Reviews from

For Better, for Worse, ROADRUNNER!!

A story of love, an injured roadrunner, and the universe.

32 total reviews 
Comment from bichonfrisegirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

First of all, Mary, congrats on 38 years together ... that in itself is quite a feat nowadays! :)

This was hilarious! In your wildest imagination, you couldn't make this stuff up!! :) SO many mishaps, it is no wonder that you thought the universe might be against this union.

I loved it all, but what I thought was super clever was how you worked in "white lace, promises and a kiss for luck" from the Carpenters 'We've Only Just Begun' track into your story. BTW ... just love that album/8 track ... dating myself now too!

As per usual, your story is well written, and I can find no grammatical errors or typos ... must be the former Admin. Secretary in you ... proof read, proof read, and proof read again! ;)

Though I'm sorry to hear that your honeymoon was all FOOOOOKED up, I can just imagine all of the fun that you and your husband have had over the years in the retelling of this story to your family and friends ... and now us. Thanks for the laughs, Mary!


 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Good morning, Connie :) What a lovely message and we thank you for your good wishes...I will read all of these to my Mr. when he get's home from work tonight. Yes, Karen Carpenter was an amazing talent with such a sad ending. Your fantabulous SIX sure made my morning better, just minutes after receiving a below average three on the same story, which has now strangely disappeared....Hmmmm... Thank you so much for your continued follow and positive feedback. I love your reviews. XO
Comment from Kooky Clown
This work has reached the exceptional level

I just loved this story and I just had to give a six star rating as I just could not believe all the things that happened to you on your wedding day and honeymoon.
Congratulations to you both on celebrating your 38th wedding anniversary.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you so much, Kooky Clown, for your fabulous SIX and your RR&R. It came on the heels of a three star which has now disappeared...haven't had a bad review disappear before so that is odd. I appreciate your continued follow and congratulations!
    Have an awesome day!
Comment from Joy Graham
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a funny story that held my interest. I'd love to have seen a picture of the roadrunner sitting on your lap and enjoying the car ride :) Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Surviving that many years of togetherness is to be celebrated as many don't last that long these days.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you, Joy, for your RR&R, and continued interest in my work. I appreciate you very much. Have a wonderful day!
Comment from Adelaimar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I understand all, as in all of your references to the 1970s. I know the songs. I know the events you mention. That was quite a trip. Colorful. Fast-paced. You must have had a great time. Thanks for sharing.

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Good evening, Adelaimar, as it surely is in the Philippines right now. Perhaps the late hour of 10:58 p.m. affected your ability to write a constructive review, but in checking out your profile comments, I see awarding three stars is a common doling for you when it comes to the responsibility of reviewing work on FanStory. I also understand that you are fairly new here, so in line with my generous demeanor, I am going to offer you some sound advice.

    Your profile indicates you are an attorney by profession. As such, you know the importance of pleading a case. While assigning my story three stars, which is defined as 'below average' according to the FanStory metric, you commented:

    "I understand all, as in all of your references to the 1970s. I know the songs. I know the events you mention. That was quite a trip. Colorful. Fast-paced. You must have had a great time. Thanks for sharing."

    Yet, you assigned a three-star rating with absolutely no suggestions as to how the piece might be improved, or with reference to blatant errors in either spelling, punctuation, or grammar, of which there are none. If this were a court proceeding, your case would have been immediately dismissed for lack of evidence, at the very least.

    I understand the strong Catholicism sentiment and culture present in the Philippines which may have played into your review, finding my reference to the papacy disrespectful. My uncle, Fr. John Harrington, OMI, was a catholic priest assigned to the Philippines in the 1940's and 1950's. He absolutely loved the country and his work there, and was saddened to leave when he contracted tuberculosis and was sent home to the United States for treatment. His work there cost him his life at age 65, in our home two days after Christmas, due to a compromised weakened heart and lungs the disease dealt him.

    My love for my uncle and his love for the Philippine people is the only reason I am writing at this length and in response to your review, rather than to flat out block you from reviewing my work. I do this as an effort to educate you on the importance and responsibility one should apply when earning their FanStory reviewing dollars.

    My first direction leads you to the Q&A section of Frequently Asked Questions that will give you clarity assigning ratings and critiquing work. My second suggestion would be to go to Community and find member Gloria and scroll through her portfolio to the four tutorials she has masterfully created to assist "newbies" in the various aspects of understanding and learning the site and your responsibility as a reviewer. FanStory Tutorial; FanStory Tutorial Part Two (specifically addresses comments and reviews); and FanStory Tutorial Part Three, which addresses dealing with 'trolls', which at this point one might conclude that you are, even though you are a Premier member, and finally FanStory Tutorial Part Four, which describes the Advanced Editor button for writing stories.

    I hope this effort on my part will help you understand better the onus reviewing carries. If you wish to continue on your current path based on the ratings you've assigned other many good writers and works here, as evidenced by your history of comments, then I will respectfully ask that you refrain from reading or reviewing any of my work from this point forward. Otherwise, I will exercise my block option on you.

    Thank you for your time in reading, and I wish you a restful sleep and renewed attitude come morning.

    Mary Wakeford

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    I am not defending my work, but hoping to help you, as a new member, better understand what makes a helpful review. Anything less than a five star rating is supposed to present with suggestions for improvement. Since you did not specify why you assigned a three, or below average, I was left most curious.

    Gloria's FanStory tutorials will help you greatly, I believe.

    I hope this effort on my part will help you understand better the onus reviewing carries. If you wish to continue on your current path based on the ratings you've assigned other many good writers and works here, as evidenced by your history of comments, then I will respectfully ask that you refrain from reading or reviewing any of my work from this point forward. Thank you.

reply by Adelaimar on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you. I am new. I really don't understand the culture here. I'm not even sure I want to be here anymore. People are very concerned about rating, I've noticed this. When I specifically detail what I didn't like or what I didn't understand about the work, people got personal. So I decided not to be so detailed. I read your work and I highlighted the positive. It's not a current path, I really don't understand how things work. I'm not sure I do. I read a few stories that could do with a lot of editing as there were a lot of grammar and punctuation mistakes (I found it difficult to read). When I detailed what could be edited, I was called a Grammar Nazi. How could the community rank a piece of writing high if it's not polished? What does it mean? I'm concerned and confused. It seems that people write for ranking. You're right. I don't understand. Thank you for your advice.

    I just wanted to go to a place where I can write and post and where people will give honest feedback so I can improve my work. I didn't want to have to compete for ranking. This site isn't for me. One reviewer of my story gave me detailed feedback and I voted that reviewer up. That reviewer was surprised. I didn't like everything that was said but it was helpful so I was thankful. Happy writing.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Anniversary for the 4th! What a lively honeymoon you had, LOL. That poor roadrunner, though, you won't know if he was treated and set free, will you? I think that boarder control man was a bit off, he could have turned a blind eye seeing as the bird was injured. I'm glad you were able to save more injured animals, though. Well done, on writing this great non-fiction story. xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you, Sandra, for your RR&R, and your good wishes. Thank you for your continued interest in my work. Always great to hear from you.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is quite a tale of how things took place in your wedding, all a cause to remember and laugh about this day I am sure. Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs Wakeford. Patricia

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you, Patricia, for your RR&R, and continued interest in my work. And I left a few things out, like my underage brother dropping a pint of Jim Beam in the parking lot during the reception and shattering glass everywhere, and the caretaker of the garden center going off on him; Yikes! The odds were not in our favor from the get go!! :)
Comment from Dawn Munro
This work has reached the exceptional level

"The stars and planets aligned..." - my favorite of all these wonderful paragraphs (even though it made me bawl). I HATE that guard at the border - SHEESH! How would HE like to sit around in a hot guardhouse waiting with a broken leg?

Woman, you can WRITE! Laugh out loud humor and sentimental tears - good grief, if that's not evocative writing (and polished too), I don't know what is!

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Awe, Dawn, your SIX made my morning. That is my favorite part too :) Your six, along with a few others, helped the medicine go down when a fooooooking THREE followed it a few minutes later, but has now strangely disappeared...I swear my dog, Moose, laying on the floor next to me just moaned as I typed this!! I appreciate your friendship, follow and always love reading your reviews. Have an awesome day!! XO
reply by Dawn Munro on 01-Aug-2016
    Has the three become a higher rating or the whole review just disappeared?
reply by Dawn Munro on 01-Aug-2016
    I just had a similar experience with a reviewer who is well known for helpful reviews, and it took me awhile to realize WHY she plunked a four on something that was VERY challenging to put together - I remembered Brenston (my mate, who is from a different culture/country) took more than one cliche literally, and that's what this reviewer did, which caused her to think the stanza was (*giggle*) foooked.
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    it flat out disappeared from my view, however it still shows up in her comments on her profile, along with my response to her rating...weird.
reply by Dawn Munro on 01-Aug-2016
    How odd! Email me, or FB?
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    It's b a a a a a c k!!
reply by Dawn Munro on 01-Aug-2016
    WTFOOOOK...heading there - just got back from FB and answering you.
reply by Dawn Munro on 01-Aug-2016
    Go to FB and read my reply pls - important
reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016 soon as i get home.
Comment from barkingdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your wedding week was just crazy. You can't call it uneventful.
You kept my interest all the way and at 5am I'm usually likely to trail off while reading.
It was too bad that you couldn't take Roady to Phoenix for treatment and release as you had planned after all the chasing you're husband had to do to catch him.

This was a very entertaining read. Happy thirty-eighth anniversary August 4th.

I didn't see anything to correct.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Good morning, Ellen, and thank you so much for your excellent RR&R and continued interest in my work, and good wishes. We have both wondered about that bird over the years and hoped only the best for him. I appreciate you and love hearing from you. Have a wonderful week!
Comment from AnnieDawn
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an absolutely amazing story and I believe every bit of it is true. I don't think you could have made up any of it. I loved reading your story and laughed at your description of all the events of your wedding and honeymoon. You are an awesome storyteller. Wonderful job!

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Good morning, Annie. Yes, all true and I left a few things out, such as my under-aged brother dropping a pint of Jim Beam in the parking lot of the reception center and the caretaker going off on thing after another would make one think the odds were not in our favor. Thank you for the high compliment on my writing. I appreciate you.
Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

One day I'll have to write about my marriage day. I would start as you have, with that humid, hot day, but after that your adventures outgun the mundanity of mine, some mani-fold. The spewing baby and shot-out windscreen of the boss's car come to mind as bad luck, but the highlight-lowlight is definitely the roadrunner incident. It was both horrid and very funny, especially the sight of hubby chasing the poor bird down and you nursing him as you sought out shelter. Matching these incidents to some kind of list associated with vows helped give your tale of the preposterous take shape. Your instinct for exaggeration of the minutia of events for dramatic and comic effect, comes through very cleverly and lifts this non-fiction essay to a higher level. However, for me the best element of the story was the crisp, incisive prose around which the whole is developed. Fun and entertaining read.

 Comment Written 01-Aug-2016

reply by the author on 01-Aug-2016
    Thank you so very much, mfowler, for your extensive review and remarks concerning this writing. I've read it twice now, because I enjoyed it so much the first time :) I appreciate your input all the way from brother just returned from a visit to your country and oh my gawd, what a story I could write about that experience, starting with literally being defogged with bug spray as the plane sat on the tarmac after landing, to having his ten cases of cigarettes confiscated at customs rather than pay $20 a pack tax on them :) Our mother was once engaged to an Aussie Merchant Marine by the name of Tony Mann until my dad swept her off her feet and out of an Australian future, otherwise we might know each other :) I appreciate you very much!