Reviews from

My Life in words

Viewing comments for Chapter 79 "'Queen of Metaphors' "
All of my poems of release.

26 total reviews 
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

solid use of rhyming couplets
good alliteration in published poetess
and in damsel in distress
Come back to us, Tammy, - add the commas for direct address
you state you appreciation for the friend you miss in an impassioned and genuine way :-) Brooke

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Thank you for your helpful and detailed review Brooke, always a pleasure. :) Jaq xx
Comment from Righteous Riter
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a good piece. he photo grabbed my attention but the words held it. The rhyming in this piece is great. Due to good rhyming, the flow is great. With a great flow always open the door for harmony. This piece took me there. Good job.

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Thank you so much Righteous Riter your great review is much appreciated. :) Jaq x
Comment from charlyann
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this...I'm not familiar with the person it was written for ...but she sounds intriguing...nice tribute...good job on this

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 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Thank you charlyann, she is a very talented poetess. :) Jaq x
Comment from Earl of Oxford
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree, Jaq.

Tammy was a wonderful and unique free verse poet who I sadly miss on here.

I struggled reading your black on purple verses, but the whole thing flows well and is very well said.

Cheers, Ray

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 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Thanks so much Ray it means a lot :) Jaq xx
Comment from Spike the second
This work has reached the exceptional level


I am so glad you published this. I thought her and Mark were suspended and have been waiting for them to come back for a while. Poetry is about every day life and I cannot see the problem of taking a real life instance and highlighting it in poetry form. She felt that someone was against her and her son and why be punished for hitting back with words.
Blimey how many poets would be unpublished if they had been punished for their views on world leaders, royalty and religion.
I am not hesitating to award this 6 stars as I think you have a great point.



 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Many thanks Spike. :) Tammy and Mark have recently been published, but I do miss her on here. :) Jaq xx
Comment from October21
This work has reached the exceptional level

I sure have missed her beautiful work. She really is the queen of metaphors- this is SO spot on! And a lovely way to bring back memories how how lovely her soul is and was on the site. I do hope she comes back. A lovely write Jaq and the best title I have seen for a long time:-) Your words are so thoughtful and endearing in a sweet and flattering way. If she read this she would be most honoured my friend:-) Good wishes to you this evening!:-)

 Comment Written 28-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2013
    Thank you Shenel I have been in contact with Tammy. She is a special lady. You are a wee star thank you so much for your special rating :) Jaq xx
reply by October21 on 28-Jan-2013
    I hope she is very well:-) You are most welcome your great words never fail to amaze me:-) xx