Reviews from

Little Billy

Viewing comments for Chapter 12 "freedom"
memiors from my life experiences.

30 total reviews 
Comment from bowls
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a poignant poem. It was really lovely, and a beautiful tribute to your father. I love that line "If I was his dad I would tell him to run". So many young men came up here to Canada to avoid Viet Nam. They went on living. Beautifully written.

 Comment Written 15-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2010
    thank you for the kind review.
Comment from jinxiegal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great poem, the theme is really moving and sentimental. Only two things to point out: the fourth stanza was a little more confusing to read, maybe try re-wording it. Also, the "G" in "god" (when referring to the Christian God) should be capitalized. Other than that, I thought your poem was very stirring and beautiful. Marvelous job.

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 Comment Written 15-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2010
    ok ill look at the fourth stanza. God was fixed. thank you
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A beautiful and loving tribute done up in a bow of love. Your words are so heartfelt and ring true. Be proud and I am sure he knows and loves you too.

 Comment Written 15-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2010
    thank you for this kind review
reply by Gungalo on 15-Oct-2010
    You deserved it poet,that is beautiful!!!
Comment from nucciwriter21
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great rhyme poem. It flowed smoothly from each verse to the next and instantly drew the reader in. I like the emotional attachment you bring into the piece, making the reader automatically feel they know who this soldier was. Great job!

 Comment Written 15-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2010
    thank you for the kind review
Comment from Pili Pubul
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very meaningful and loving poem about your father. Good style and powerful imagery of the horrors of war and those left behind.

this is my father whom I never met
his name is on a wall a Vietnam Vet

fought for his country a really great man
a father to be but the world had another plan

I see his picture he was very young
a life that had barely begun

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    I'm glad you liked it thanks
reply by Pili Pubul on 07-Oct-2010
    You welcome my friend.
Comment from Bellringer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem of loss comes from the heart and is also well composed. I understand your bitterness for wars like the one in Vietnam; politicians use our young as the spearheads for what is labeled "defending democracy." All the while many take their freedoms for granted. The cure in your closing lines is a simple life with loved ones. Well done. Regards, Hector

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you
Comment from Jenn Starr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi hon- so sad, I'm so sorry you never got to meet him! He was so young!!!! So many young men- fathers/sons/loves were unnecessarily lost for that war! Because if fear! Because of politics! It angers me to see the waste and loss- my twin brother is in the Air Force and I worry about him dearly! Sweet poem- I'm sure you already know that his spirit is with you- always has been
Take care

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you for the review Jenn and the comments.
Comment from Paulpl52
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A warm sentimental poem about the memories of a father. Good imagery and flow to this. It is such a shame young lives are wasted for needless wars, when will it all end? Blessings, Paul.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you paulp
Comment from Tushy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Such poignant piece of work, and deeply personal.It is also very relevant, I watched some of our soldiers coming back from Afghanistan yesterday on the news, and thought about all those poor men who didn't make it. Your poem cuts straight to the heart ... capturing the needless waste of such young, beautiful lives. Beautifully crafted and pefect in its simplicity and tenderness. Love it.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you for the review
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you for the review
Comment from Irene D. Garces
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A wonderful message in a poem to honor a loved one...and a war veteran. And although he's already dea, the memories and the heroic deeds remain in the heart of men.

I loved both the poem and the artwork.

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The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 07-Oct-2010

reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you for the review
reply by the author on 07-Oct-2010
    thank you for the review
reply by Irene D. Garces on 07-Oct-2010
    Thank you too for sharing it...