heart and sad that it comes to legal intervention. Again, if this is your imagination - it's priceless
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Comment Written 04-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 05-Feb-2013
Trust me a collusion (or collision) of two imaginations. All the way ... glad to see you chose a winner! LOL
thank you and you're welcome, I think
have a great day