Reviews from

Heart Cafted Poems - 2020

Viewing comments for Chapter 16 "Twenty Below with Snow"
Musings of an old man -2020

61 total reviews 
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was brilliant! I loved the repeating end line, it made it an enjoyable read. I felt warm just reading about the log fire, and the extra blankets, all nice and cosy. But, I did laugh at the mouse part, because that is exactly what my late husband did when a mouse ran across out living room floor, he didn't cuddle up, he stood on the chair! LOL It was funnier because I was there with him. Well done, I really enjoyed this poem and the memory it brought back! :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2020
    Sandra, LOL, I can sit here and even see the scene unfold...
Comment from rspoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello JRL,
You appear have done the form very well
with solid exact and near rhymes.
You described the ways to deal with the cold winter nicely,
the best is the warm fire and snuggling up.
Best wishes to you and hope for an early spring.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2020
    Robert, thank you, as always for your review and comments. We have had such a warm winter so far in western NC. I dread the next eight weeks because we will get a pay-back. It never fails!
Comment from jusylee72
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

socks are the greatest comfort in the world when it is so cold and your toesies froze. Enjoyed and can recognize the warmth in side your own house as you wrote these words. God Bless, stay warm

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2020
    Staying warm, I write you my sincere appreciation for your review and comments.
Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You did very well with the challenge! I found it difficult at first and finally got the hang of it. It's been cold here, so I can relate to this piece.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 05-Jan-2020
    June thank you, bundle and hot lattes are the ticket...
Comment from Ogden
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An old-fashioned sounding poem (penned I'm guessing, by an old-fashioned gal - my apologies if you're a guy).

("...all your worth..." in the second stanza should be "all you're worth.")

Stay out of the weather, and keep your toes warm,
Ogden (Don)

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Caught it...thank you!
Comment from rjuselius
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ã?aawwwee! This is such a sweetheart piece of poetry dear jlr! Indeed, a home means warmth and safety. It is an absolutely awful thing that even Finland has now beggars without homes.
Thank you for sharing!
blessings and a larger than life hug!
Rebekka x

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Smiling back with great appreciation! Have an awesome weekend!
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good entry for this potlatch. It gives good advice about what to do in the event of a blizzard or just extremely cold weather.
Keep writing

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Joan, thank you much!
reply by dragonpoet on 04-Jan-2020
    No problem, JLR.
Comment from A. Willow Bends
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I regret that I am out of sixes! I LOVE THIS. (esp the bit about taking care of the mice! - a personal phobia!) I am NOT a winter fan, but when it hits hard, this is a perfect description of how I want to weather it. This is a lovely piece and you should not change one bit of it ever! Perfection!

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Wendy, thank you for the virtual six!
Comment from Mame
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great picture you have drawn in words to accompany snow illustration. I like the way the words tumble out with a gentle rhythm. You have certainly created a story of 'comfort' amidst the snow and ice - effective repeat of 'socks on toes'. With bushfires raging in Australia at present it is hard to imagine such an icy image. Well done!

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Mame, thank you for the review - I do send prayers to all of Australians that theu are all stay safe and rains come soon.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written Cole's rhythm on how-to beat the cold weather and snowy conditions when the days are too short and the nights too long it's hard to keep dry and warm without a fire burning.

 Comment Written 04-Jan-2020

reply by the author on 04-Jan-2020
    Sandra, thank you!