Fanstory Crisis: It Is Us
Essay53 total reviews
Comment from Leineco
While I whole-hearted agree with what you have said
here, I feel disheartened that the outrage is focused on
the blatantly bogus bad (4 star or less) reviewing - vs-
the blatantly bad "good" (5star) reviewing.
Over the years I have seen a complete and total erosion
of the encouraging, yet mentoring 4 star rating (which I
define as VERY GOOD. Interesting approach to the topic,
it caught my attention, but I feel the construction and/or
clarity needs a bit of a polish to merit "Excellent" status.
For example...
We seem to have lost touch with the concept that EXCELLENT
(5 stars) is defined as "possessing outstanding quality or superior
merit; remarkably good." Given the emphasis on tit-for-tat
reviewing, I guess this comes as no surprise as we have
become a site for bartering.
Me - I have never reviewed a single poem in hopes of receiving
a review in return (with the exception of membership in the
Picture This Group Write project). Nor has it ever dawned on me
that any review is given as the front half of a quid pro quo/bribe
arrangement. If it has been, then many a reviewer of my work
has been badly disappointed.
If this site would get back to it's core purpose "the opportunity
to share your writing and get helpful feedback from other writers"
(and, quite honestly, stop being a pack of" I got your back"
back slappers) we would be much more concerned with sharing
writing critique and advice than low star ratings that lessen our
standing, and networking for quid pro-quo-ers.
Quite honestly, I have become a much less enthusiastic (i.e. honest)
reviewer over the the last two years - as I am tired of dealing with
the blow back for thorough and meant to be helpful critique that
accompanies my 4 star ratings.
Personally, I find a great deal of fault in the whole "Fanning" aspects
of this site which puts a lot of pressure on all of us to pander for
popularity. Sometimes I even think the draconian measure of ALL
submission being blind is the only hope we have of getting back
to being a site for "writer's growth".
(And by the way, who the heck is "rewarding" the types of reviews
you cite here???? Are they insane?)
Anyway - enough of my counter-rant. I do have a recommendation
I'd love to see put in place. A two-tier reviewing system.
......... You get 50% of the reviewing payoff up front - and
......... the remaining 50% when the author accepts the as valid!
LOL - let the mayhem begin.
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
While I whole-hearted agree with what you have said
here, I feel disheartened that the outrage is focused on
the blatantly bogus bad (4 star or less) reviewing - vs-
the blatantly bad "good" (5star) reviewing.
Over the years I have seen a complete and total erosion
of the encouraging, yet mentoring 4 star rating (which I
define as VERY GOOD. Interesting approach to the topic,
it caught my attention, but I feel the construction and/or
clarity needs a bit of a polish to merit "Excellent" status.
For example...
We seem to have lost touch with the concept that EXCELLENT
(5 stars) is defined as "possessing outstanding quality or superior
merit; remarkably good." Given the emphasis on tit-for-tat
reviewing, I guess this comes as no surprise as we have
become a site for bartering.
Me - I have never reviewed a single poem in hopes of receiving
a review in return (with the exception of membership in the
Picture This Group Write project). Nor has it ever dawned on me
that any review is given as the front half of a quid pro quo/bribe
arrangement. If it has been, then many a reviewer of my work
has been badly disappointed.
If this site would get back to it's core purpose "the opportunity
to share your writing and get helpful feedback from other writers"
(and, quite honestly, stop being a pack of" I got your back"
back slappers) we would be much more concerned with sharing
writing critique and advice than low star ratings that lessen our
standing, and networking for quid pro-quo-ers.
Quite honestly, I have become a much less enthusiastic (i.e. honest)
reviewer over the the last two years - as I am tired of dealing with
the blow back for thorough and meant to be helpful critique that
accompanies my 4 star ratings.
Personally, I find a great deal of fault in the whole "Fanning" aspects
of this site which puts a lot of pressure on all of us to pander for
popularity. Sometimes I even think the draconian measure of ALL
submission being blind is the only hope we have of getting back
to being a site for "writer's growth".
(And by the way, who the heck is "rewarding" the types of reviews
you cite here???? Are they insane?)
Anyway - enough of my counter-rant. I do have a recommendation
I'd love to see put in place. A two-tier reviewing system.
......... You get 50% of the reviewing payoff up front - and
......... the remaining 50% when the author accepts the as valid!
LOL - let the mayhem begin.
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Oh my. Wouldn't that be rich? Love it. I'm aware since I've been here of your efforts to promote real honest to goodness reviewing. I know how frustrating that's been for you. The foolish reactions I've seen first hand to some of your reviews are just insane. And I know you go WAAAAAAYYYY out of your way to be objective.
Insane may be the cause here, it certainly looks that way. It is the membership who have pushed certain reviewers right up the ladder of success. And now these reviewers are the role models for success for incoming newbies. Yep, don't read the work, just make up any old thing, collect the money and move on up the ladder.
That is literally what is happening. AND we are allowing it.
It just blows my mind.
I think the first priority is to get rid of the blatant fraud and thievery. Then we can get back to the normal problems of providing decent reviews. Right now, it's so far out of hand, getting a decent review isn't even an issue. I can't imagine what an outsider considering membership must think when they see how we are promoting as our top reviewers are. "What? That's your top reviewers? People who don't even read the work, tell you you're wonderful and go on to the next sucker? No, I don't think I'd care to join such a site."
Well, rant, rant, rant. HAHAHA! Thanks for all your input. I know you're right on the cutting edge of this. I'll keep you posted. Keep your pitchfork sharpened just in case. We may march on the castle at any time. LOL mikey
Comment from Word Junkie
Hi Michael,
Your thoughtful rant contains relevant observations, and your complaints are legitimate to an extent.
One cannot steal that which is given freely.
I'm a new "old" member, because I participated in the FS community many years ago. I left, not due to the quality of reviews, but due to the various cliques, which insured that the best contest submission would seldom win. Way back when there were no blind entries, so the contests are a bit fairer now, but in my opinion they are not fair enough. I don't suppose there's any way of correcting this, though.
"Fluff" reviewers exist because the site allows this. It's as simple as that. Many participants at the site aren't avid readers--they come here because they believe they're exceptional writers. They don't want to give other writers an honest assessment of their submissions. This takes time. They are primarily concerned with reading assessments of their own submissions. Unfortunately, a submission will receive virtually no reviews if it's not promoted to the top of the listings, and some people can't afford to purchase member cent pumps with real money, whereas some people feel that the necessity for doing so (in order to receive a satisfying quantity of reviews) is simply unfair.
Promoting a top-notch submission to the first page is no guarantee that it will garner enough reviews to acquire Recognized or All-Time-Best status, either, because many Fanstorians--especially those with dozens of fans--ignore unfamiliar author names.
I rejoined the site because it inspires me to write. It's as simple as that. FS should not be a destination, but a stepping stone to an avocation we all desire. Some people will make that transition. Others will not. If you're interested in knowing how your writing measures up, start entering contests. Many writing contests require no fee, or a small fee only.
That's my $.02.
Be well,
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Hi Michael,
Your thoughtful rant contains relevant observations, and your complaints are legitimate to an extent.
One cannot steal that which is given freely.
I'm a new "old" member, because I participated in the FS community many years ago. I left, not due to the quality of reviews, but due to the various cliques, which insured that the best contest submission would seldom win. Way back when there were no blind entries, so the contests are a bit fairer now, but in my opinion they are not fair enough. I don't suppose there's any way of correcting this, though.
"Fluff" reviewers exist because the site allows this. It's as simple as that. Many participants at the site aren't avid readers--they come here because they believe they're exceptional writers. They don't want to give other writers an honest assessment of their submissions. This takes time. They are primarily concerned with reading assessments of their own submissions. Unfortunately, a submission will receive virtually no reviews if it's not promoted to the top of the listings, and some people can't afford to purchase member cent pumps with real money, whereas some people feel that the necessity for doing so (in order to receive a satisfying quantity of reviews) is simply unfair.
Promoting a top-notch submission to the first page is no guarantee that it will garner enough reviews to acquire Recognized or All-Time-Best status, either, because many Fanstorians--especially those with dozens of fans--ignore unfamiliar author names.
I rejoined the site because it inspires me to write. It's as simple as that. FS should not be a destination, but a stepping stone to an avocation we all desire. Some people will make that transition. Others will not. If you're interested in knowing how your writing measures up, start entering contests. Many writing contests require no fee, or a small fee only.
That's my $.02.
Be well,
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
I'm with you on almost every word. I'd just as soon write and review and leave it at that. It seems like such a simple proposition. But I can't sit back and allow people to steal and that's what is happening. We have people here reviewing piece after piece without reading a word of them. They write up any old thing, take the money and run. On top of that, they are rewarded with high ranking and even awards. The members themselves are praising them and nominating them for ROM. It's just insane. We're doing it to ourselves.
Well, we'll fix it and if not. I'll find some cool people like yourself to hang out with and let the rest of 'em do what they will. Your two cents is worth four in my book, Lana. LOL Truly appreciate the feedback and great insights. Thanks a million. mikey
Comment from giraffmang
Hi Mikey
I know just how you feel, mate. It is a disgrace. I am sure I have given below par reviews on occasion but try not to. The process is important to me. I use the four stars and detailed reviewing and this is where most of my nominations come from. I rarely get abuse these days thankfully.
Great piece and the genuine emotions come through. Count me in.
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Hi Mikey
I know just how you feel, mate. It is a disgrace. I am sure I have given below par reviews on occasion but try not to. The process is important to me. I use the four stars and detailed reviewing and this is where most of my nominations come from. I rarely get abuse these days thankfully.
Great piece and the genuine emotions come through. Count me in.
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Well, I know you and I are on the same page. You're worst review is ten times what some of this nonsense if. I'm not worried about reviewers who aren't all that good at it. It's those who don't even bother to read a piece. Then they make up some kind of bogus review, take the money and run. On top of that, they're rewarded with ranking and even awards on occasion. Absurd. That's what we're out to stop at the very least. I know I can count on you. Much thanks, mikey
Comment from lightink
There are so much to say about this, Mikey!
I'm not even certain where to start! I'm much more patient with newbies, unless they ask for a vote, which I wouldn't ever do for anyone... votes are not for sale.
Not with direct request not with sneaky manipulations... anyways... I'm off the topic, sorry...
But then, there's the reviewing quality, and mutuality etc...
You remember how engaged everyone was at the climate change workshop room? When every single person really cared about everyone's quality? So eye opening!
How different this place was if we did it like that! Except we couldn't follow 70-100 people just 20 - but that would be a quality cooperation...
There's one thing about your suggestions that's a bit off: we can only mute a maximum of three people! If I have muted all the fake reviewers and the mean people, I would have run out in one or two months...
I'm not certain what the solutions is.. probably a lot of it is to really surround ourselves with those whose work is very engaging and who are willing to give real feedback...
Thank you for this caring piece!
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
There are so much to say about this, Mikey!
I'm not even certain where to start! I'm much more patient with newbies, unless they ask for a vote, which I wouldn't ever do for anyone... votes are not for sale.
Not with direct request not with sneaky manipulations... anyways... I'm off the topic, sorry...
But then, there's the reviewing quality, and mutuality etc...
You remember how engaged everyone was at the climate change workshop room? When every single person really cared about everyone's quality? So eye opening!
How different this place was if we did it like that! Except we couldn't follow 70-100 people just 20 - but that would be a quality cooperation...
There's one thing about your suggestions that's a bit off: we can only mute a maximum of three people! If I have muted all the fake reviewers and the mean people, I would have run out in one or two months...
I'm not certain what the solutions is.. probably a lot of it is to really surround ourselves with those whose work is very engaging and who are willing to give real feedback...
Thank you for this caring piece!
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
The project had a great impact on me and the other's involved as well. That is what we're supposed to be doing here. We've captured that spirit in our weekly Potlatch challenges which are a blast.
We'll try and right things as best we can. If not, I'm on board with what you describe. Find a nice circle of friends and hang out with them. Let the rest of 'em fend for themselves. LOL Great input. Thanks a bunch. mikey
Comment from Helen Bach
Very interesting Essay Mikey, that seems an important subject to the majority of writers who are passionate about their writing and care about fanstory.
I think most people have strong ideas, thoughts and experiences on this subjects and perhaps some fine suggestions as to how improvements might be made.
Some are much better at reviewing than others and the ones that review well do seem to be the better writers in my opinion.
Quantity should have nothing to do with quality. It may be nice to reward a review with a star as well as a thank you. 1* for cut and paste 2* for fluff 3* for a fine review 4* for excellent 5*gets a nomination. I sort of run along these lines when I reply anyway.
It might be worth running a contest on this subject xxx
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Very interesting Essay Mikey, that seems an important subject to the majority of writers who are passionate about their writing and care about fanstory.
I think most people have strong ideas, thoughts and experiences on this subjects and perhaps some fine suggestions as to how improvements might be made.
Some are much better at reviewing than others and the ones that review well do seem to be the better writers in my opinion.
Quantity should have nothing to do with quality. It may be nice to reward a review with a star as well as a thank you. 1* for cut and paste 2* for fluff 3* for a fine review 4* for excellent 5*gets a nomination. I sort of run along these lines when I reply anyway.
It might be worth running a contest on this subject xxx
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
I'm always interested in people's thoughts on my work. My only objection is those who review without reading the work at all. Take the money and run AND read rewards for doing so in the way of ranking and awards. One doesn't have to be adept at reviewing to tell me if they liked my poem and, honestly, that's my MAIN question. :))
I have run a couple reviewing contests in the past. I do some strange things. Perhaps I will again. Good idea. mikey
Comment from Dean Kuch
I recently read Gloria's piece titled, Black Mirrors, Mike. I felt it was good.
I'm not an old timer as many are. I don't recall the good old days. But even at two and a half years of membership I do recall better days, much better days than now..............Nor am I what one would consider an "old timer" here, Mike. I came along shortly after you, in March of 2013. I agree, times even then were much better than they are now. There's no reciprocal respect anymore. Everyone here seems to be out for themselves, for the most part. You ask someone to check out a poem or (God forbid!) a story for you, and you'd think you'd asked them to sacrifice their first born to Satan.
A review is when an individual READS a piece and then makes comments on it offering opinions, potential corrections or simple evaluations based on personal preferences. It is meant to be objective and not prone to biases or beliefs. Just a critique of the writing as pertains to quality and the ability to impart a message. Seems simple, yes?.........Yes, it does seem rather simple and straight forward, Mike, doesn't it? But when you take the time to actually suggest revisions, with the best of intentions in mind, the author is either too arrogant to implement them, or just too fu@king lazy. You'll get a curt, "Thanks" for your time and trouble, if you're lucky. So, you find yourself asking the same stupid, moronic questions over, and over again...Why bother?
The writing was fine, but I don't like horror. Three stars!" "This was written to perfection. I loved it! Three stars."..............for me, it's usually either one or the other of these two evils I see most. Another one I enjoy immensely is the following: This is well written with a smooth flow of words which made for a very good read.. The same review, time, and time, and time again. And this ain't no newbie I'm talking about here, either.
Fu@k the ratings, who gives a sh!t?! What importance does the ratings hold outside of the realm of FanStory?
Go tell the editor-in-cheif of Random House publishing that you are the number one, two, or even third best poet or author of prose on, and see how far that gets ya towards securing a writing gig and a huge contract.
Look, were all in this writing thing together. Well...the majority of us wanna be anyhow.
So we can't we just simplify things, quit blowing smoke up each others collective asses and do some honest reviewing?
Is that too much to ask?
reply by Gloria .... on 11-May-2016
I recently read Gloria's piece titled, Black Mirrors, Mike. I felt it was good.
I'm not an old timer as many are. I don't recall the good old days. But even at two and a half years of membership I do recall better days, much better days than now..............Nor am I what one would consider an "old timer" here, Mike. I came along shortly after you, in March of 2013. I agree, times even then were much better than they are now. There's no reciprocal respect anymore. Everyone here seems to be out for themselves, for the most part. You ask someone to check out a poem or (God forbid!) a story for you, and you'd think you'd asked them to sacrifice their first born to Satan.
A review is when an individual READS a piece and then makes comments on it offering opinions, potential corrections or simple evaluations based on personal preferences. It is meant to be objective and not prone to biases or beliefs. Just a critique of the writing as pertains to quality and the ability to impart a message. Seems simple, yes?.........Yes, it does seem rather simple and straight forward, Mike, doesn't it? But when you take the time to actually suggest revisions, with the best of intentions in mind, the author is either too arrogant to implement them, or just too fu@king lazy. You'll get a curt, "Thanks" for your time and trouble, if you're lucky. So, you find yourself asking the same stupid, moronic questions over, and over again...Why bother?
The writing was fine, but I don't like horror. Three stars!" "This was written to perfection. I loved it! Three stars."..............for me, it's usually either one or the other of these two evils I see most. Another one I enjoy immensely is the following: This is well written with a smooth flow of words which made for a very good read.. The same review, time, and time, and time again. And this ain't no newbie I'm talking about here, either.
Fu@k the ratings, who gives a sh!t?! What importance does the ratings hold outside of the realm of FanStory?
Go tell the editor-in-cheif of Random House publishing that you are the number one, two, or even third best poet or author of prose on, and see how far that gets ya towards securing a writing gig and a huge contract.
Look, were all in this writing thing together. Well...the majority of us wanna be anyhow.
So we can't we just simplify things, quit blowing smoke up each others collective asses and do some honest reviewing?
Is that too much to ask?
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by Gloria .... on 11-May-2016
I know, eh! The ratings don't mean anything at all, but still it's kind of fun, wouldn't you agree? I thought Gloria's post was exceptional myself. ;-)
Ratings? I couldn't care less about the ratings. Readers are adults (well...most of them are anyway), and are smart enough and discerning enough to know what they enjoy reading and what they don't. So, if I happen to garner enough loyal fans who actually LIKE reading what I write, then that means more to me than any ratings ever could. We all do the very best we can to be entertaining while learning to improve on something we love to do, something we all have a passion for.
That's why I'm here, not for the ratings...
Me too Dean. It's nice to hear good things and know that people have read our work and really appreciate it when we write from our hearts and souls, but we do need to keep things in perspective, yes?
Yes, I believe so too, Gloria.
A lot of people here will stop reading your work altogether, or become hateful and sarcastic when you rise to anywhere above ten in the rankings here, it seems. As if it were handed to you on a silver platter. You know, you were there yourself and pulled out of that rat race.
Which is exactly the reason why I've suggested we need a break today at McDonald's. You just never know where the "attacks" are really coming from, right?
Right, you don't.
I know! We should get danger pay or something. It's hairy out here.
It's scary when you think about it. People can just show up out of the blue from anywhere. You never know. You're sitting there all innocent and before you know it ... you're mesmerized. But that's Fanstory for ya'....
There's sharks in them there waters...
Yep, that's it pretty much in a nutshell, Mike.
Comment from Jacqueline M Franklin
Hi (*_*)
= You said spot on, Mikey.
= I had an old-timer give me a nasty response, to the response I sent for said person's review. I answered the SAME things in the SAME way for the 3rd or 4th time, and he got RUDE. Demanded I mute him, because he muted me.
= RUDE has no place on this site. When a writer explains who they are as a writer, why they write as they do---if the reviewer doesn't like it---STOP reading me, but don't be RUDE!!
= I agree with you 100%. This site is getting out of hand, and it is so sad.
= I don't even do contests anymore--no incentive to spend time reading and only get 2 cents.
= Certainly not right for someone to judge with a 2, 3, or 4, and NOT have anything posted themselves, OR, if they do, it's crap.
= Don't like it---pass it by!
=::= A Smile Is A Frown Turned Upside Down! =::=
Jacqueline M Franklin (*_*)
=::= Feel free to visit my profile on =::=
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Hi (*_*)
= You said spot on, Mikey.
= I had an old-timer give me a nasty response, to the response I sent for said person's review. I answered the SAME things in the SAME way for the 3rd or 4th time, and he got RUDE. Demanded I mute him, because he muted me.
= RUDE has no place on this site. When a writer explains who they are as a writer, why they write as they do---if the reviewer doesn't like it---STOP reading me, but don't be RUDE!!
= I agree with you 100%. This site is getting out of hand, and it is so sad.
= I don't even do contests anymore--no incentive to spend time reading and only get 2 cents.
= Certainly not right for someone to judge with a 2, 3, or 4, and NOT have anything posted themselves, OR, if they do, it's crap.
= Don't like it---pass it by!
=::= A Smile Is A Frown Turned Upside Down! =::=
Jacqueline M Franklin (*_*)
=::= Feel free to visit my profile on =::=
Comment Written 11-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Yep. It comes from the funniest directions sometimes. But, I can handle a little here and there. This round the clock reviewing without reading the work is too much though. That needs to end and end now. I agree with every word you've said, mikey
Comment from TAB_that's me
Heard about this piece from the forum so thought I would come get some quick cents and move on:)
Okay, I've done my fair share of fluff reviewing but since I'm not posting as much, i've banked some money and try to do better reviewing. I do read them all though whether I fluff or not.
I'm not sure your suggestions will all work. I'm not going to name names but how do you tell a sweet reviewer that she is doing bogus reviewing while her husband is seriously ill.
I think FS could make some changes but I thankful for the FS family and there are bad ones in every family:)
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Heard about this piece from the forum so thought I would come get some quick cents and move on:)
Okay, I've done my fair share of fluff reviewing but since I'm not posting as much, i've banked some money and try to do better reviewing. I do read them all though whether I fluff or not.
I'm not sure your suggestions will all work. I'm not going to name names but how do you tell a sweet reviewer that she is doing bogus reviewing while her husband is seriously ill.
I think FS could make some changes but I thankful for the FS family and there are bad ones in every family:)
Comment Written 10-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
I've done less than stellar reviewing myself, we all have.
We're talking about reviewers who don't read a single word. They just go to the reviewer box, type in some drivel, take the money and run. That shoots them up the ranking and since they give nothing but over the top praise, no one turns them in. Thieves basically.
Sorry to hear about your friend. I doubt any one is worried about some reviews that aren't top of the line. We're just looking at these blatant reviews by folks who don't even read the work. No one can write top of the line reviews every time out. Everyone understands that I think. I'm so sorry she's in such a predicament. She ought to let this place sit in the background. We're not going anywhere, we always keep someone's place warm for them, yes? Like you say, we are like a family here. Thanks so much, mikey
Comment from Jay Squires
The sight has become infested with liars and thieves. [The SITE has ...]
There's a few things you can do right away. [There are a few things...]
I'm afraid I don't understand number three. How does (Why does) one reward bogus reviewers?
As far as number one goes, aren't you limited in the number of reviewers you can mute?
IT appears the biggest problem you didn't address, which is FS's allowing standard members to give a starred review.
Count me in, friend. Now to go to your profile picture.
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
The sight has become infested with liars and thieves. [The SITE has ...]
There's a few things you can do right away. [There are a few things...]
I'm afraid I don't understand number three. How does (Why does) one reward bogus reviewers?
As far as number one goes, aren't you limited in the number of reviewers you can mute?
IT appears the biggest problem you didn't address, which is FS's allowing standard members to give a starred review.
Count me in, friend. Now to go to your profile picture.
Comment Written 10-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
Hmm. I already fixed that. I wonder, does the version you get in your inbox remain there the same regardless of any edits I make?
I did fix the sight/site thing a long while ago. Just curious.
Oh, one rewards bogus reviewers by giving them a thumb.
I think you can mute six. That should suffice unless you're muting people for less serious things. Most of the standards are okay, there's an occasional idiot, usually a shill or a plant from a regular or a regular with a spare account hassling someone.
The main focus is people who don't read a word, but fill in the reviewing box with drivel, take the money and run.
They then shoot up the ranks and are even nominated for ROM etc. PLUS due to their high ranking, they become role models. Yikes!
Great input and help as always. Thanks a bunch. mikey
I'm sorry, Mikey. Here's the problem. It's on my end. I download a post as early as 7AM, then throughout my personal writing it sits in my queue, unread. Sometimes as late as 8 PM I'll pull up an earlier downloaded post to review. I usually make a disclaimer to the writer and don't deduct a star for 4 or more nits since many nits will have been corrected.
I hope that answers your question.
Comment from GeraldS
These rants appear from time to time here on FS. I've read them in posts and in threads on the forum. And I must say they are always popular. As I write this, 22 members have already commented on this post thereby earning a reward of 52 member cents each. My last post was promoted at 80 member cents, and I attracted 7 reviews. Obviously this is different because reviewers here are venting rather than reviewing.
Personally I think some FS members expect too much for the modest membership fee they pay. FS isn't perfect and it certainly doesn't provide all things to all the people it tries to serve. But honestly it isn't so bad either.
I agree with just about everything tfaucus said in his comments so I'm not going to waste time restating them.
Generally I write fiction, and my postings tend to be longer than many FS reviewers are willing to read. It costs about 57 member dollars to promote a posting that pays one member dollar to a potential reviewer. That's pretty much the minimum I can promote to, given the length of my postings. That cost is fixed regardless of how many reviewers respond. I don't begrudge anyone who leaves a review the reward I have provided regardless of the quality of his/her critique.
I know that all the reviews I get are not going to be helpful or maybe even encouraging, but that's just the reality of posting on this site or any other writer's community site for that matter.
If I want a real, in-depth critique I sent my work to a professional service and pay the fee of $4 to $5 per page. I've used the University of Wisconsin and The Writer's Digest. Sometimes the feedback is worth the money spent and sometimes it is not.
I'm sure that some of the people on FS who have critiqued me have only skimmed my stories and perhaps a few didn't read them at all. But I still feel that I have had worthwhile comments from others who did. And I have also enjoyed encouraging remarks. Both have changed the way I write, hopefully for the better.
So I guess my message to those members who feel so offended by the reviewing reality here on FS is: "Lighten up." Try not to be so judgemental. Instead, just be happy for what you have and enjoy life.
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
These rants appear from time to time here on FS. I've read them in posts and in threads on the forum. And I must say they are always popular. As I write this, 22 members have already commented on this post thereby earning a reward of 52 member cents each. My last post was promoted at 80 member cents, and I attracted 7 reviews. Obviously this is different because reviewers here are venting rather than reviewing.
Personally I think some FS members expect too much for the modest membership fee they pay. FS isn't perfect and it certainly doesn't provide all things to all the people it tries to serve. But honestly it isn't so bad either.
I agree with just about everything tfaucus said in his comments so I'm not going to waste time restating them.
Generally I write fiction, and my postings tend to be longer than many FS reviewers are willing to read. It costs about 57 member dollars to promote a posting that pays one member dollar to a potential reviewer. That's pretty much the minimum I can promote to, given the length of my postings. That cost is fixed regardless of how many reviewers respond. I don't begrudge anyone who leaves a review the reward I have provided regardless of the quality of his/her critique.
I know that all the reviews I get are not going to be helpful or maybe even encouraging, but that's just the reality of posting on this site or any other writer's community site for that matter.
If I want a real, in-depth critique I sent my work to a professional service and pay the fee of $4 to $5 per page. I've used the University of Wisconsin and The Writer's Digest. Sometimes the feedback is worth the money spent and sometimes it is not.
I'm sure that some of the people on FS who have critiqued me have only skimmed my stories and perhaps a few didn't read them at all. But I still feel that I have had worthwhile comments from others who did. And I have also enjoyed encouraging remarks. Both have changed the way I write, hopefully for the better.
So I guess my message to those members who feel so offended by the reviewing reality here on FS is: "Lighten up." Try not to be so judgemental. Instead, just be happy for what you have and enjoy life.
Comment Written 10-May-2016
reply by the author on 11-May-2016
I certainly am in agreement with you on virtually every point. I think the thing we're concerned about here in a serious way is the absolute thievery that's taking place. The usual crying over unfair reviews and all that is ongoing and doesn't amount to much as you point out and I agree.
Now we have individuals who without reading a single word are writing gibberish in the review box, taking the money and running. As a result they are shooting up the rankings to the top. Since they write nothing but over the top praise, no one says a word. They are reward and even nominated for awards.
THIS, we can't allow. What can we do? I don't know. But we'll try and document it and do something. It's at a level beyond the normal petty things we often cry about. Great input as always, Gerald. I appreciate you taking the time to weigh in with your insights. Thanks a million. mikey