Reviews from

Love Binds All--Hate Destroys

Double Acrostic/Cleave-Contest Entry

26 total reviews 
Comment from WalkerMan
This work has reached the exceptional level

You certainly took on a difficult task here and handled it well. The two acrostic poems work both individually and together as stated, and the rhymes match in the latter reading. You also succeeded in making the faith aspect non-denominational as you intended.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    I put the comma in as you suggested. I think that IS the answer. Thanks so much for that.
    I'm so pleased you enjoyed this. Wow. That's everything I was hoping for. mikey
reply by WalkerMan on 04-Jul-2016
    You are most welcome, Mikey. Since you have added the comma, I have revised the review to remove the comment (so as not to confuse anyone reading the reviews). I did enjoy what you did with that piece.

    Feel free to turn the tables now by poking around in my Profile and its archive and reviewing anything that catches your eye. Suggestions are welcome (and I'm very hard to offend). -- Mike
Comment from fimarie78
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a literary masterpiece! I had never heard of a cleave poem, but the concept works well, particularly here with the contrast between man and God. The fact that it is also a double acrostic is very clever and of course, you have relayed a powerful and important message.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    I'm so thrilled you enjoyed it. Wow, I'm practically blushing. What a wonderful encouraging review. Thanks so very much. mikey
Comment from William Ross
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is very good Mike, great job on the acrostic and cleave poem both. wonderful piece and work. a well deserved 6, good luck, this should do great. have a wonderful day

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Wow. Thanks, William. I appreciate the six and great review. mikey
Comment from Gloria ....
This work has reached the exceptional level

Mav, you've done an amazing job with this double cleave acrostic and provided us with much food for thought comparing and contrasting the nature of man with the nature of God as we understand His nature to be.

What's most amazing is that you have also end-rhymed with the two poems.

Your presentation is amazing and overall this is an exceptionally well thought out and delivered poem.

I wish you all the best in the contest.



 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Wow. Thanks, Ange. My goal was to write two true free verse poems that become one smoothly flowing rhyming poem. Just wanted to try and write something fancy to prove I could do it I suppose. LOL An indulgence I guess you could say. I appreciate the nice compliments. Thank you.

Comment from I am Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What an overachiever you are. lol
It asks for an acrostic and THIS is what you give it? A double acrostic CLEAVE? Really? What's up? Is everyone channeling Jyoti? lol
Well done!
The only part that really tripped me up was the word 'bold'... i kept wanting to use the adverb, 'boldly', because the correct grammar... if you're holding them aloft before you... you're holding them boldly, not bold. so... that's the only part, and I just had a hard time blending that word in with the other lines. Other than that, it words very well... and yes, I think you did VERY well keep it non-denominational.
Great job and great success in the contest Mikey!

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 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    Oh. It reads fine to me as bold. You may be right though. I have some strange speech things in my head that people really object to. HAHAHA! I put a comma before bold. I think that solves it. Or makes it worse. Pretty fancy, yes. I wrote it with one hand while removing a panty girdle with the other. LOL No sleep. Brain not working as usual. Thanks to much. mikey
reply by I am Cat on 04-Jul-2016
    oh those panty girdles... they are bothersome. lol
    Are you feeling better? (I mean, after your sickness? Or are you still sick?)
Comment from nordicgirl
This work has reached the exceptional level

I thought each poem was quite beautful and worthy of a six in its own right. I must admit I was shocked at how the rwo fot together into a suddenly rhyming poem just as smooth as glass. This is amazing. What the hell can I say. NG

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2016

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2016
    You said exactly what I was hoping to hear. I'm so thrilled you liked it. It was a bitch to write. Cool how the two unrhymed poems make a rhymed poem, yes? :)) michael