Reviews from

Chasing the Elusive Dream

Viewing comments for Chapter 26 "My Son, The Adventurer"
A southern couple's journey in the 60's,70's & 80'

46 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Is Don a Capricorn? He sounds like our son, Mark. LOL Wow I know how you must worry about him because I have been there. This was a very good story, Beth. Well done. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Thank you Nancy. If he'd been born on December 26 when he was supposed to be born, he would have been a Capricorn. He got here on the 17 so he is a Statuaries. LOL
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Don sounds like a real boy, funnily enough God looked after me even though I didn't deserve it, and you peruse the Bible God looked after the likes of David and Samson, even though they weren't perfect, They're still His kids. He's looked after me, and I wasn't a good by either, it was pretty difficult for me not to love a dad like that. Bless you Beth. Blessings Roy

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Than you for the review. Don is very much someone who lived dangerously as a young boy and man. I think God was looking our for him.
reply by royowen on 30-Dec-2020
    I know the feeling
Comment from Eddy Fidelis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the story, especially the character of Don. His life is about getting into trouble and solving them. Would like to read the other chapters.
Well done Beth

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Thank you for the review. I so glad you like the story. I see you haven't been with FanStory long. Most people are very helpful here. I have you read more of my stories and I'd like to read yours.

Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wish I had a six left for you, Beth, that was a really good story, and I can quite relate to your son's adventures, with the tricks my two boys got up to, not telling me until years later and they were past the punishment time. LOL. Where would we be without them? Don has given you enough scares, but memories you can now laugh at. Well done, my friend. I really enjoyed this story. Good luck in the contest and have a wonderful New Year. :)) Sandra xxx

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Thank you Sandra. Raising boys can be a headache but there have a way of making life interesting. Even now I still learn about things that I guess it is good I didn't know at the time.
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This essay is organized and expressively speaks your experience more than an adventure in raising your children, as you found your son is ever an adventurer, you know you are not wrong; well said, well done; thanks for sharing this. ALCREATOR

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Thank you so much for the review and nice comments. I glad you like it.
Comment from AnnieDawn
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a patient and understanding parent you are. I have the utmost respect for all you have gone through and the way you have handled the situations that your son has put you through. It sounds like a chapter out of my life. Thanks so much for sharing. This runs like a mirror image for me. I had a good chuckle.

 Comment Written 30-Dec-2020

reply by the author on 30-Dec-2020
    Thank you for the review and comments. My son did make me grow older fast. It could have be disastrous but since it wasn't, not I can laugh..
Comment from WRITER1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

They are never far from our minds are they? No matter how old they get we still have to watch over them. This is a good story about your son. I hope he gets over is wander-lust and settles down.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2011

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2011
    Hi! Where have you been? I've not heard anything nor seen anything you've posted in a while. It is good to have you back. My son is an adult now and he's settled down but he still has the spirit of adventure. Thanks for reading and comments.
reply by WRITER1 on 16-Jan-2011
    I have been taking a rest for a while. I will soon be posting again. Thanks for noticing I've been gone.
Comment from sweetthanesue
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Joys of parenthood, no matter what mischief our children get up too, we are there for them. Nice to know that we're not alone, my son is accident prone and i'm sure by guardian angels and god's grace he lives to tell similar tales. I enjoyed this tale.

 Comment Written 15-Jan-2011

reply by the author on 15-Jan-2011
    Thank you for the review. I really appreciate the comments. I know I'm not alone. I'm glad he finally grew up.
Comment from Spiritual Echo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great story.

As the mother of a 36 year old man I can tell you that some of this adventures come to light oftenn a decade or two after the adventure.

In hindsight I'm glad I missed some of those.

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2011

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2011
    Thank you for the reveiw. You are right. Only the things that required me to get him out of trouble came to light immediately. The rest are still drifting in and some I may never hear about.
Comment from sweetwoodjax
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is very well written with good form and good flow, a great job writing this story about the adventures your son had during his teenage years. i enjoyed reading this

 Comment Written 13-Jan-2011

reply by the author on 13-Jan-2011
    Thank you for your generous reveiw and nice comments.