Reviews from

Poems of Love and Spirit

Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "Happiness Shines"
This book is about love, God's Love most of all.

35 total reviews 
Comment from robyn corum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Don't you love it when poems come to you so easily?? It makes the writing process so wonderful! I like your theories on happiness. I agree that it comes to us best when we give it away. Nice! Thanks!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2019
    Thank you for taking the time to review my poems and also for your good understanding of it that means a lot to me.Very Helpful reaction.
Comment from Sheridan1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your lovely poem celebrates love - that comes flowing into you from source.

I love when words come in a 'supernatural way' and think of the muse where others with think of another entity. The muse offers seeds, soil and sometimes the full blooming plant - and it is the poet's job to grow, prune, and sometimes splice new branches so this magic thing becomes something that others on the earthly plane can understand. It is with this in mind that I suggest that one of the verses could tell the 'it comes as you give it away' part, which is not really clear in the poem.
Your poem has lovely images and rhythm and rhyme. Well done.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2019
    Thank you so much for your wonderful reaction to my poem, and your good advice, something I appreciate very much.
Comment from Sandra du Plessis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very well-written poem about happiness that we cannot buy or make happen. Real hapiness comes from God when He draw us nearer to Him and we are willing to become His child.

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2019

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2019
    Thank you so much for your wonderful and encouraging review of my poem. Very much appreciated.
Comment from the13thpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Gudbjorg thanks for sharing that poem with us, I really enjoyed it. I liked the rhyme and rhythm or it. I also found it inspirational and uplifting. Good job!

 Comment Written 25-Jul-2019

Comment from Brett Matthew West
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your comment in your note is so true: you find happiness when you give it away. Well crafted poem delivers its theme spot on.

 Comment Written 10-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 11-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your wonderful and positive review, I really appreciate it. It is helpful to me.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am thinking as I read the notes that you and I have kindred spirits as often I also have words come to me that I write as though they were being channeled through my pen.
When we know the Lord He gives us happiness and joy. Patricia

 Comment Written 02-Feb-2019

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2019
    Thank you so much for your heartfelt review and I was very happy with your expression of the kindred spirits, being a conduit or a channel. Makes poetry easier to do.
Comment from writerjen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This supernatural poem depicts God's work in our lives through his Holy Spirit. It's got good descriptive language. My one critique is your rhyme of the first two lines of the second verse....
Look to the light, it'll guide your life,
Freeing you forever to blossom and thrive.

If you follow the pattern of the rest of the poem then "life" and "thrive" should rhyme. Otherwise, nicely done.

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 Comment Written 27-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2019
    Thank you for reviewing my poem, it was a great review, and I appreciate what you are saying about it. These words don't fully rhyme but have similar sounds. Thank you again for pointing this out to me. Did some research on the subject and found it very interesting.
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree and was blessed by this very much. A deep truth spoken in poetry form. We are more blessed as we give away what God has so graciously given to us. Welcome to FanStory! You are new to me and I am fanning you right now. I am a Christian and predominantly prose writer. I dabble in poetry, as well. My speciality is short works about life, my relationships and God. I also do humor pieces centric to my many cats. I hope you can stop by for a read and review.
All my best to you and yours,
Sally :+)

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2019
    Thank you so much for your wonderful review, it is highly appreciated. Our relationship with God is a fundamental thing and we must find it within us to connect with Him.

Comment from Sandra Elizabeth Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you so much for sharing these words with us on FanStory. God still speaks to us even today and I am glad you wrote down the message to share. It is lovely.

 Comment Written 27-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 27-Jan-2019
    Thank you for taking the time reviewing my poem and I'm glad you like it.
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Gudbjorg, This is a poem that makes the reader say ahh. I enjoyed reading your poem and found it to be spiritual as well as inspirational. I especially liked your ending lines:

Happiness shines like a glittering star,
All around you, both near and far

(Nice imagery. The wonder of it all.)

Good rhyming scheme. A pleasure to read. This poem made me smile. Keep the blue waters flowing. LateBloomer

 Comment Written 20-Jan-2019

reply by the author on 20-Jan-2019
    Thank you so much for your helpful reviews, and I'm so thankful that you like them.