Reviews from

Hyde And Seek

The rogue rides again...(see notes)

40 total reviews 
Comment from Walter L. Jones
This work has reached the exceptional level

it is the clever tht adds light to the words written, a skill set given to bring those not as gifted to the table and enjoy, I am as always appreciative of the windows and doors opened... Walt

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Walt, I really appreciate that sixer, my friend. Thanks so much!
Comment from Rondeno
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

How on earth do you do it, David? The internal rhymes, the precision meter ... it's masterly. Merely to arrange words in these filgrees would be a remarkable thing ... but to have clear, unambiguous meaning flow through the structure - I'm dumbstruck.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Mike, I could ask the same of you, my friend. Thanks so much for the mutual respect, my friend.
Comment from Dawn of Tomorrow
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LMAO you got me with that one. All I can do is smile and laugh at that one. Very merrily roaming the riposters of FS. I'm quite anxious to see how they respond to this one you naughty rogue you.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    So glad you liked it, my friend. I really appreciate that! They're very good, and they'll be on the case, for sure.
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Rogue, I do believe your codpiece is slipping. Honestly, the abuse a woman has to subject herself to just to get a little help with punctuation is beyond unreasonable. But, rest assured, I'll be by later on to collect on that debt. Course, I've got a little side-wager going on about that.

Very fun dear one. I look forward to seeing how you choose to resolve, the Rogue's ever increasing "issues".

Love ya too, mate,


 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    It's not slipping, it's just too small, my dear. :)

    Yes, feel free to come anytime. A side-wager, huh? Do tell!

    Thanks so much! The tension is building with the rogue. Not sure how long he can survive with such a capable posse on his ass.
reply by Gloria .... on 21-Feb-2014
    Ah yes, the Rogue is well-endowed with much eloquence and silvery trills. Perhaps that does arise from an ill-fitting codpiece. Oh, yes, the bets are on baby boy, but my bets are on the Sisterhood. ;-)
Comment from Adri7enne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

LOL! You really do have me chuckling at your antics, you guys. This is a thorougly entertaining read, on so many levels. It's creative and very imaginative, right down to the chosen artwork. The rhyming is fantastic with a surprise at every turn. Great pace, terrific rhythm.
I enjoyed the allusions to some real live characters on site. Some darn good poets on the other side, too. A fun idea, well executed. I'll want to read more of these. I enjoy this brand of humour. LOL!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Thanks SO much, Adrienne, for your support of this "project". The ladies and I have had a blast, and it's gratifying to know you've enjoyed it. I appreciate the great review.
Comment from Righteous Riter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good use of the aabb rhyme scheme. Good end rhyming. Good perfect rhyming with red/ Good rhythm and flow. Good description and alliteration. Good complimentary photo followed by a humorous message.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Howdy, RR. I appreciate the great review.
Comment from padumachitta
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Mr.(if you even want to be called that:-) Rogue.
Another smashing Fryday. Thank you for a laugh.
Now listen here, the below lines, well, really, I know many people who have been shiffing about at the crack of dawn. I think she may well be a match even for the Rogue. Her and her sister the behind beware, you may yet get him caght....:-)

There?s one whom I?ve been viewing in her room (from on her lawn),
Where soon I shall be wooing at the oozing crack of Dawn.

until next week,

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Thanks very much, Pad! It's a blast writing these, and part of the fun is the chance of getting caught. I wonder what they'll do to the rogue...?
reply by padumachitta on 21-Feb-2014 ya know the joke..
    what did the sadist say to the masichst?


    ah, ya, my humour leaves me in a wake of being normal.
    the rogue, the ladies, if and when they catch up, well, maybe play a poker hand to see how claims his stacked chip...
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    I love that! I'd never heard it before.
reply by padumachitta on 21-Feb-2014
    :-)..super...I will use it in my reply poem to your week. i am slower than you, dang day jos keep getting in my way:-)
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    They'll do that. I look forward to your riposte!
reply by padumachitta on 21-Feb-2014
    :-)...keep it up old boy, the writing that is...see ya later, gotta take the dog out before dark...
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Have a great weekend, my friend. Thank you!
Comment from Dorothy Farrell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Eight good humoured stanzas - good rhyming scheme and amusing content. You really know how to wind women up and I look forward to reading what the ladies mentioned will have to say about this. No doubt they in turn will wind you up. I gave up after comparing you with Popeye - comparing muscle for muscle I think he just had the edge over you. It's the spinach does it! I have to say you have written a really good poem. This could go on a long time I think. Regards Dorothy

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Thank you so much, my friend, for the smile and the great review! I appreciate it!

Comment from closetpoetjester
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My, my, MY we have been busy haven't we? I emphasise WE...LOL You naughty "spangler" this beaut installment in the RoVolicious wars is simply scrumptious...well mainly as me and me moxiefoxietwin got the best rap! haha
You are a serious talent, a serious tease and you will make some fine woman a seriously good catch oneday when you give up this Roggy behaviour and settle down. Better still maybe the girls will have one last go at you and we'll invite you to a mass orgy...f**k you senseless and then you'll be nothing but a ghost that wanders the seedy nether regions of FS...
Your take on the Rogues antics each time is deliberate and yet you look as though your hardly friggin trying. I did note though, this time you wore a codpiece...but hun, is that really necessary with what you actually have left down there? LMAO
Seriously TOO much good stuff in here to I'm bookmarking and I can enjoy your spangling at my whim and moxiefoxie gal must watch...she gets off on that, I ASSure you.
Really enjoyed your sense of mischief, fun, sexy and bawdy and you force the ladies out of their to find new ways to slap down that filthy stick (your pen of course darling) and put him to bed once and for all.
Yep that mass orgy is sounding better every minute. We may just divide you up into tiny pieces so we can all have a bit of what for...then again, we may take slow leisurely turns in faking it for you, so all your wet pisshorn filled dreams CUM true blue baby.
Well done VoRocious Boy...Now turn that f**kin camera off and start spangling me...hang on, I gotta go looky looky that one UP. Could it be some Yanky style theme song I wonder. Maybe I'll just look up...I'm feeling a little star I mean struck. Well done SuperJock.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    LOVE THIS REVIEW, CloPo, and it was a blASSt to write for you and the ladies! Perhaps that orgy would be the best way to end the rogue's ride, and what a way to GO!

    Thanks so much for your rousing, A-rousing, and funny review, and to pat myself on the back, jesters wear loud, spangled clothing, so I used that double entendre, and made it like a splatter verb...if you know what I mean. :-) Take it all, m'lady!

    You're all clASS, baby!

reply by closetpoetjester on 21-Feb-2014
    I thought it was the Star Spangled Banner in you were doin' me Yank style.
    hahaha bad.

    You're the clARSEy one darlin'.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    Same meaning, really, in terms of spangled...and the drops of Jupiter are like warm stars on your body, like ASSterisks. :-)
reply by closetpoetjester on 21-Feb-2014

    Yankee doodle friggin I mean Dangly..oops I mean Dang it...ahh you know it.

    Just DO me.
reply by closetpoetjester on 21-Feb-2014
    Got it.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    With Frisco in the mix, definitely!
reply by closetpoetjester on 21-Feb-2014
    Bring the oil.

    Not that you'll need it. I have a feeling I could supply a small lubricant dealer / factory with what I've got brewing...LMAO

    *the pot simmers*

    Start mixin' babes.
reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    On the job...always.
Comment from A Jesterstear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Too many good lines to point out any one. Brilliant and very naughty you rouge. I would hate to be you when your steed rears after being frightened by a sudden clap of thunder and you slip off into the dusty road, shaking the dust from your throbbing head you look around and there they are. cyanide capsule perhaps? Hey, aren't those Australian lassies good looking. I was engaged to be married to one once. Well done. AJ.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2014

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2014
    All of the rogue's ladies are comely, my friend, and the saucy Aussies are very fetching, physically and intellectually. I love them all! Many thanks, my friend, for the great review, and I do get the feeling that the rogue is headed for disaster...and soon.