Reviews from


Modified Triolets in Trochaic Meter ...

40 total reviews 
Comment from Doc Holiday
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed this delusional poem very much!
I agree with you on your identification of the Fanstory Caste System that seems to have a firm hold on the reviewers. It does seem that the higher property poems receive more visits and more reviews with the promise that these should be golden reviews. Although I don't have an answer to correcting this, I think that your poem and picture have a fun way of bringing this to the attention of others. Well-stated!

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    Haha thankyou so much Doctor...but really, haven't I just given you the cure? ALL everyone has to do is just reflect the REAL rating they wish to give...take the money these nits want to put out there, but just rate honestly...its all I expect and its what I always give in return...if its complete crap, I'll let someone else tell them that though..I have NEVER marked lower than a three and always with good reason...I am never flippant with reviews or ratings...after all, aren't we ALL here to be critiqued and helped and do just the same in thinks YES...although you'd damn well wonder at some of the tripe touted near the top of the page expecting glowing results. If its way too crappy I'll avoid it, no matter how much it pays.
    I am a woman of principle. LOL I tend to speak my mind a little too...No?!!! LOL
    Cheers and thanks a bunch Doctor...are you ALWAYS on holiday? How do I get that kinda lifestyle I wonder???
    Cheers Phillippa xo
    Thanks for your sterling review.
reply by Doc Holiday on 08-Mar-2012
    I always thought you were a woman of principle, CPJ. And please don't hold your tongue too tight for me, please feel to speak your mind, LOL! I know you will...By the way, that lifestyle that your were asking me about is called retirement. And I love it! So I guess I am always on holiday..Have a great night! You know tomorrow is, right? Friday! Another holiday!
reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    Haha, thanks for the tip.
    I am aiming at early retirement and just kicking back writing.
    Hey! Hang on ... thats precisely what I am, if I can just get a babysitter! LOL
    I could then change my name to ClosetHoliday or perhaps HolidayInTheCloset ... haha
    Have a great permanent holiday Doc.
    I appreciate your hoomerous response. I couldn't hold my tongue even if I wanted to...but you would know that by now.
    Cheers Phillippa xo
Comment from Judian James
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

BRAV-the-fook-O!!! This is brilliant and no one who NEEDS to read this and "get it" will OR they're so far GONE they won't realize it's about them. Either way ... PATHETIC!!
As for this poem? You, my Sweetums, ROCK!! I agree with every perfectly rhymed and metered versed and I especially LOVED how you ended it. BRILLIANT (check out my post from quite a while ago "My Way")

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Oh the far gone ones have REALLY left it alone Jude and I can tell I have browned them, sheerly from hits to reviews...about 1 in 4 or 5. Usually a good sign I've fucked someone off good and proper! LOL Thanks MEma...I loved your review and YOU...I try and track down that write over weekend.
    I have come across a couple of new peeps I want to check out so will do soon. Cheers and thanks a bundle.
    Clo xoxo
Comment from Ankh
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sadly this be true for most things in life. Greed is mankind's biggest problem. I do not need to tell you about your metre or any other issue. You always put out the best you can do. That is worth a vote anytime. :-)~
Seth x

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    Thankyou and yes Seth...if we could abolish greed that would prolly cull out about 5 or mans deadly sins forever...not sure what you mean by vote...this is not a contest entry...just a lesson for posters, reviewers and hey, maybe a little analogy on life as well...thanks for picking up on an extra interpretation I dinnant even know I are so very intuitive Haha.
    J xoxo
reply by Ankh on 08-Mar-2012
    I meant that you always touch the spot with me lol. Damn that sounds rude :-0~ x
reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    Pulllleeeeze can I?
    Whoops. Sorry...
    That WAS damn rude...Haha
reply by Ankh on 09-Mar-2012
    Lol x
Comment from Trybuck
This work has reached the exceptional level

Liked your modified triolet
Seems you had much to say
With your sentiments I agree
Review with honesty

I could say more but you already did
so with this, I'll close the lid
Very well done, Buck

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Thanks so much for the sixer rating and review need to say anymore than you have...I loved your impromptu and very personal words as always.
    Sincerely, Phillippa xoxo
Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent rhyme in your very cleverly
composed triolets. Your message is
clear and I agree - those top 10 or 12
are often not as well crafted as they should be
for the level of praise they receive.
The Trochaic meter works so well here.
I especially enjoyed your final stanza.
Great piece. Nancy

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Many thanks Nancy and I wholeheartedly agree.
    Glad you could enjoy my sattire on the wrong doings around here.
    Cheers closet xo
Comment from Earl of Oxford
This work has reached the exceptional level

Oh, I say, P - 'Modified Triolets in Trochaic Meter' - sounds posh and impressive. ;-)

This is a write after my own heart - these vagabonds (good word thet, eh?) who nip from review to review with no REAL time or respect for the writer, make me sick.

Love the bouncy meter which hits in strait away, and your continuous very imaginative 'ing' and 'ed' rhymes add a sarcastic and fun atmosphere to a serious ticking-off.

'Surely it's themselves they're cheating?' - OF COURSE IT IS, and I think nowadays other members spot them much easier and have no respect for their false high ratings.

'P'raps it's us they're truly wanking' - didn't know you Aussies used 'wanking' too - though I'm not sure our American friends will understand.

Clever switch to 'ish' rhymes in your concluding stanza for extra ending effect.

'Ostentatious, snide, off-standish' - brilliant 's' allieration and 'st' assonance for wonderful flow.

Love the last made-up word, 'outstandish' haha!

The whole thing is masterfully said in perfect meter and rhyme. Somehow you combine hilarity with a huge put-down.

Gotta be a sixer from me.

Best wishes, earl

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    Wow Early bearly...thankyou so much for your support and the last part of your review is the compliment I was REARLLY looking for...I think sometimes combining a direct insult through humour is the only damn way to get the message across...people that initially start laughing may well change faces part way through, realising they are a culprit of the contents allegations...and maybe take a long hard look at themselves. People constantly bitch about the rankings and the fact that there are people positioned much higher who have literally bought their way there. Wearll my sweet friend, YOU know thats a two way street and if we reviewers don't stay true and honest to reflect proper rating on a post inspite of the golden bucks that will line our pockets, then we are equally to blame for putting these nits there in the first place. Any one can promote at any level but should be prepared to take critique if they put their work out there...reviewers need to be fair, stop makin nice so much and grow a fucking backbone. Glad you liked my poetic licence...and of course my balls of steel! LOL
    I figured I would prolly get a warning on this little ounce of truth...I simply have to tell it like it is.
    Lastly...I'll take your Gottabeasixer...ANYTIME.
    Thanks for saving one for little "p"...
    Best wishes right back...
    PS Yes, vagabonds is the perfect word. I DO believe there is a lesson on both posting AND reviewing here...something for everybody...heehee
    Thanks again for your stearlingnessest review bud. It really DOES mean a lot. I figure I'll be castigated by some for this, but always that little voice inside just says: "Fucking well post anyway"...what can I do?
    I think YOU have that "voice" to my friend, and I love it. Birds of a feather huh? Yep.
    PPS Yes we WANK over here...a lot! Hahaha ROFLMFAO...hahahaha
reply by Earl of Oxford on 08-Mar-2012
    OK. P - You succeeded in making me laugh so loud my stomach aches. You're a gem! x
reply by the author on 08-Mar-2012
    And you do, me., did THAT sound right?
    Oh look fuck it, take both meanings! LOL
    Why do I feel like I am looking in a "funny" mirror when I talk to you?? Hmmm.
    You jist as farkin funny sweety.
Comment from Spitfire
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You go, girl! You've had thirty look-sees, but only thirteen reviews. Some don't want to read the truth. Love the repetitious phrasing and images: wisps of hollow warmth, shallow froth, fluff. "wanking"- what a great word.LOL
Love the last stanza. Those who get into the top ten think they're above constructive criticism. The true test of talent is to published in a magazine and not on FS. For me, it's an incentive to write and I have received some helpful advice.

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Hey Spitty girl...yes, I've sure browned off plenty. My other write coming soon is one called Muted. I actually got muted by some nit who I gave proper, tactful yet very constructive critique to and then four reviews later she muted me...I gave a 3,5,5 and then a 3 and to be honest they WERE 3 writes...I rarely give a 3 too...seems it can get you muted mate...FFS! Anyhow, hopefully some have been reminded we are onto them in force! LOL Unfortunately the bastards still outweigh us in numbers...why my hit ratio of about 1 in 5 is all the f**king proof I need there are a LOT of greedy people here at fs. While a site is run on bucks...plenty will be getting all the bang they can...personally, I'll take my bang in the bedroom...LOL
    Chow baby. Thanks again.
    Closet xoxo
Comment from starkat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

suggestion - "Catap(u)lt me high" -

Enjoyed your rant done in way-modified triolet form. Steady meter and solid rhymes help the thoughts flow within this well written and thought-out poem. Lots of tongue-in-cheek humor in that last stanza. Elements of truth regarding the entire write/promotion/review process elegantly pervade this entire piece.

Gread job with the Dum da Dum's.

Thought provoking as big bucks tend to mask lack of talent and visa-versa, and purchased pride appears hollow as it takes a bath in delusion. Quality of writing and reviews should be more important than quantity for quanitiy's sake. The entire process is surrounded by a wide variety of ego's that want and need different things. It is what it is ... c'est la vie.

I agree all your thoughts and conclusions regarding rankings and reviews wrapped in rolls of dollar-bill toilet paper ... appropriate artwork for this rant.

Well done. You're not as far out on the limb as you think you are ... ;o) Art

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Hey there Art, thanks so much for a beaut review and one I can totally relate to. Unfortunately the ninnies I browned off with this write WON'T actually have the balls to review it so it probably falls on deaf never really knows.
    Cheers and thanks for appreciating my trioletty style rant at the unfairness here that needs to be stamped out good and proper.
    If everyone rated honestly and forgot about the bucks...nits at the top would soon realise that promoting something out of the ball park just doesn't buy reviews...then they might save their money or go work on their poetry to perhaps make it a little better. I must say, I like this ricketty old limb at the moment...I see you're on it with me! LOL
    Cheers and thanks a bunch.
    Closet xo
    PS thanks for the spag pickup, I fixed straight away...cheers for that.
Comment from RebelRose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love this Triolet format and the points you have made in your poem and in your author's notes. If I post something very high with many dollars, that is because I am satisfied with the work and want to share it with more reviewers and relish opinions I get. There are times when my feelings might get hurt because others do not think as much of it as I did, but by posting it that high, I am asking for it and I remind my hurt feelings of that fact. I agree with you about 'honest' reviews. There are many different opinions on this site and many ways to view a work. I see 6s given for work that I wouldn't give a 4 to, but that's just the way it goes.

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Thanks RR...nothing wrong with promotion at any level...but you hit the nail on the head. If we put ourselves out there we have to be prepared to take what the same token the reviewer needs to grow balls and rate accordingly or skip it if they can't and let someone else say what needs to be said. After all, aren't we here to help and be helped? Sometimes I bloody wonder. I was recently muted for giving someone in the top ten who wrote some very ordinary and close to very non existent poetry and they went and muted me...for goodness sake. That just shows they didn't want me toying with their precious PURCHASED ranking...thing is, you can only mute three if more people told this person their work needed a serious look she may just have to do that. Not to worry, the ninny doesn't really know what she is missing.
    Loved your review sweety and thanks a million.
    Cheers closet xoxo
reply by RebelRose on 09-Mar-2012
    I can't believe you were actually muted for giving an honest opinion...but then again, I CAN believe it because stranger things have happened on this site. Not only do some of them need to grow balls, but some of them also need to GROW UP.
reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Believe it honey.
    Although if you knew who it was and read the tripe I was expected to, you prolly would have given the same rating and quite possibly been moooted too.
    I promise to drop in soon, I am so snowed under lately I barely have time to review and post.
    Cheers P
Comment from psalmist
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Maybe you could rename this style the Jester-Ole (olay). Ha-ha. The first one was definitely recognizable as a triolet, but after that they just kept with the rhythm and rhyme scheme. But hey, I don't mind a little tweaking now and then.
This is a subject near and dear to the hearts of many. I have gotten to the point I do not look at the first page and read the pumped up ones. Also, I do not look at the bucks offered before I rate so I will not be influenced to keep reading one that I just do not like.
Thanks for sharing this bit of satiric commentary. One of the things I like about your writes, you do not hold back, but speak your mind forthrightly and poetically. Linda

 Comment Written 08-Mar-2012

reply by the author on 09-Mar-2012
    Haha thanks so much Linda...yes the triolet form well and truly went to the pack by the second verse but I figured some may tell me I had used the same rhyme twice so I needed to just clarify format for that reason mainly...they really WERE way modified. LOL Thanks for your bang on response. I honestly don't read hardly anything on front page and when I do it has to be pretty reasonable. I simply cannot review crap and I don't care if they post it at 2 bucks...if its tripe I avoid it completely. However I am NOT against giving fours and even the odd three although i was muted recently for doing that to someone in the top 10...hahaha SHOCK HORROR!!! LOL
    Cheers and I am so glad people appreciate me having the gonads to say it like it is...pity more here couldn't find a bit of backbone too and risk retribution, a warning or heaven forbid some bloody ninny actually taking some damn notice.
    Cheers Phillippa xoxo
    PS I like the olay thingy you have going on! Clever girl...I'll definitely think about that one...I just LOVE ripping format to pieces and doing my own thing with it...