Creative Mental Attitude
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Comment from Louise Michelle
What an interesting and well written essay. I, too, embrace metaphysical philosophy (looked at your profile) and thoroughly enjoyed reading many of my own thoughts in your piece.
I was particularly happy to be reminded of how our physical makeup also controls our psyche, because I tend to analyze everything in terms of spirit. As long as we occupy our human bodies, we are obliged to accept certain limitations. Yes, spirit supposedly controls the physical, but it takes a strength most of us do not possess.
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
What an interesting and well written essay. I, too, embrace metaphysical philosophy (looked at your profile) and thoroughly enjoyed reading many of my own thoughts in your piece.
I was particularly happy to be reminded of how our physical makeup also controls our psyche, because I tend to analyze everything in terms of spirit. As long as we occupy our human bodies, we are obliged to accept certain limitations. Yes, spirit supposedly controls the physical, but it takes a strength most of us do not possess.
Comment Written 27-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
Thank you, kindred spirit...John
Comment from N.K. Wagner
If, as you contend, words cannot convey truth, then how can you say:
Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor["s] ... book,"Flash of Insight" describes [her experience] beautifully, as does her YouTube video presenting the experience at a TED conference.
How can her words convey the truth she "discovered" if that's not possible?
In fact, words convey both truth and lies. They are merely communication tools.
Well written despite the contradiction in logic. :) nancy
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
If, as you contend, words cannot convey truth, then how can you say:
Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor["s] ... book,"Flash of Insight" describes [her experience] beautifully, as does her YouTube video presenting the experience at a TED conference.
How can her words convey the truth she "discovered" if that's not possible?
In fact, words convey both truth and lies. They are merely communication tools.
Well written despite the contradiction in logic. :) nancy
Comment Written 27-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
It is not that truth cannot be conveyed through words. It is the reader or listener who determines how much of the load to accept, process, and understand. Truth is what Jill "experienced." ..John
Comment from Rainbowsofhappiness
I see what you are trying to get the reader to feel through this piece. In order to achieve true enlightenment we must strip our minds of the plagues that have infected it through society and start fresh, in a sense be reborn mentally in order to achieve a positive creative mental attitude. One most essentially clear the mind of all things that threaten to impede your journey to clarity. I especially love the part in this piece where you mention that the thought cycle can be seen as a circle, but you can't experience the same things repeatedly because individuals are constantly evolving. Never has a statement been more true! I feel in order to grow and achieve our ultimate selves, we must have these life experiences to learn what not to do and to know what to avoid in our path to eternal happiness. The writer makes a lot of thought-provoking points that resonate with the reader in this piece. The inclusion of a scientific case study adds validity to the writer's piece. The fact that humanity is continually striving to better themselves through life experiences and all individuals ultimately want to find the key to happiness is conveyed through this piece. Individuals are constantly trying to improve themselves and the world around them, yet often struggle with exactly how to go about doing this. This piece will garner interest from those individuals who are seeking direction in life. The writer seems to have a good sense of themselves and that is evident throughout this piece of writing. This expository styled writing piece is rich with analogies that aren't overly abstract, making it appealing to the "average Joe". The writing flows seamlessly and transitions smoothly between paragraphs making the overall writing excerpt cohesive and pleasurable to read. Nicely done!
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
I see what you are trying to get the reader to feel through this piece. In order to achieve true enlightenment we must strip our minds of the plagues that have infected it through society and start fresh, in a sense be reborn mentally in order to achieve a positive creative mental attitude. One most essentially clear the mind of all things that threaten to impede your journey to clarity. I especially love the part in this piece where you mention that the thought cycle can be seen as a circle, but you can't experience the same things repeatedly because individuals are constantly evolving. Never has a statement been more true! I feel in order to grow and achieve our ultimate selves, we must have these life experiences to learn what not to do and to know what to avoid in our path to eternal happiness. The writer makes a lot of thought-provoking points that resonate with the reader in this piece. The inclusion of a scientific case study adds validity to the writer's piece. The fact that humanity is continually striving to better themselves through life experiences and all individuals ultimately want to find the key to happiness is conveyed through this piece. Individuals are constantly trying to improve themselves and the world around them, yet often struggle with exactly how to go about doing this. This piece will garner interest from those individuals who are seeking direction in life. The writer seems to have a good sense of themselves and that is evident throughout this piece of writing. This expository styled writing piece is rich with analogies that aren't overly abstract, making it appealing to the "average Joe". The writing flows seamlessly and transitions smoothly between paragraphs making the overall writing excerpt cohesive and pleasurable to read. Nicely done!
Comment Written 27-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
What a wonderful review!!! John
You are most welcome! Something about this piece really gelled with my outlook on life. By nature I am an extremely positive person, so my first reaction was to argue against the initial statements you made, put as I continued reading, I saw where you were going with this piece and really ended up loving the analogies you created about life and how it is a cycle unable to truly never be repeated since we are in a state of constant transformation. It reminds me a little of one of the poems I wrote on here called Metamorphosis where by the end of the poem I have compared humanity to the cycle of metamorphosis that a xaterpillar undergoes as it becomes a butterfly. This was a great piece that is still resonating with me! :-)
Comment from adewpearl
You have obviously put a lot of thought into this philosophy. I work better if I have concrete illustrative examples, which I'd like to see more of. For instance, if we have a strong positive attitude, it comes complete with an equally strong negative attitude - I'm not sure what to do with that information. Do I want attitudes that aren't as strong so I avoid strong negative attitudes? I just don't know what I'm supposed to do to get to the "good place." Brooke
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
You have obviously put a lot of thought into this philosophy. I work better if I have concrete illustrative examples, which I'd like to see more of. For instance, if we have a strong positive attitude, it comes complete with an equally strong negative attitude - I'm not sure what to do with that information. Do I want attitudes that aren't as strong so I avoid strong negative attitudes? I just don't know what I'm supposed to do to get to the "good place." Brooke
Comment Written 26-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 27-Mar-2014
That "good place" is Agape - loving everything and everyone without attachment. Attitude is a method of thinking. When we think of what we behold from the right hemisphere (analog/amplitude)of our brain, we sense the positive connections to our own self. The left hemisphere (digital/frequency)evaluates what we behold into pieces of meaning that the ego uses to judge and make decisions. There is no right or wrong in either positive or negative. Some of us simply make judgments before we grasp the total meaning of what we behold. Thanks, Brooke...John
Comment from Nosha17
Very interesting commentary on a subject of which I am not too well informed. I do however know that being positive and not allowing the negative stimuli rule our lives we can set about preserving our planet by putting into practice intelligent ideas. You have made good use of language in your narrative and it read very well. Thought-provoking. Faye
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2014
Very interesting commentary on a subject of which I am not too well informed. I do however know that being positive and not allowing the negative stimuli rule our lives we can set about preserving our planet by putting into practice intelligent ideas. You have made good use of language in your narrative and it read very well. Thought-provoking. Faye
Comment Written 26-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2014
Many thanks. John...
Comment from Dianemae
I can't believe my radio station was playing 'Imagine' as I read your piece. Very moving words and plenty of thoughts to ponder.It is true, the only constant is change and we need to change for the better. Each person sets their own happiness.
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2014
I can't believe my radio station was playing 'Imagine' as I read your piece. Very moving words and plenty of thoughts to ponder.It is true, the only constant is change and we need to change for the better. Each person sets their own happiness.
Comment Written 26-Mar-2014
reply by the author on 26-Mar-2014
Thank you for the review. Serendipity must have been at work when the radio cooperated with the piece. John....
Comment from dejohnsrld (Debbie)
A great piece and how true. Most of us live very unbalanced lives and never take time to meditate and get centered. I like the horseshoe analogy it makes much more that a straight line most people use. We are never all at one end or the other, but in the middle and drawn toward one side or another or desirably centered.Great write~Debbie
reply by the author on 19-Feb-2013
A great piece and how true. Most of us live very unbalanced lives and never take time to meditate and get centered. I like the horseshoe analogy it makes much more that a straight line most people use. We are never all at one end or the other, but in the middle and drawn toward one side or another or desirably centered.Great write~Debbie
Comment Written 19-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 19-Feb-2013
The book is nearing completion. I have done it in a much different way. If you want the first two chapters, tell me where to send. It is in Word format. Love, John
Yes, please send them to
Thanks so much and Word is perfect~Debbie
Comment from juliaSjames
I think this is one of your better writes, John. There is a calmness and surety to your words that ground your readers, provides a sense of safety, even as the concepts take them into a more rarified atmosphere.
Meditation is difficult for me when I try to sustain it for more than a few moments. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to haiku. It's a form of spirituality - feeling the essence of a moment, feeling the merger between my human consciousness and the wonder of nature.
Some of what you write appears counter intuitive at first read. Such as a strong PMA denoting an equally strong NMA. Yet it's part of folk wisdom, recalling the hero's journeys in fairytales, recalling even nursery rhymes:
"There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right down the middle of her forehead
When she was good
She was very very good
But when she was bad
She was horrid."
To attain balance - to find that point of mental/spiritual equilibrium - is this the way to achieve a peaceful and joy-filled life?
This essay provokes questions. In your description you ask readers to join in a conversation with you. I'm pleased that I accepted the invitation.
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2013
I think this is one of your better writes, John. There is a calmness and surety to your words that ground your readers, provides a sense of safety, even as the concepts take them into a more rarified atmosphere.
Meditation is difficult for me when I try to sustain it for more than a few moments. Maybe that's why I'm attracted to haiku. It's a form of spirituality - feeling the essence of a moment, feeling the merger between my human consciousness and the wonder of nature.
Some of what you write appears counter intuitive at first read. Such as a strong PMA denoting an equally strong NMA. Yet it's part of folk wisdom, recalling the hero's journeys in fairytales, recalling even nursery rhymes:
"There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right down the middle of her forehead
When she was good
She was very very good
But when she was bad
She was horrid."
To attain balance - to find that point of mental/spiritual equilibrium - is this the way to achieve a peaceful and joy-filled life?
This essay provokes questions. In your description you ask readers to join in a conversation with you. I'm pleased that I accepted the invitation.
Comment Written 16-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2013
Thanks for the great review Cheryl. One more analogy: If a left-wing maniac and a right-right maniac are arguing about which wing is more important to the airplane while it is about to take off, instead of being in the cabin discussing the issue, they will not join the passengers at the destination. Communication is necessary to unify. Consider the destination to be the world of John Lennon's song, (heaven on earth) the passengers to be sane, and the taking off as rapture or awakening. Love, John...
Comment from AprilShower
Cogitator, Examples showing the consequences would help. This would make this essay clearer. Otherwise it is good writing. I didn't quite understand this statement, 'Those that wish to stay on the wings during takeoff are more than welcome to do so.' Maybe that should be made clearer.
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2013
Cogitator, Examples showing the consequences would help. This would make this essay clearer. Otherwise it is good writing. I didn't quite understand this statement, 'Those that wish to stay on the wings during takeoff are more than welcome to do so.' Maybe that should be made clearer.
Comment Written 16-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 17-Feb-2013
One more analogy: If a left-wing maniac and a right-right maniac are arguing about which wing is more important to the airplane while it is about to take off, instead of being in the cabin discussing the issue, they will not join the passengers at the destination. Communication is necessary to unify. Consider the destination to be the world of John Lennon's song, (heaven on earth) the passengers to be sane, and the taking off as rapture or awakening. Love, John...
Comment from analyser
i really inspired by the views you have expressed. but i feel u should have elaborated more on the topic. i would personally love to read more about the CMA and how can we develop it. going through a rough situation it will help me.
reply by the author on 16-Feb-2013
i really inspired by the views you have expressed. but i feel u should have elaborated more on the topic. i would personally love to read more about the CMA and how can we develop it. going through a rough situation it will help me.
Comment Written 16-Feb-2013
reply by the author on 16-Feb-2013
First, forgive yourself - then bury your past because it is dead - next, imagine yourself in the state of mind you want. Ta da! Thank you, John...