Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 81 "A Fear Come True "
A family's love is tested.

29 total reviews 
Comment from I am Cat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow! You really know how to mess yourself up! :(
I've tripped over my dogs so many times and even when they were just in the vicinity. I have a thyroid disorder (Hashimoto's Disease) and have that problem... Known to be standing still and suddenly MIA! LOL Wham! She's on the floor. WTH? LOL
I'm glad you're ok! (now!)
This was fun to read, but oh... just shows me what's ahead... it's a pain in the ass (physically) getting old sometimes. I worry about my mom not being able to take care of herself, eventually. She turns 75 this year... so far, so good. ;)

I really enjoyed the read, and as always, you make me smile. I've found a few typos, nothing major and some may be differences in ways of speaking, that's for you to decide, but I've just pointed them out.
Thanks for the opportunity to review your work!

No matter what shoes he wears, he can't walk without [it's] hurting after five minutes. (I can't figure out why this doesn't sound right, but it's awkward, I guess, technically it's correct... I just thought I'd point it out, in case it's not correct? )

I'm talking about self-fulling (self-fulfilling?) prophecies.

Being a trained nurse, she was horrified the men had moved me (at) all. (or just end after me?)

A (p)hysical therapist will work with you an hour each day

Well done!
Always a pleasure,

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    Thanks, Cat, for sound advice. I rewrote the awkward sentence and so much for spell check! Fixed all four by now. Wow! Hashimoto Disorder. With that name you'd think it would affect the Japanese. When you get older a fall down can be your downfall. LOL
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, how awful. But bless his heart, Frank drove all that way to be with you every day. Wow! That's devotion. I hope it all healed up eventually. I have a balance problem too, from an ear infection a few years ago. Lost teh balance thingy in one ear, so I had to learn to balance with just one, and it was like learning to walk all over again. I still don't go down the sidewalk to the car unless I hold onto Mark. I can't walk on grass at all, since it's uneven. I can get around the house fine, though. Toook about a year to get that far. Old age really sucks. :)

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 22-Feb-2016
    I hear you. When I take walks, I'm sure anyone watching would think I was drunk! I had to take baby steps for a long time and still have a limp. I meant that last line!
Comment from Donya Quijote
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An engaging chapter, relpete with humor and a touch of tragedy. Why does the cat always get blamed? I know the risks, believe me. I have got one with the nick name, "under foot". Although he doesn't seem as bent on having me trip over him as in the past. Thank goodness.

You capture Frank's devotion well in this.

Femurs are nasty bones to break. They can be deadly... all your weight goes on that bone.

If there is a next time, hopefully not, please don't allow anyone to shoot you. The world is a better place with you in it!!!!!!

I'm sure the cat was/is a comfort. I would be lost without mine.


it's hurting after five minutes >> this is awkward, I would say either it or be more specific and say "without the foot hurting." The contraction doesn't work here...

Beware (of) fears that get into your head. >>slightly awkward without the preposition

Spelling error "Ahysical" >> A physical therapist...

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    Fixed all the nits, Diane. I didn't realize how important the femur is! All my weight. Good thing I only injured one.
    Cats are great. I couldn't live without having one around the house.
    Thanks for your kind comment about keeping me alive. :-)
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Spitfire, Writing doesn't get any more real than this. Ohhh, you have, indeed, experienced the trials and tribulations of life, and aging ... The never-ending caregiver.

Of note:
It wouldn't have happened if he hadn't insisted on replacing the burned-out bulbs in our street lamp.

(That's what a handyman is for)


Frank came anyway, every day and stayed for a couple of hours. Even though I was happy to see him, I said, "Next time this happens, just shoot me."

(Sf, the problem with that is ... there is a long waiting line for that gun.)

Thankfully, this event is in your rear-view mirror.

One motto of this story ... (just kidding)
A handyman is expensive, but light bulbs are more expensive.

And so the saga continues. Keep the blue waters flowing. LateBloomer

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    LOL Your review is hilarious. I give it a six. The neighbors chewed Frank out for trying to change the bulbs.
    Thanks for your input. Always good to hear from you.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this read and this whole ordeal must have been difficult for you.

"A week," he said. "Then we have to find a nursing home with a rehab facility where you can stay for at least another week. (Ahysical therapist) will work with you an hour each day. Did you mean here A physical therapist?

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    Yes, I fixed the typo, Pat. Trust me. I never want to go through that again. Next part will cover the frustration of getting out of the hospital and closer to home!
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Holy KO'ed craniums, Shari! You could have suffered a severe concussion in a fall like that. On the bright side, at least poor Rosie wouldn't get the blame for what happened to you that made you fall. I read on tho see if I can discover what was causing your dizzying condition and falling spells...

It's a strange feeling when you've blacked out, thinking you need surgery, only to awaken and find out that it's already been done. I've had it happen twice, once during my heart attack (when they implanted my defibrillator), and once when my appendix flared up and ruptured. I awoke in the hospital, much like you did, having no recollection of how I'd gotten there or really even why I was there in the first place. That's when they told me my appendix had to be removed. I was shocked, and more than a little bit relieved, that the surgery had already been performed and I was already in recovery.

What a time for you and Frank, huh, Shari?

Oh, you might want to give the following sentence another once-over:

"Ahysical therapist will work with you an hour each day".....I think you intended to write, "A physical therapist will...", but the "p" got lost somewhere in the mix.

Yet another well written chapter. I enjoyed the read, as always...
 photo sig20two_zps0wlwuzne.jpg

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    Typo corrected. The loss of time was so concerting. For all I know, I could have abducted by aliens! It was a relief to hear the surgery was over. Next up, the ordeal of an MRI to look for brain damage. If they found any, they never told me. LOL
    I blame the falling on my osteoporosis. My x-rays show severe deterioration.
    Thanks for sharing your story, Dean.
reply by Dean Kuch on 23-Feb-2016
    You're more than welcome anytime, Shari.
Comment from franichm
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great story line. I believe the word 'at' is missing in the last line of the paragraph starting with you waking up from the fall. Third paragraph from bottom, second line, should read "a physical". It is missing the space and letter p. A couple of minor typos but the piece is otherwise well written. Thanks for sharing!

 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    Thanks for catching my typos. I'm pleased to see a new name. Glad you enjoyed the story line. You had a great one too in the non-fiction piece I just reviewed.
Comment from Helen Bach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely clear writer's voice you have that implements a strong and gentle story telling style. I was drawn in and hooked by your easy flow and watched your tale unfold beautifully.
I may have liked to stay a while longer with you in the hospital room and heard a little more about the staff and your feelings about what you were experiencing but I certainly was satisfied with what I read. Thank you for sharing your lovely writing. I shall look out for you again. Kindest regards Helen x

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 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2016
    Sorry to take so long to answer, Helen. Life got in the way. Haven't found time to start the next chapter. I'll include more details on staff and feelings. Thanks for pointing it out.
Comment from Bryana
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear friend, I understand so well what happened to you, I was having problems with falling down when I moved my head fast. On night as I was going up the stairs, my son happened to be coming down, I lifted my head and came down backwards, hit my head and made a big hole on the wall.
From then on I'm very careful.
I'm so sorry this happened to you, much more serious than what happened to me. You are lucky you have such a nice husband, mine passed away 18 years ago.

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 Comment Written 22-Feb-2016

reply by the author on 23-Feb-2016
    So sorry to hear you lost your hubby and best friend. I dread when that day comes. Made a hole in the wall! Your head must be as hard as a hammer! No concussion, I hope.
reply by Bryana on 24-Feb-2016
    My mother told me I was hard headed, she was right!