Reviews from

When Blood Collides

Viewing comments for Chapter 35 "My Corner of Sunshine "
A family's love is tested.

26 total reviews 
Comment from chasennov
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Chapter 35 of the book When Blood Collides A paragraph of pleasure, a parenthesis of sorrow. "My Corner of Sunshine" I really enjoyed this chapter of your book. It is sad when a pet dies, but wonderful to know that your daughter still loves you and needs you, even just sometimes. Well done.

*stairs twice a day must( )been too hard for him.

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 24-Jun-2015
    Thanks, Chase. Who knows? Maybe that was God's purpose in choosing his time to die.
reply by chasennov on 24-Jun-2015
    You are most welcome, Shari.
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very good, Shari. I enjoy reading the voice of your memoir. Written with humor but also pathos. Only 15 years late in congratulating you on your advancement.

I told about them about the procession, [choose one ...]

Miss Crosby had had those top classes for ten twelve years now. [for ten OR ? twelve years ...]

But I couln't be angry. [But I COULDN'T be angry.]

Nichole, everyone in my family [Extra space before "everyone"]

house and traveled to South Dakota. [Extra space after "house"]

BTW there are a slew of missed spaces throughout; in the interest of time I'm not showing more, but you might want to check them out.]

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 25-Jun-2015
    Spacing is my nemesis, Jay. By the time I finish writing a piece, I'm too tired to check it. Have to remember to do it before I post. I corrected some. :-)
reply by Jay Squires on 25-Jun-2015
    Well, let it be known anything I correct of yours I know is to right an oversight, never ignorance.
Comment from Eigle Rull
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, this was a sad ending to a wonderful start. This chapter was full of great things. I loved how you were promoted and inherited a class of good kids. Being happy in one's job is half the job. This was interesting because of the story you included about your students and the word THE. I loved it. This chapter kept my interest all the way through, including the passing of your daughter's little dog. That can really be a hard thing to overcome some times. If not for a poem called RAINBOW BRIDGE, we'd still be in the dumps about one of our pets who passed away a few years back.

It was a pleasure to read this chapter and I enjoyed every word of it. Unfortunately, I'm already out of sixers. You are without doubt a wonderful writer, my friend. Best wishes.

Always with respect,

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 25-Jun-2015
    Appreciate the thought of a six, Eigle. I'm familiar with Rainbow Bridge too. Thanks for pointing out what interested you.
Comment from mfowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've just joined in with this and found it refreshingly candid. I always expect strong prose from you and you deliver consistently throughout this piece. It would seem your family provides enough drama and emotional fallout to write a book, yet the world you're talking about seems very normal in its personality clashes, difficulties etc. I loved your discussion about the teaching roles. I took a job in a good school for my last ten years. You need that sort of reward ie students who want to learn, to fire your enthusiasm after all the years of coping with crazy kids, apathy and large classes.
Sounds like you found what you needed. Your daughter's disconnect sounds awful, but oddly the dog's death brought a moment of mother daughter renewal. I liked what you said about being part pug. Sounds like she did too. Enjoyed the chapter very much.

 Comment Written 24-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 25-Jun-2015
    You are spot on that every teacher needs at least one good class to help him survive the apathy. I taught nothing but basic classes for the first three years in the school. I would get so frustrated and at one point, the doctor prescribed valium to get me through!
    Yes, that dog's death had a purpose!
Comment from Debbie Noland
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is comforting, as I'm sure it was for you, to have this relative calm after the tension brought on by the wedding. It is nice to see you enjoy your students and, they, you. The little summaries of everyone's situations reflect your more panoramic view of life as opposed to the personal angst the wedding brought to a head. It is also heartening to see Nicole turn to you with her own personal tragedy. When something knocks the air out of you, the first person you want is your mom.

You mention the University of Missouri, and I'm wondering if you mean the one in Columbia? I live about an hour southwest of there. I am retired from a local community college, which makes me wonder if I ever crossed paths with your sister. Small world.

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 Comment Written 23-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 24-Jun-2015
    Yes, Barbara taught at the University in Columbia. She passed away in 2009, no match for cancer. Her full professional name was Dr. Barbara Kate Townsend. A scholarship fund was set up in her memory. She received a distinguished service award for her work with community colleges. She worked at the University for ten years. I'll be interested to find out if you heard about her.
    Thanks for the flattering review, Debbie.
Comment from Janet7053
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Enjoyed the moments with your daughter. Conversations were credible.

The fact you received a new lease on life with your honors English classes was so wonderful. I was cheering for you as everyone needs a change at times.

Please keep writing. Good family interpersonal relationships.

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 Comment Written 23-Jun-2015

reply by the author on 25-Jun-2015
    Thanks, Janet, for your encouragement.