Reviews from

On Being A Christian

faith without works is dead

24 total reviews 
Comment from rosah
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i wish i had 6 stars to give you....i love this...i love the actions that your beliefs prompt, and i firmly believe that if more christians believed, and behaved as you did, and do.....we would have more christians....i attend catholic mass when i go....can't receive communion, because i've been divorced, and refuse to pay $750 for an annulment that i don't need...murderers are forgiven...and receive communion....not divorced people....i've been to episcopal....the priest is a woman....people....not perfect...just people....are accepted....and.....they don't ask you to check your brain at the door......i love the catholic church....but it is driving me, and many others away....bless you, and your friend!!!!!!

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2011
    Thanks for a great and meaningful review. I am highly appreciative.
reply by rosah on 22-Feb-2011
    you are very welcome!!!!!!
Comment from Gary D. Hardy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

" He who has no sin cast the first stone". Comes to mind. I don't seem to remember Jesus ever being prejudiced or judgemental. Nowhere in the Bible have I ever seen it. Funny how supposed Christains seem to do just the opposite.
Thank you for this contribution. It is very well written and I enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2011
    Thanks for a great review; I am truly appreciative.
Comment from quashdog
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I consider myself a Christian. Nothing bothers me more than grandstanding, self righteous, finger pointing hypocrites who see the evil of Satan in every living soul that doesn't bow to their tyrannical, self serving edicts. While I'm at it, wasn't Joseph (father of Jesus)a pedophile? I mean he was over thirty years old and the virgin Mary, she was only thirteen. Think about that one. I bet the tele-preachers never do.

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 Comment Written 21-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2011
    Thanks for an excellent review and understanding the message of my post so well.
reply by quashdog on 21-Feb-2011
    I've been called evil, devil incarnate and all because I believe that my relationship with Christ is a personal one and so I refuse to jump into the Baptismal so as to belong to a particular church.
Comment from Shirley B
This work has reached the exceptional level

I wonder how many 'good christians' passed by the homeless man? I do not mean to be judemental just honest. Thank you for the kind deed. I am sure you get judged every day and I am sorry for that. Great entry into the contest. Best of luck, Shirley

 Comment Written 21-Feb-2011

reply by the author on 21-Feb-2011
    Thanks for the exceptional review. I am incredibly appreciative.