Reviews from

A Prayer's Heartbeat

Someone is praying you through

42 total reviews 
Comment from phaedra
This work has reached the exceptional level


Beautiful message and the thoughts behind this work.



 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2008
    Many thanks for the fine review!
Comment from Jonez08
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Janilou thank you for your ministry. This reminded me of the power of prayer and I filled in the blanks. May God continue to use you. Thanks for sharing His wonderful gift


 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2008
    Thank you so much, Cassandra. Your kind words warm my heart.
Comment from CALLAHANMR
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jan :)
I was thinking of you just this morning whe I was looking at tornado damage on TV. There was a destroyed barn, either in North Texas or Arkansas.

The barn was totally flat, but it was surrounded by a hers of saane does with kids. All the does were facing the barn looking on with obvious curiosity. And yes I prayed for you, your family and your herd.

I really appreciate this piece. People so often forget to pray and when they do they may be at a loss for word.

Thank you for the words. God loves you.


 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2008
    Thank you! For the prayers and your thoughts of our farm and family. Many thanks for the review also.
Comment from CrystalSwan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I thank God every day for sending me to FanStory.
I thank God for Christians like you who don't hold back.
God wants us to be bold in Him and for Him.
This was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 24-Apr-2008
    Thank you so very much, Pat. Your words are much appreciated. I know what you mean, about coming to FanStory. I feel the same way.
Comment from LovnPeace
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely message Jan. I know those you prayeed for will be Blesse as will you.Personally I believe whenever we think of someone in a possitive way we are lifting them up. I talk to God. That is my praying. Blessings. L&P*

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    Thank you so much for the wonderful review! That is my praying too!
Comment from drivenbackward
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice post, Jan. Very clean write, and definitely powerful. I'm sure many fanstorians will appreciate this very much. You do a superb job of lifting reader's feelings.

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    Thank you so much, DB. Really appreciate your kind words.
Comment from Miriam Kingfisher
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm not trying to be mean, but too many platitudes turn me off. Where is the humbleness of a Christian heart? Is this work not preaching to the converted to make them feel good or do better??????????

I am a Christian, and I've see more help coming from and older person who just comes up to you and says, God Loves you and I'm praying for you, and then moves on.

I hope you take my comments as support and not a condemnation of another's viewpoint.

Take Care.


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 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 26-Apr-2008
    I have spent quite a while trying to figure out how to answer your review. I am sorry you felt I was not being humble or writing in a true Christian spirit. I do believe the believers need to be lifted up and encouraged often. When I list something as being "spiritual" by nature, I assume that the majority of my reading audience will be Christians.
    I do appreciate your comments.
Comment from angel of the quill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

how beautiful you speak
and apparently believe
i looked at the picture so peaceful
yet in me is so many questions
if i pray will i be heard
if i ask will i be answered
if i try will it ever matter
today is not a good day
yet somehow
i go on
good poem
and great way to express yourself

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.
Comment from nitad
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a beautiful, spirit lead prayer! I only wish I had six stars to give you.

There is nothing more powerful than prayer, it can "lift us up on eagle's wings" and see us through absolutely everything. And you are right. The person who is praying for others is equaly blessed because they carried God's love in their heart.

Thank you so much for the wonderful prayers. Here's one for you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You have blessed this child of yours with a kind heart and a gift of words. Continue to bless them so that through the stories they write and share with others, they may also share the story of your goodness and grace. In Jesus' Name. Amen


 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 23-Aug-2008
    Thank you so much for this review. I have fallen way behind on answering reviews, having hundreds I haven't had the chance to respond to. Please forgive me for this cookie-cutter reply. If I don't do this now, before I post more work in the coming weeks, I fear I will never catch up! Please know I have read your comments, and noted suggestions and corrections. In most cases I have made the corrections you suggested! I deeply appreciate my FanStory friends.

    Thank you so much for the prayer. (((Hugs)))
Comment from GerryMacNeil
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Gentle writing, gently encouraging, and inspiring confidence and hope. This little essay fills me with gratitude for loving friends who use their faith to another's advantage. GerryMacNeil

 Comment Written 11-Apr-2008

reply by the author on 11-Apr-2008
    Indeed, for you are one whom God brought to my heart today to lift up in prayer and thanksgiving.
    Hugs and love,
reply by GerryMacNeil on 11-Apr-2008
    Oh, Jan! You must have been listening to the Holy Spirit. Thanks for telling me. Much love to you, dear friend. Gerry