Reviews from


Resolving not to resolve

26 total reviews 
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent and filled with truth and wisdom... and doom for me. For I have resolved to lose twenty pounds and use my treadmill every other day. So far I have eaten one salad and three dishes of ice cream (that's TODAY) and used the treadmill once. LOL!

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 09-Jan-2013
    Oh, what a riot! This is too funny, but you really get what I am talking about.

    Save yourself, tear up that list if you made it and if it is only mental, then erase it from you brain cells. I'm warning you once you think 'resolution' you are doomed! It is Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football all over again!

    Seriously, just change it to a 'new beginning' and that 20 pounds will melt away.

    So glad you enjoyed this piece.
Comment from el twelve
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

love it, I am a nutritional consultant and just started back teaching a fitness class 2x/wk so they are all on the resolution kick, it is quite funny.

 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2013
    January is a stellar month in the gym, but I see too many people trying to do everything all at once ... can you say 'lactic acid' buildup folks? Those first couple of weeks can be a real bitch when you haven't worked out for the better part of a year. Most people don't make it much past February.

    So glad to hear you are a fitness teacher and nutritional consultant, that is great!
Comment from Curtis Hatch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


The story is told well, and it tells it like it is. Too many of us are addicted to food, and we're fat from 'Recreational Eating' that is never ending. I enjoyed the humor in the story and the poetic ending, much of which I can relate to. I enjoyed the read, but I'll have to cut the review's dinner time.


 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2013
    Curtis, thank you for this clever review of my piece. So glad you enjoyed it!
Comment from Gregory K Shipman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've given you only five stars because I ate the other one... talk of diets make me hungry.

Dearest Marisa... Lawd knows, girlfriend you got such a wide range of topics I need an eighty-inch screen (with remote) to see them. I agree with resolutions... they're a devil's tool... make them, break them, feel guilty... feel guilty then eat comfort food, have impulsive sex, spend next week's paycheck on a Bargo lounger with straps (impulse sex aid). Okay, got that off my chest.

Again a great write. Humorous, honest, biting satire, uproariously true. Your pen reigns supreme. I'm loving your essays on life, liberty and the pursuit of pursuits.

So far the onliest resolution I haven't broken is the reading of your essays. You keep this up and I'll not break this resolution... and then how will I get my impulsive sex?


 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2013
    Thank you Greg for your always funny and fun review of my work.
reply by Gregory K Shipman on 08-Jan-2013
    You're always welcome, Marisa... 'scuse me now, I have to go and mourn my lack of impulsive sex!... not that I want you to feel guilty!
Comment from fayesh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great essay with much truth and humor. I loved the comparison to Rocky Balboa, which stresses the unrealistic expectations of dieting and exercising for many. I also loved the inclusion of the humorous Buono poem at the end. Good luck with the New Year.

My strategy for slow, manageable weight loss - don't eat a big meal at night.

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 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2013
    I am so happy you liked this piece. Thank you for your review and comments, I greatly appreciate them
Comment from Beverley101
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know just where you are coming from. Resolutions be damned is my resolution. An interesting topic and very timely. Condensing this work and tightening the writing will improve the overall piece.
Shortening some of your sentences will make the writing more powerful: Ex: I am an urban animal, it is my home turf, and the sounds of the cars on the expressways and the commuter trains whizzing past are familiar and comforting music to my ears. This wordy sentence can be broken down into: I am an urban animal. The city is my home turf. (You need to qualify what 'it' is. It sounds like 'animal' is your home turf. Good luck.

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 Comment Written 08-Jan-2013

reply by the author on 08-Jan-2013
    Thanks Beverley, I'll take another look at it.